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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Now there are some comments you can really sink your teeth into, thanks DD and JJ. Adding to JJ's comments, I think we would have to assume if the Soviets were to collapse, it would have occurred in 41, 42, or at the latest 43. So if the thought of a direct coastal assault across the English Channel is dubious at best, then would it be feasible for a more indirect approach? Is there an environment in proximity to the European continent that would allow the Allies to set up an attritional combat model to degrade the Axis forces. One thing that keeps glaring out at me, addressed by JJ, is the strategic bombing campaign continuing against Germany and for all practical purposes an escalation of that event to a cataclysmic level(still exclude A-bomb). I understand the German research edge in Jet technology, but were the Allies that far behind? Also in keeping with the barbaric nature in which the Nazis treated their subjected conquered populace, could the undermining of the developing infrastructure been of great significance for the Allied effort?
  2. Not sure I agree with you Kuni, could be my imagined American omnipotence concerning that period and beyond. I will take your suggestion and examine the numbers. Never the less Edwin has applied a most applicable set of repercussions for us to ponder. How many of Edwin's suggestions will be pertinent to the scripting features of SC2 remains to be seen. I would like to entertain some more opinions of the viability of this particular Allied victory scenario.
  3. I guess the real issue here, is there a mechanism that would allow an Allied victory in SC2 after a Russian defeat? I like the post-surrender partisan feature that Edwin has presented and in conjunction with a force pool limit restricting Axis unit creation, it may be possible. There would have to be a vast ramp up of UK/USA MPP procurement to allow the cross channel/other theatre amphib landings within the time context of SC2. I wonder what the time limitations will be? Am I correct in assuming it will be to 1947? If so, that may be an appropriate period of time to model "Return of the Allies" as a viable scenario, custom or otherwise. Now is such a vision actually a feasible historical accomplishment or to far-fetched an achievement to be considered as potential reality?
  4. A question for the historians of our group....what the hell...that means the whole group. It seems every WW2 strategic level game, campaign, scenario I have ever played usually ends with an Axis victory if the Soviets fall. So the question is should, could the Allies have made a return to the continent if the USSR capitulates and ultimately have won WW2. Now please let's exclude the A-bomb development, as we know that would surely have turned the tide. Finally, will SC2 mirror the "Return of the Allies" in the default scenarios if the USSR falls, for it is definitely not possible in SC.
  5. The "words", the "language" is inconsequential....the conveyance of the idea "momentous".
  6. Kuni, All I can do is beseech you too excuse my ingraciousness, and using the words so eloquently spoken from the vocabulary of our "Almost" First Lady SHOVE IT!
  7. Gentlemen, as a fellow artist and consumer I can assure you that SC2 will not be ready before Christmas 2004, not that I have any inside information....again as in SC, I play by "feel". So what makes you think you are worthy of such a development as SC2. Have you accumulated the knowledge of a century...a millenium? Have you got your house in order? Have you prepared for your loved ones future? Have you said your prayers, done your homework, assisted your healthy life style so that you may enjoy the fruits of SC2 for many years to come? Have you contemplated your existence, what are you for? So many things to do...So little time. When you have prepared yourself...SC2 will arrive.
  8. Titan, I'm thinking the global scale on one map may exceed the design specifications for SC2, but maybe we can get an oparte 300 for SC2 platinum edition. My thinking is that you can make an eastern and western(Pacific theater) hemispheres as two separate campaigns connected by the editor's ability to import/export unit deployments from one to the other and keep both running concurrently. Because of the different combat models from the two theatres, there will have to be some revisions abstracted for the scales. Perhaps it will take more than two campaigns to accurately model the global conflict. Myself, I will start with a Med campaign (Azores to Bagdad) scale and see what can be accomplished with the editor's applications at the lower scale...grand operational.
  9. How about SC2 Platinum Edition, all the custom campaigns, patches, modifications, etc. I'm afraid that only something on the order of MWiF will even be close to SC2 and it will be a long time in coming.
  10. vveedd, you are correct, no diplomacy. You said it best Les, complication is the death nail for an AI....so much for HoI2, but I have been following its creation. The other problem with HoI...no PBEM, my biggest problem with HttR. So as has been stated....no real competition...none on the horizon.
  11. Your premonition of dominance is right on Les. This(SC2) will be perhaps the epitome of this scale and there will be tweaks as we know HC will fine tune his masterpiece as our gameplay suggestions conspire to achieve perfection. Take your time HC, enjoy your journey to eminence, for SC2 will surely hale you as "Master" of strategic wargaming.
  12. Oh yes Liam the possibilities are "mind boggling" making for the eternal gameplay variation. Just imagine those uber Airfleets grounded turn after turn with storms and overcast weather and your opponent didn't build adequate ground forces, kind of like what happen in Wacht Em Rhein(B of .
  13. Uhhh...sorry HC, one small mistake, but relevant...the second 9 in the New Morale equation should be a 10 (strength) making the result 9.35 = 93.5%, making the new readiness result 89.25% or 89.3 rounded. Sorry my anal retentativeness (is that a word?) comes to the surface ,....occasionally. Didn't I suggest ...rest?
  14. Gundolf...welcome. Read the "FAQ, tips strategy" thread. USA readiness increases on Axis DoW of neutrals, or Sealion proximity to Manchester, perhaps other unknown commodities.....figure it out....that's the "Fun Factor". Oh yeah....and practice...practice...practice. Find a PBEM opponent to play that will narrate the usual positive moves as you play the game (best way to learn) and take notes.
  15. Besides, the loss of one of these leaders would have absolutely no effect other than perhaps a moral modifier on the ability of these nations to wage war. There will always be a replacement and in fact isn't this the role that you're suppose to assume in the beginning? So just use the editor and create your own "Emperor of the Universe" HQ.
  16. I noticed the new FAQs and immediately was met with a question when the "YES" answer for creating a global war scenario was displayed. Will there be a provision for importing combat units from one campaign to another while both campaigns are being played? Of course what I'm thinking about is a linkage from one scenario to another to complete a campaign. I realize of course the editor will allow the transfer/creation of previously used units to a new campaign/scenario, but I'm thinking more in terms of an import/export feature from multiple simultaneously played campaign/scenarios. Perhaps a modification of the OOBs of scenarios when they have been saved to be included at the next start of the campaign/scenario. Yeah, I know this lends itself to cheating, but perhaps it could be secured somehow.
  17. Most impressive HC...you have really outdone yourself. Will be awaiting patiently....compensation in hand.
  18. HC, take a break...exhaustion sours the creative juices, we can wait. As far as those paths less travelled yet yearning for footsteps, for the talented the attraction is infinite, but you are only human and just 24 hours in a day limits your realm. Be calm, time will clarify the path, grasp what you have now, cherish it, develop others as the need arises, there is no hurry, the playground always cries out with many games.
  19. You guys want to try out something different with an historical context, that's truly difficult for both sides and no bidding, no gambits? "Sphinx" starts out in Dec. 40. On the Axis first turn LC and France will surrender and will provide a cache of approx. 2000 MPPs. But since Spain has already joined, the Axis minors will not happen and the Yugo coup is very unpredictable...but does happen. Problem is there are very few starting units for both sides...nixing a possible SeaLion, as historical. Gibraltar and the Mideast/NA area gets a lot of attention from both sides...there is no quiet time. Biggest problem for Axis is the USSR is set at 75% readiness and US at 45% which means any DoW by Axis will escalate USSR entry and invite a Barbarossa disaster. Italy is in a quagmire with Greece (historically correct) and needs German assistance...you decide how..how much, but Gibraltar needs to fall fast, according to Raeder's plan and don't dally with NA cause the Brits will have time to reinforce...you must act...husband your forces,allocate your deployments carefully. All the while the UK is sniping at Bergen and Brittany as historical or not...if you control the Allies. Want to use your starting cache for research, then you might not have enough units for Barbarossa...stop Allies in NA/Mideast from taking Iraq. Guess what... as Axis you will probably lose, as historical, but you can win with great skill and luck....the idea, you get a moral victory if you can survive past May 45.
  20. Mr. Cater, You know that with the introduction of SC2 you will have given us the ultimate (TOAW like) strategic wargame. The editor will probably allow us to invent many campaigns and ultimately dry up your future market for this sort of game scale. The obvious now dangles for our contemplation "What Next". I can't imagine a talented designer/developer as yourself retiring, ....so where do your thoughts roam....what has your mind dallied with? Will you divulge?
  21. Bill, Can the scripts (events) be linked in a manner that one script will have the ability to activate another? If original fails the % probability activation the linked script will not happen?
  22. In agreement Les, actually that may be why SC is so popular from the Fall Weiss campaign, "The ability to do better than History". I must say I was originally attracted to the same "What If" cliche. Now, though, I find myself playing campaigns that are skewed to one side or the other and take an historical perspective in that they start with the German "stomp" and end with the Allied victory. The Axis player can still win, but he must be highly competent, and have some research luck, Lord save him if he makes a mistake. I find myself taking either side(Hotseat)/(PBEM) and playing against myself....especially "Sphinx" since the game "hangs in the balance" for many moves until late into 43. And after all its not whether you win or lose....either way SC is still a blast.
  23. "Anyone can play Germany between 39 and 40." You are referring to the campaigns that come with the game.....the "customs" solve the imbalance issues and believe it or not I can think of two that actually have historical relevance.
  24. Damn......that Boss' voice carries a long way!
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