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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nippy

  1. I think you are going to have to wait for CM4. There are just too many equipment and organisation differences on all sides between the Battle for France and the period that will be covered by CM:AK to be able to model more than an extremely limited set of encounters. Just one more reason to be sure that CM:BY gets made. Michael </font>
  2. Here's a question. If I use some creative unit purchasing in the Mission editor, would it be possable for me to re-create engaments from the Battle of France in 1940? I know the time displayed wouldn't work out right, but could you get the equipment right? I ask this because now that WWII Online has become the "Battle in France" and not the "Battle of France" and new tank development and be sumerized as "Do not pass go, go directly to Shermans and Tigers." I was hoping the CMAK could satisify my early war light tank fetish. P.S. Did the French Char B1 Bis make the cut now that Multi-Turret tanks are possable? Or for that matter, when will we see a unit list, especally the "lesser" nations like France, Italy, ect.
  3. My conditions for victory are simple. Should I win, I require you to sign Alaska over to Canada. Or give it back to Russia. That would be cool. Agreed. Jokes on them though, once they get a good look at it, they won't want it. So, which one of will take the allied side and subsequently get stuck with Mrgoodwrench?
  4. I'll give Cheery Waffle a go Soddy. Any takers out there? I'll give it a try. My game with Platcmdr is winding up and will most likly end with nothing but our two Company HQs left engaged in a fist fight. Edit: At any rate, I'd like to see what role I was cast in. [ June 08, 2003, 06:39 PM: Message edited by: Nippy ]
  5. Played WWII Online back when it was free. Rumor has it it's fairly decent now - I'm impressed to see them survive if nothing else. The game has a nice selection of air, armored units and the control system for the tanks is very nice when compared to Panzer Elite, and still one of the few online games that are enjoyable over a 56K However, armored and flight models are still very wacked out. Tanks die from pistol shots, aircraft shrug off direct 20mm cannon hits, and Bombs don't do jack unless you get a direct hit. Don't even get me started on the 232. Not to mention the new R&D system. Goodbye weenie tanks, Hello Quank Moble! Infantry is still running around with nothing but a rifle, SMG, and grenades that have no killing power unless you hit someone with them. Oh, but they are getting knifes. No LMGs or Bazooka's in sight though. Seeing as how they, in the developer's words, would "unbalence" gameplay. Gameplay wise, it makes "To the Volga" look organized. Unless you are in a tight nit squad, you usually end up running around like a chicken with your head cut off. Or you spawn into a camped town and get blown away before the screen even loads. The Latter tends to happen a lot :mad: All in all, a nice idea, but any hard core grog will blow a gasket at the inacuraces. Heck, I find it depressing to boot up CMBB and look at all the wonderful hardware like Short 75mm HC, grenade bundles, Stick Grenades for PAK36, Panzerfausts, Half-Tracks, smoke shells, ect. and then log into WWII Online and have to climb into the back of a truck to assault town while watching HE111s drop their bomb loads for under 200 feet. P.S. - LMG in 1.3! Free AP40!
  6. And just what kind of command delays do "Brew Ups" cause? "Argh! Not again! You stupid brits, don't you know I have a time table to keep?"
  7. You people haven't thought this question all the way through. If the Axis won the war we would all be playing the CDV version of this game, but it would have the SS included. Yeah, but the trade off is that in this alternate universe the Luftwhiners and Panzer-O-Philes would have gotten their way: MadMattenhinmer: "Due to popular request, and death threats from the GESTAPO, we fixed the bug that allowed German tanks and Half-Tracks to die. Also, Soviet tanks now randomly explode whenever the Axis play hits the "GO" button Sorry for zee mixup." *Shudder*
  8. If Axis would have won the war, mankind would be liberated from that most devious and deadly deceit already. Well, if you can see past that whole "Exterminating over 1/2 of the world's population" thing, then yeah, the Axis winning WWII would have some good points.
  9. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann: Just a very slight rewrite of history here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, you'd think European reviewers would be better versed in battles that took place "over there." I hope not too many people rely on that site for their history lessons. Still can't beat the British reviewer Mr. "Where are my powerups!" who did a CMBB writeup and talked about things like the battle of Kursk in 42' and the T-34 being equal to all German tanks right up to the end of the war. Back to war gaming, was Blitzkreig by Nival any good?
  10. It's pretty much CMBB for me right now, all the games I want aren't out yet. CMBO stays on the hard drive as a unit reference. OFP and IL2 survive for the simple fact that I am learning Russian and all the Russian speach in said games makes for great pratice...as does CMBB Alothough I wish the Invasion44 and Liberation41-45 mods would hurry up and come out. It might get me playing OFP again. Saddly, Soldiers of Anarchy was finally deleated off my hard drive. Low players numbers, no random mission generator, and no web site setup to host user made missions cut the replay value way down. As for up-and-coming games: Silent Storm Republic the Revolution UFO Aftermath (Will it succeed where Soldiers of Anarchy failed?) OFP 2 Steel Beasts 2 (I want my T-72 lovin!) Half Life 2 (I'll buy it some time in 2009, when I have the rig to run it) As for CMAK, I still don't know. I love the East from more than the West and CMAK doesn't seem to be the big leap forward that CMBB was.
  11. PlatypusCmdr is back from his hiking trip, meanwhile I'm tripping myself after my Endosocopy. Dear God that camera was f'n huge! The least they could have done was knock my sorry ass all the way out. Also, the nurse told me that I shouldn't any important decesions for 24 hours. I'd make more snappy comments but I feel more of the banana flavored battery acid (read: numbing agent) they rammed down my throat working its way through my inards. the 500 cubic feet of air they jammed in my guts isn't helping. Edit: I got your "Mild discomfort" right here: :mad: [ June 04, 2003, 02:15 AM: Message edited by: Nippy ]
  12. I was just testing Hans "Small Battles, near Smolensk" and had the darnest thing happen. *Spoilers Ahead!* In the Battle, a single T-34 pops up behind the German lines as a re-enforment on about turn 8. On turn 8 a Stuka shows up. During my play as the Soviets the T-34 appeares right next to a large group of German units. 3 seconds into the turn the Stuka shows up...and targets the T-34. "Soldat Top Gun" proceeds to blow up about half a dozen German trucks and friendly other units while leaving the T-34 untouched.
  13. Edit: I just looked, Kalinin raid doesnt have the T34/57mm... Well gosh darn it, it should! T-34/57 in action... As for the Units you asked for: Von Lachet(sp?) - Has a smattering of Lend lease Shermans, Churchhills, and a few captured STUG-IIIs for the Soviets Tiger Tiger - Has a few Matilda IIs show up for the Soviet side. Of couse white washed tanks might look out of place in grassy fields. A Battle of Minors - Both sides get a mixture of either rare or lend lease units from all over the place. Also a rare battle where the Germans fight their own hardware.
  14. The anti tank ability is limited. Some 75mm HEAT for the Stummels, the one towed PAK, little else that can hurt a T-34. But gobs of stuff effective against light armor. The armor is thin - even ATRs will penetrate (though it takes those a while to kill, even when they do). You do have to watch out for the ATR's. With 1500 points the Soviet side could by a Reg Infantry Battalion (43') and that gives them 2 45mm AT guns and 9 ATRs along with a Section Leader. The danger from Soviet ATR's isn't so much the killing power, but the ability to send even the most die hard unit into Panic or Broken status and to damage things like the tracks or main gun in weaker HT and AC units.
  15. Do you people realise that......... 1. 79.36% or all statistics are made up ..... 2. 12.67% are only accurate to within 14.7%(+/-).... 3. Leaving only the remaining 7.97% correct. 4. Only 10% of all forum members will read this post and only 3% of that 10% will actually care ! This not a scientific poll and is for entertainment only. [ May 28, 2003, 02:06 PM: Message edited by: Nippy ]
  16. M17s..."Insignificant"...is there some reverse rarity setting I don't know about which produces a bounty of Sturmtigers and JS-3s and makes the T-34 as rare as the Dodo bird?
  17. Some captured, some donated by the Germans, and some bought on the open market (Bofers AT gun, Vickers tank, ect)
  18. PlateCommander who, having sent me a setup, went into Stealth Mode. PlatCmdr is now mountain climbing in the Sierras and won't be back until the 2nd or 3rd of June.
  19. For Russians, if you want infantry AT ability you should take just a few ATRs and add pioneers to the infantry mix (pioneers are miles better than molotov tank hunters). Flamethrowers shouldn't be overlooked either. The 45 meter range lets them "reach out and touch" German tanks at ranges that satchel charges and Molotoves can't And a word on Soviet AT teams. After mid 43' their start getting the RPG-43 grenade. They are on par with the German AT mines and finally makes it worth it to purchase them. I still find the 82mm and 75-76mm light modules too weak to be effective, except for rapid smoke cover in the case of the mortars. Strange, I've always found them to be very effective in the role of smoke laying and AT gun/Mortar suppression. I love the Soviet 82mm Mortar spotter that commands 9 tubes at once. It creates a sort of shotgun blast effect when it lands and delievers lots of HE in a short ammount of time. I've always found anything over 82mm/76.2mm to be too slow in responce to be effective. Either that, or the cost was way too much.
  20. Make sure you get some flak trucks also. By this point I dont know if your opponent will be talking to you "Alright sir, todays objective is that big flag and the little one too. Our scouts report that we are facing a dug-in AAA battalion. Those gamey bastages didnt even bring any infantry! This is the last time we fight with unrestricted points!" </font>
  21. You combine player selection of forces and a type of battle, the Meeting Engagement, not seen in nature, and a strange brew results. I'm waitng for the Autoselect Ladder. As opposed to AI selection of forces and battle type: "Hmmm...A Soviet Assault against a German Mechinized force. Lets see, I got some PZIIs, a recon company with no heavy weapon support, and some 37mm armed half-tracks." *Clank**Clank**Clank**Clank**Clank* "Oh look, here comes a platoon of Vet KV-1s backed up by a SMG company and a few pioneer platoons."
  22. Well now, it seems that PlatCmdr is going to be away from his computer for a few days. I have a request (read: demand) for any of you that have Version 1.03beta, I'd like to try out a few QB maps I whipped up. One is a med size Soviet attack with some woods and a small village. The other is a very small 640X480 Urban map designd for a German attack. Anyone free to help me slather said maps with TNT? Hey, I made a ryme!...I hate rymes! :mad:
  23. No Tiger's, but here are some other Geran tanks un Russian service.
  24. And so my titanic battle against PlatCmdr continues. I can sum up the battle in three lines: Franz: "Damn those SMGs are loud! I can't hear a thing!" Hans: "What did you say? I couldn't hear you over all the SMGs firing!" Ivan [Clan_Commie]: "LOLOL!!LOL!1 PPSHed! NoW W3 buNNy h0P t0 V1ct0rY!"
  25. Combined arms is much more important in CMBB than it was in CMBO. Marching infantry across an open field won't work, but marching infantry across an open field while smoke shells land on enemy positions, tanks with cover arc commands and move to contact orders following close behind, and on map mortars at the ready to suppress any enemy HMGs or AT guns that pop; now that will work. And then there's the human wave command...
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