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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Apart from the soft attack values, I believe the Tank groups of SC performed abstractly correct. ie. ignoring enemy zones of control. The one addition, spurred by ev's post, I would add, is allow the SC2 Tank group the option of attacking first and then moving. This could also be extended to the upper research levels of mechanization for infantry units.
  2. No, and you don't need to test the waters. Kind of ironic that at one time we thought the padlocks were to liberally supplied.
  3. This celebration has lasted for 11 days now, I'm getting a little tired, what with all the hoopla. I'm wondering, how long do traditional celebrations last for other emphatic personas in the rest of the world/history? Are we establishing our own "SC" tradition?
  4. OK, JJ..aka "anti-Christ" your humble servant the Zio-Nazi SeaDonkey requires endowments from the "surf God". What is it that you require to bestow my brethren aka. Zeek the Peak, or Mel the Swell audience. There are many bikini clad pseudo-virgins in my area, does thou wishes one?
  5. What the hell are y'all still doing alive. I sent you all to the gas chambers ages ago and this thread keeps going. Beat ya to it Yagg. Must have been the "Anti-Christ" that neutralized my Cyclon B recipe. Happy now JJ, I mentioned you. And what's with Kumby, he wants us all to be the same, how boring, what do want Kumby "Stepford World"? And I agree with him, we did make Cuba a dump, Havana used to be a fun place, isn't that where Desi Arnez came from? And Sabre...engage your brain, reason, think. Hypothetically now, ask yourself, if there really wasn't a God, would man create one? And if he did create God, then would that make God any less real in man's own mind? And the rest of y'all....Your Animals....Animals do you here me ....now behave.
  6. EEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHh!!!!!! I can't stand it anymore! Can't we all just get along? Come on all you Pinko, Commie, Fags, Zealots, Zio-Nazis, Socio-demogogs, Capitalistic pigs, etc., etc. just make a little compromise, for the sake of the species. Can't we set an example here, for the rest of the world. I mean if we can't get along in this forum, how do you expect the rest of the world to? We all have our beliefs, we should all respect each others opinions, because the bottom line is "No man Knows". I think that covers everybody. Now come on and lighten up, take a chill pill, or whatever that jargon is, "Be Cool", or someone will pull the plug and the lights will go out on humanity.
  7. A-31, sounds like your one of those sicko freaks that wants to subjugate world to do your bidding....Ha!.. wouldn't we all. What you looking for is HoI2, but still not as good as SC engine. One other thing you might consider until HC gets around to fulfilling our dream is SR 2010. Both are world settings, one WW2, the other modern. Then of course if your not into to hexes then WaW from GG is due in the Fall. But having looked into all of them extensively, they're not SC, our beloved. [ June 19, 2004, 05:57 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  8. aesopo, don't get us wrong, there's nothing more us veterans would like to see but another new strategy evolve. We're just jaded into believing we've tried'em all. But with USSR cut in half, remember that Kansas song,.... do you hear it now, ever so softly as the breeze builds into a gale.
  9. Kurt is right Colonel,...if you ever want to be a General.
  10. Sweden, yes! Finland, no! USSR readiness increases substantially for Finnish involvement. If your already at war with Soviets, Finland can be easily held and/or takes many assets to conquer, better to use elsewhere. Besides Finns join later with imminent demise of Leningrad. Wait for them to join and then reinforce with Wehrmacht/Luftwaffe.
  11. "Part of the Problem with SC is that knowing 'everything' promotes trenchwarfare. Being a litte bit confused sometimes, it was it the exciting fast paced reorganization that really goes along with Modern Warfare" This is exactly the reality check SC2 needs. With the advent of the "Intelligence" tech it would be possible to add some variations to the spotting feature. How about we use a hot key to toggle between present, recent, and aged intel reports? Any confirmed unit disclosures are presented by the icon with (depending on intel tech level)certain specific information(as it is for SC now). This would be the "present" toggle. Toggle to "recent" and you get an outline of the unit icon, or the icon with less info again depending on intel level from one turn ago or possibly new units that are just reaching the edge of disclosure. Finally the "aged" toggle just gives you a broken outline of the units confirmed 2 turns ago, variation due to tech levels, and any unconfirmed rumors of enemy units entering into the variable spotting radius which may or may not actually be there. [ June 17, 2004, 12:53 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  12. "SeaRaven; stop talkin about god damn sticks in the gate. This thread is about Reagan " Your right Kuni, sorry for getting off tract. Soooo.... ever notice how many people have left USA since he was President? Now where's that damn stick!
  13. "Can you name a better place to be or where everybody wants immigrate to?" I hear that Rambo! Looks like the USA ran out of padlocks too! I guess we need to wedge a stick in the gate to keep all the people from getting out!
  14. So Curry, how many turns are you into the invasion of USSR?
  15. To add an historical reference to this thread: The British evacuated over 50,000 French troops to UK at Dunkirk.
  16. Nice pics Retributar. Makes me think that we should define the research levels of SC2 to 4 levels. The 4th level would represent actual designs that were operationally feasible and limited to perhaps what were used in combat. Then let's say we have the option to "enable" level 5 research for each category that represents the hypothetical, prototype designs that were still on the drawing boards.
  17. This is a good summation ev. Of course most countries had the technology to motorize or mechanize if they could afford the cost. I will digress with your AP assessment, the final allowable AP value should be the same for infantry and tanks. Reasonably, you are correct, tanks should be more agile than trucks in enemy contact, but this is about mechanization, not solely motorization. We are assuming that mechanization equates to armored infantry fighting vehicles, not just trucks. [ June 16, 2004, 12:45 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  18. "You do want to keep a WW2 GS game within reasonable parameters?" Most indubitably!
  19. -- "This thing is still going, there has to be a padlock shortage. " A simple stick wedged in the crevice would work? But then what do we do about Commieworth's mouth?
  20. Arngrim, Kind of curious, how come all of a sudden you are reaching out to our "pervader of the Gospel", brother Rambo? I'll agree with your fundamental fanaticism conclusion of disillusionment. But where does man go to seek out moral clarity, ultimate justice, in a world of inequities? Are you saying that religion cannot provide any redeeming qualities to the human condition? Seems to me the political structures throughout the world could use a good dose of the "Golden Rule". Are you saying "The Ten Commandments" are an improper foundation for a man to live his life by? So you are guided by "common sense" and relativity....relative to what? What is your basis of measurement? How do you define the increments of "good" and "evil" since you have no knowledge of "God"?
  21. Let me state, categorically, right before I send you all to the Gas Chambers, "I love you guys".
  22. Okay if discussions are allowed then I will state my affiliations. Consider me as an emperor in pursuit of wealth, sorta of a Jewish-Fascist....no no I've got it... a Zionist-Nazi...that'll be a Zio-Nazi for short. Okay, sorry! gotta go.....shave my head!!! And besides Kuni, I thought you locked this... ya know, you're a walking contradiction. [ June 15, 2004, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  23. Are you Commie-Pinko-Fascists-Nazis still at it, give it a break
  24. RF, your missing the point, forget accuracy, this is a strategic simulation, we are only hoping to represent the concepts of WW2 warfare with simplified details. You have got to use your imagination or else we will be micro-managing tactics. HJvA, Lars, glad y'all got it, I was trying to incorporate the Naval Bomber tech into the the TAC idea(KISS), but that name(TAC tech) is good enough for me. As far as the application of Rocket tech, you are right RF, SAMs were not operational, although Strategic and Tactical applications of that tech were. What I'm leading into is the advent of certain categorical techs having a broader effect(multiple enhancements) of SC's units combat values. For instance: Level 5 Rockets would of course get you the known upgrades to your rocket units, but also (only at level 5) you would also get a bump up in your infantry's SA, HA values (missile artillery, Bazooka-Panzerschrek)and your ground attack capability of AFs (rocket firing Typhoons). Now this is just an example, probably not really necessary since we have AT tech, but it serves as an illustration. We can cut down on the number of techs available if they have multiple applications at certain achieved levels. Think about what Gun-Laying Radar could enhance?
  25. So what you are saying Shaka is that the manpower pool for the Allies of the surrendering country should get a nominal boost?
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