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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Perhaps the level of motorization tech could reflect the number of builds of mechanized/highly mobile units, including tanks. Each level of motor tech allows one additional unit added to the build limit, indicating a degree of efficiency in movement, read...miles per gallon, km/liter as well as assembly line organization and "type" standardizations. You could see this another way also, the level of motor tech allows more units under the HQ attachment to receive the "motor pool". Plenty of things to think about here, as motorization tech could reflect the efficient use of petroleum reserves and be applied to naval and air units also. Maybe it should be renamed "energy" tech?
  2. Thanks X, but that's the deal, we do away with motorization tech altogether and you build the unit with the integrated mobility and of course all nations other than US/UK would be limited in the number of builds of the motorized/mech unit. I wouldn't be opposed to an army group HQ attachment to a formation under its control of the AG's motor pool, allowing the unit to have additional APs. Of course this still would be limited, perhaps only one of the allowed HQ attachments, subject to the player's discretion, would receive the motor pool. Additionally, the detachment of the MP would see a one turn condition of no unit receiving the benefit as the HQ reallocates the mobility factor.
  3. Marching and carrying a rifle is one thing, but dragging around infantry weapons like howitzers, guns, mortars, ammo using four legged animals in difficult terrain on the scale of army and corps level is a different thing. Don't forget the disease and weather also. Perhaps an increase in IW(read heavy weapons) tech should see a likewise reduction in AP & FM unless the unit receiving the upgrade is fully motorized. Light infantry in the form of SF, I can go with, but their attack CTVs should reflect the mobility.
  4. I'd like to see a slower tech system like Al uses, 0.5 CTV enhancement per level and no more than two research chits per category at one time. One other change is get rid of motorization as a technology, it's a function of the motor pool allocation, and have a limited build for motorized/mech units(the new unit you build from the start) that contain the integral ability to move further. Only the UK(CW) and USA had a totally motorized force, the USSR had a semi-motorized condition due to trucks from LL. A limited motorized feature would do wonders for this China syndrome.
  5. Make sure your US CVs are not in rough seas, carriers can't launch in rough seas.
  6. Actually, I'm not emphatic that a change needs to be made, it just seems that the corral technique is somewhat gamey. On the other hand, I guess if you deploy that many naval assets into the ASW maneuver you should reap the benefits of a destroyed sub. Then again, the vast sea surface areas represented by a SC tile kind of makes you believe a sub should escape now and then. Mike had an interesting suggestion in one of the other threads with the cheap rebuilds for DDs and subs. I just want to make sure that the feature wouldn't be abused by the many astute SC players with the liberal recon and suicide attacks those assets might represent.
  7. Hmmm, somebody is failing at escort duties!
  8. Really Hubert, this would stop the "corral" technique which if the sub is surrounded it can't dive out of harm's way. Still, if a player positions enough of his naval assets in intervals where they're not revealed the diving sub appears when it transfers to a tile next to an enemy naval unit(except subs). I believe this would be an improvement over the present model, i.e. subs cannot dive away from a surrounded condition.
  9. A little further with this concept could see a French and UK arresting of the German advance with exceedingly intelligent play from the Allied commander and a bit of luck. Then you have incentives to get the Allied player to commit to the continent. The longer a delayed French surrender, more naval units defect, ....longer, land and air formations go over to the allied side. Now, diplomacy can kick in, Axis try to get the backdoor open with Spain or with some investment, entice the USSR for a greater trade allocation(more MPPs for Germans). Italians move against Algeria and Tunisia, lots more variation.
  10. Hey Gian, there is no, I repeat... no...other game in this scale that has less micromanagement. We have escalated a bit over the years with additional functions, but most have added to the depth of play and not the complication. Mr. Cater is probably the definitive designer of this genre and SC3 will be the culmination of his and Bill's excellent decision making skills for intuitive mechanics. You might as well acquire SC GC Gold and get familiar with this gameplay. I promise it will be life enhancing, not to mention the great monetary value. You're wasting life's time without it!:confused:
  11. Good suggestions, what we really need is the function of combining designed units into groups for easier movement to objectives/theaters(less player management) and then breakdown into task groups for acquiring said objectives. Less is more!
  12. "Transports heading to the UK".? Most likely you'll be spotting amphibs headed for Iceland and the occupiers demise imminent!
  13. How in the World did you let him get away with an early Sealion? IMO, big mistake! I'll agree with you about the Germans getting too many uboats. Actually, I'm OK with the quantity, let's just make them begin at 1 strength, then it will be up to the Axis player to decide if he really wants to pursue the Atlantic strategy. Strengthening and teching will cost a bundle. China? Just give them a couple of engineers and allow the USA to operate limited air in. Actually, I believe the Tigers are enough, maybe a fighter contingent.
  14. I always use unteched corps in amphib mode to capture the easy islands and I'll take whatever the Allies are giving.
  15. None taken Luke, I was just being playful in the "old man" sense of the word, I like to play the "ornery old cuss"! Everyone expects it, so I deliver.
  16. OK Luke, cut the "wise" crap and I'll tell you, Bombers! They have double strikes, same as the fighter intercepts. Thing is, you'll need to tech them up so that they have a greater AD value. The rest you're going to have to figure out yourself, that's the fun of the game, and there will always be a counter.
  17. Ok hughes, here's a hint, what's the way you can erode your opponent's fighters and disclose their locations without using your fighters?
  18. Ough Oh!!!! Don't get me started, but there is a way to apply air superiority, it just requires careful planning and maneuvering and a slight manipulation of the SC features.:eek:
  19. This could be an interesting twist to the normal campaign unfolding, but would only work if the German DoW on USA was excluded from happening by a certain date. Imagine then that France and UK Commonwealth would be the initiated conflict and then would the war in Russia be delayed? Further, now that the USA does not become embroiled in Europe there is a concerted effort to subdue Japan in conjunction with China? Maybe USSR included? Maybe no PH and Japan takes on China and USSR, USA sits in isolationism and a lot more emphasis of the diplomatic mechanics of SC occurs. Anyone interested? Nahhh ............:(too much of a diversion of the actual war events!
  20. You're really missing out if your an oldtime wargamer, turned based advocate, as SC is a brilliant series, just the right amount of player submersion.
  21. Sorry Al, it's Spring / Summer in the Coastal Bend, outdoor activities rein, but really, I'm still playing, taking notes, you've already fixed the naval bombardment factor. I remember the Germans were at the gates of Leningrad in one game, summer of 41, and by the way, I like the density of units on the East Front, a lot more room for maneuver. Supply feels about right, a lot of good things you've accomplished, just minor wishes for the future and they're mostly opinionated. I'll get back to you, be patient, I'm still overloaded with the 39 campaign, haven't even patched to 1.01.
  22. Ah yes, the fallibility of ariel recon and mis-identification, sounds like the real world to me.
  23. Totally agree with Al, I haven't got to the 1.01 patch, but I'm sure the adjustments made will make the Chinese theater more theoretically reliable. The Chinese weakness in the north is where the Allied player should concentrate the bulk of his efforts with the Changsha dam in the south.
  24. How about a hypothetical Med operation built along the lines of Eric Raeder's proposed plan, "Operation Sphinx"? Beginning with the Spanish alliance and susequent attack on Gibraltar, followed by the Malta assault and finally culminating with the attack on the Suez and invasion of the ME.
  25. "Partisan control" also offer you an excellent tool to train your combat troops on and build experience.:cool:
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