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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. So will I. Superb work, JM!
  2. I salute you, JM. I mean that.
  3. Weapons with the dead aren"t necessary, I think, JM. if it's simple to add, why not, but not really necessary.
  4. Dear Malaspina. I apologise for my late reaction. It has been a very chaotic year for me, due to sickness of my parents and such. So I lost track sometimes and neglected to react on time. Trully sorry about that and thanks for the link. Also looking forward to more of your work.
  5. You're not, I'm sorry to say. I really would like to master this, but someone has to spell it out for me.
  6. What a superb intitiative, Phil. For sure going to try this. Thanks to both you and Butschi, the father of this very promising tool. As it happens I'm also using Windows 7.
  7. Well, I've read everything, but this beyond me, I'm afraid. Will look into it again as soon as there's a manual and more information. Very promising.
  8. I'm a parasite, JM, we both know that.
  9. This one, my friend. With more and thicker foliage it would look even better. Very 1944.
  10. Did you ever finish that German helmet with foliage, JM? Looks smashing.
  11. You, dear Sir, are a WIZZARD!!! They will certainly get a prominent place in one of my scenarios.
  12. Excellent, Artkin, thank you. I will keep that in mind!
  13. I'll give it a try, Butschi. If it works for me it wiil be a big help in the future. Thank you.
  14. I have been thinking on the following for quite some time now, so here goes. For me the most difficult part of making a scenario is the map. Not the placement of buildings and stuff, but the height differences, roads and railroads. For quite some time now I have been collecting information about the fighting in East Prussia in October/November 1944, especially around the towns of Goldap, Schirwindt and some others. I'm thinking about making some master maps for these towns, to use for scenarios and perhaps even a campaign. Are there people on this forum who enjoy map making and who are prepared to make some maps for me, with the heights and main roads/rivers? As said I will do the smaller roads, the towns, the farms, the woods etc. myself. But a basic map with the correct distances would help me tremendously. I have loads of information on the areas for which a map is needed, so I can provide that information without any trouble.
  15. Yes, pity, very promising modder. Not valued enough at first. Also not by me.
  16. Well, fortunately we have the T-34/85 with bedspring armor....
  17. Late to the party as usual, Woki. But I like your mods. Hope you haven't given up on modding! P.s. I especially like your Pz IVJ ambush camo mod. With a Schürzen (mesh skirts) it would look EVEN better.
  18. I've checked out WOKI's ambush version, Mark. And I must say I quite like it. Not bad at all. Thanks for pointing me to this mod. NPye is busy enough as it is, so I won't bother him. Unless he feels he MUST do this. Well, who am I to stop him from that?
  19. As a LOTR fan I always compare it with the meeting of the Ents. Development is always slower than you expect.
  20. That's also what I discovered, LS, but I couldn't believe it. Downright sloppy, but okay. Perhaps in this case it's easy to solve, by adding dots. Perhaps. I will take a look and experiment a bit. The absence of the Schürzen is another thing. Hard to believe, but there it is. http://www.wardrawings.be/WW2/Files/1-Vehicles/Axis/1-Germany/02-mPanzers/PzKpfw4/PzKpfw4-Ausf.J-Late.htm Yes, sadly so. i try to convince my old pal Earlofgrey to become active again, and he would like to, but he has more pressing matters at hand, such as work, family and other really important stuff. Personally I would give good money for a camo/insignia pack btw, with all kind of vehicles in all kind of camo patterns, from many different divisions. Modders like George MC and you should be rewarded for their time and talent. There's nothing wrong with that.
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