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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nippy

  1. - Shoot back and retreat out of the line of sight. - Retreat out of sight. - Stay and fight. - Reverse to last waypoint. - Fast to next waypoint. Ah, the end of the Chicken **** Tanker. Nothing burns me more than watching a perfect ambush get ruined a tank that runs (usually out into the open!) instead of firing. Another item for the list would be regulating the use of "special" ammo like Tungston or Hollow Charge. I've watched many of any atry peice burn through all its HE ammo and never touch the HC even though the HE didn't do squat to the target tank. If I'm hunting KTs with T-34/85's, I'd love to be able to tell them to use Tungston rounds first.
  2. The Soviet 85mm is an AA gun, just like the Flak 88. Wasn't Russia the only other nation besides Germany that routinaly used AA guns in the AT role? As for the 100mm, it's the same gun off the SU-100. It packs a good punch, although I prefer to have to moble in the SU-100 form. Sure does look cool though...
  3. They couldn't. The Panther is a nasty, nasty opponent at range. It has very heavy frontal armor, good optics and an excellent gun with high rates of fire. </font>
  4. Love - T-34/85 with a Regular or above crew. Hate - T-26 and BT-7. Awe inspiring - SU-100, OT-34, and KV-2. (Edit: I'd like to give the Lend Lease Brit Matilda II an honorable mention. Just because of the memories I have of it from WWII Online. Once you sat in that thing and there were no 88s around, you were basicaly God.) [ February 26, 2003, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: Nippy ]
  5. Just when you thought the T-44 had a high rarity factor...
  6. I zipped under cover to the flags with my 6 T34s and left the IS2s in reserve. I usually send in the IS-2s first. I let the "play wack a mole" (read: shoot and scoot) with the German tanks while the T-34s race around the flanks. One thing I forgot to mention. Try playing a 1000 to 1500 QB meeting engagment on a huge map with at least a few trees and hills. With that size you can really get a feel for the T-34s speed advantage over the German Tigers
  7. The best way to avoid this is the shoot and scoot command or have other tanks do the same to draw the Tiger's attention away from the T-34 sneaking up on it. As everyone else says, T-34/85 is the way to go. Give it a good crew and Tungston rounds and it will clean up almost anything. In the early years the T-34/57 will do in a pinch, but the rarity makes it uber expensive. I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the IS-2 yet. Although the 122mm main gun has a slower firing rate, it has better penetration than the 100mm gun at the 500m to 1000m range. I've also seen the IS-2 survive multiple turret hits from the shorter Barrel 88 on the Tiger I. Put it a hull down position and it will give the Germans a real headache. Then there's the ISU-152. the HE rounds from the 152mm gun will do a pretty good job of mangling the Main gun and tracks on a King Tiger...provided they get the jump on the KT and are able to fire first. One other thing. Try to keep the engagement range at 1000m or less. Anything over that and the better German optics will let them tear you apart. Remember, nothing makes one feel better than killing a Panther with a T-70 at close range.
  8. I envision ("I have a Dream...") the day where an overall front/army commander would delegate his battalion commanders (with support troops) a certain amount of frontage to attack/defend and where each and every battle has an effect on the following battle. This is what WWII Online line should have been. Bean counting logistics experters making the grand decesions while "lower level" players do the real fighting. Too bad it didn't work out better. But lets be honest: 64 unit limt bug + Battle of Kursk = Not fun I'd at least like to see a co-op style of play. Lets say you have a map that is 20 X 20 miles in size with a Battalion of Infantry (and other support weapons/tanks/HTs ect) for each side. Each side has three players and they control one company of Infantry each. After that it would just follow the regular CM:BB style of play. Attack, defend meeting engagement. Perhaps you could add a 4th Battalion player to each side, he would delegate Arty strikes, reservers, ect to the other players and make larger tactical decesions like what routes you should take or when you should attack. Wrap it all up in a server finding system like Half-Life's and add support for voice communication like Roger Wilco and I think you would have a winner on your hands. Speaking of Half-Life. The "Nateral Selection" mod kind of did what I described above. An Overall commander who gives out order to a squad of grunts that carries them out.
  9. 3) I can't move my tanks without them getting HAMMERED by AT guns that I can't even see. What is the best strategy. I have started moving my infantry up a little more effectively after a restart and this is helping but it's still extremly danegerous to move my tanks from cover. That's what Armored cars are for On a serious note. You should keep you tanks in cover until you have found the enemys main line of resistance. Recon units goes first, then the infantry, and the tanks last. Also feel free to drop either smoke or lots of arty on suspected enemy AT gun positions. Failing that. On map Mortors and HMGs make for good AT suppression. Not to mention heavy assault guns like the German STUH or Soviet ISU-122.
  10. Just ran a test with the mission builder. July 41 3 Reg PZIVD and 6 Reg DSHK All HMG were located to the Side of the tanks and were between 150m and 200m away. All German tanks were buttoned before the mission started. 2 HMGs targeted the side of each tank. Within the first turn all three tanks were knocked out. Review things from the German side the PZIVD lost at least 1 if not two crew members even though they were buttoned up.
  11. From '42 on, Russian armor is hopelessly outmatched by the quality of German armor, whereas German armor is hopelessly outmatched by the quantity of Russian armor. Eh? T-34/85 vs (Long Barrel) Pz-IVs is a pretty fare match up.
  12. I've for example read very many histories where a single Panzerkampfwagen IV kills 3-5 T34s within a few minutes. Here's what you do: Boot up the QB Generator with a 2000 point Meeting engagement in June of 41. Pure Armor for both sides. German Quality Regular. Soviet Quality Green and Conscript. Plunk it all down on a large map with light trees and hills. "Holy 120 second command delays Batman!" I just finished up the Above battle myself. I used only 1300 of the 2000 points given to me (I played as the Germans and chose my own forces) and lost 5 tanks to the Soviets 53. ...now to try it as the Soviets.
  13. "My Tiger died! IT DIED! I can't beleive how nerfed this game is!" The Russian had a system of politruks, political officers, which lead to tremendous on-field bureacracy. If the Germans could counter-attack within a number of hours, the Russians could do the same within few days pending approval from the bureacratic machine of communist officers. Yeah the Ruskies were so inflexable. Not like the Germans. Just ask the 6th Army at Stalingrad how flexable German High Command was...
  14. I've noticed that the RPG grenades are effective against All German Armor. Jagd-Tiger Sturm-Tiger, all dead in 1 or 2 hits. Just what are those RPG grenades made of anyway?
  15. I think the most neglected and overlooked (Soviet) units were the partisan forces. I can never figure out why the French resistance was always featured in just about every WWII movie ever made, while Eastern Front partisans (whose numbers were much larger) received little to no attention. Propaganda movies aside, the only movie I can think of was "Force 10 from Navirone" and even that portrayed the Yugoslavian partians as nearly helpless without outside help.
  16. So I thought perhaps an open-topped vehicle as a target would be fun. I gave the Allies a jeep and the option to dig in. The jeep didn't move until he started to get shot at, but I couldn't figure out how to force the AI to dig in so that I would always have a stationary target. Any ideas? Entrenched Open top Assault guns (like the Marder series or SU-76) would work, as a mortar round through the top would kill it right quick.
  17. Night of the living Uber-Tank: An entire Crack German Company Tank finds itself in the middle of a night time Soviet airborne landing. Soviet forces consist of nothing but RPG grenade equiped Tank hunter teams. Mud in your eye: German Jadtigers fight a meeting engagement with Soviet T-26s during a rainstorm. The catch? Ground conditions have been set to "Deep Mud". Flak-O-rific: A Divsion of Soviet M17s vs a Divsion of German HT mouted Quad 20mm cannons.
  18. People say the CMBB AI is bad but I don't think it is all that bad?? CMBB's AI is a double edge sword. On one hand is is brian dead on the attack yet very capable and very stuborn on the defence. Thankfully, user made battles (and my nifty QB making Guide *hint* *hint*) can help offset the shortcomings of the AI. In the Grand scheme of things though, the AI is good when compaired to 99% of the other games out there.
  19. Out of curiousity, just how many copies has CMBB sold anyway? I'd like to see how the sales figues compare to more "mainstream" war games.</font>
  20. Out of curiousity, just how many copies has CMBB sold anyway? I'd like to see how the sales figues compare to more "mainstream" war games.
  21. This is a word for word copy of the exact same "review" I posted a few days ago. Nice to see that all the historical and factual errors were preserved as well. Note: I just looked at the scanned magazine image again. They missspelled "Style" with an extra e.
  22. This is a word for word copy of the exact same "review" I posted a few days ago. Nice to see that all the historical and factual errors were preserved as well. Note: I just looked at the scanned magazine image again. They missspelled "Style" with an extra e.
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