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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Whatever happened in the MidEast CH? You know there is a lot of oil(read MPPs) there. It's a theater a way from easy Axis redeployments and there is an avenue to help your ally out, a real cakewalk for a competent UK(CW) army group.:cool: You do own the seas.
  2. Don't forget the "Nantes Bloodbath"!
  3. Pretty much. I have recognized there is a possibility for an all out French defense, but I haven't been able to test it yet. I have a model set up, but time as it is, precludes me from refining it. One thing is, for anyone who wants to try it, you'll have to include a major UK committment and an immediate naval strike on Italy, upon entry, as assets from Africa will need to be deployed in France. Just remember an astute Axis player may recognize the opportunity for Sealion.:eek: The best I can suggest at this point is make him pay. I've been successful at terminating a couple of armies and and panzer formation, but it usually results in a little quicker collapse. Your decision.:cool:
  4. I'm kind of partial to counters myself, but everything I see usually has a base component to it when all I need is the symbol and the supporting data. The base just distracts from the beauty of the map. I've seen some mods somewhere for a game by wastelands that looked good, like what you see on WW2 reference Book map that have unit deployments displayed.
  5. I would summarize the possibilities for China vs Japan like this. If Japan does indeed sink enough resources into China, subduing the country should be possible with the exception of a few remote mountain/valley outposts and forces. So maybe, never a formal surrender, an armistice would be a better definition, advantageous to the Japanese. Now, if USA and UK provide ample resources, then Japan has a tiger by the tail, optional up to what USA & UK wish to provide. The possibility of a substantial Allied offensive in China should be a very real strategic decision for the Allies to ponder. A lackluster attention to the Chinese theater by the Japanese results in a stalemate. Chinese offensives without critical Allied help are largely a fantasy.
  6. Since we're talking research, for the campaign designer, the ability to limit research levels of certain units. For instance, limiting ground attack effectively to only one upgrade level for bombers and fighters, but of course allowing more levels for TAC.
  7. I'm not sure if China can be subued against a good player, it's really a tough go, I'm still working on it, jury is out.
  8. I like all this enthusiasm from these younger vets, lots of good ideas, heard most before, but that's OK, Hubert and Co. need a reminder. So my reminder, upgrades possible in the build Q(perhaps more MPPs & delay). More for build Q, the MPPs should be used per turn, ie a 240 Tank corps over a 6 month/turn build period uses 40 MPPs per turn/month with the option for the players to delay builds and use the turn's allocated MPPs for more pressing ventures. Manpower allocated from the pool just before deployment, not enough, no deployment.
  9. I've noticed the default campaigns run a little faster, turns are 30 mins. The more complex mods like Nupremals are very good, but with many more units and areas to maneuver, IR has got it right. Turns go fast in the beginning, but as all of the belligerents come in, the fun almost becomes laborious, especially mirrors.
  10. Once again the new feature of "Density of Deployment" would account for a reserve orientation and even a counterattacking force in the tile that was being targeted, all set up by the owning player. If crafted thoughtfully, you could also enumerate a certain part of the force to conduct a rear guard while the rest of the formation retreated, thereby denying the hex/tile to the enemy for one turn. Obviously this will be up to the "SC-3team" to design into the next installment, but the possible actions of the numerous echelons of a tile/hex deployment are limitless.
  11. Of course not Kuni, you've presented many valuable positions over the years, but this has been one of your pet peeves and Hubert & Bill have seen fit to institute your request. Now I realize it might not be exactly how you invisioned it, but I believe it works pretty well. Just last night when I made a multi-unit attack with my honorable Nipponese armies against those dastardly Chinese(probably the Commie types) the enemy could not resist and had to retreat from fortified positions. Turned out I had planned on that event and what was waiting in a nearby tile but my four medaled "Expeditionary Force", by far my best formation, which quickly dispatched those running, coward Chinese. What could be better than that?
  12. Hey Kuni, what's the deal? You must not have WW1 or Gold, don't you realize we have your highly sought after simple retreat rules?
  13. Glabro, you're probably not aware of Kuni's peculiar nature. He's an old hand here, but unfortunately, although unassuming and a very likeable character, he does have "special needs". So ...don't take his posts in an offensive light, he's a highly regarded wargamer with emphasis on the East Front, just a bit eccentric in his own friendly way. Singling you out means he "likes" you!:eek:
  14. Awhile back I made a proposal for "Density of Deployment" for the SC3 engine which allows a variable force structure to occupy a hex/tile. With that premise in mind, there would only need to be a variable attack/defense stance available to the players to execute the action of combat. At the players' discretion they could either micro-manage the sequence of combat or indicate an automatic action to be taken.
  15. Kuni, reel in your bait, motor on over to the launch and pull your boat out of the water. You don't want to catch a Great White Shark, especially on MLK day, that would be racially insensative!
  16. You know Hubert, it's not like there's a forum here devoid of talent, ideas and deductive reasoning, not to mention dedication. Liken it to your own personal "think tank". I for one think it would be foolish to ignore the fact that your's and Bill's job could be made easier by accessing that information, all for essentially free. (nothing is ever, totally "free") Thing is, if you want that information, ideas need orientation, which allows for focus and filters the distractions and suppresses some, and I use the term loosely, "some" of the opinions. So you have to throw out a little "crap", then put on the hip boots and wade through the BS. It could be worth it!
  17. I've always thought that ports should have MPP value, after all, where do most of the commodities transit through, but I guess the attaching town or city could be considered also. They kind of replicate a "bottleneck" where the livelihood of the national trade is somewhat dependent. Most apparently, as I'm sure you've already thought of, is NM importance.
  18. Nice, how about it guys, why not share a summary of the action as it unfolded for the forum members. Always thought provoking to share strategy decisions, turning points and various mechanics of play with everyone. Consider it an investment into competitive skill level of all SCers, after all, "a rising tide lifts all boats".
  19. I'll add one other suggestion. As Bill has stepped forward to assist Hubert in these terrific improvements to the SC engine, he must accept heaps of our accolades, consider a swift pat on the back with the exclamation "Atta Boy", superbly done Bill, thank you. Now, with the toasts of success behind us, perhaps Hubert and Bill might entertain thoughts of adding a third to the team, if the revenues so dictate, cause obviously three heads are better than two if we compare the two to the one from the past, no offense to your artistic talents Hubert. SC3 will be no small accomplishment. Course, then again, three could be a crowd, it just seems appropriate for SC3 (done by 3), (SC2 done by two), (SC1 done by one) ...just a thought.
  20. And Glabro, I hope you will continue your quest to pry information out of Mr. Cater, it seems that you are most successful in that endeavor. I've been here a long time, relatively speaking, and the conversation we had in the supply thread with Hubert was unprecedented. For whatever reason Hubert usually displays a nature of confidentiality, I will not question, for I'm sure he has his justifications, but I have noticed of late that his cards are not held so tightly to his vest as in the past. Good luck!
  21. I'm just glad to hear there will be an SC3. And Krista, we're not ignoring your question, but the differences you're asking for would fill volumes with explanations. Summarily, SC2 WW1 and WW2 Gold are pretty similar except for the different eras. The differences between SC1 and SC2 are vast, with a thread of similarities. Just grab hold of one of the contemporaries and come along for the ride to SC3. You can't get what you want if you don't participate.
  22. EEeeK!:eek: Such negativism! Well...I tried. Can't say I don't agree.:cool:
  23. Obviously Glabro you make a very good point, but I'll play the Devil's advocate and reach out with a bit of an explanation, not necessarily one that I agree with, but based upon just a bit of logic. During a battle both sides take casualties and they are of a variety of severities, some are sickness, fatigue, flesh wounds, incidental accidents, what we might consider as "minor". Also in this mix would be weapons that have suffered some kind of malfunction in varying degrees that would essentially take them out of the combat power of the units engaged. Again in a combat situation it is not continuous conflict, there is down time and during this down time, rest and rehabilitation of the weapons and soldiers occur actually bringing back some of the combat effectiveness of the units engaged in the form of, for game purposes, reinforcements. Obviously, these are not really reinforcements, per say, of the origin that cost MPPs, but usually there is some kind of outside action being taken by the command centers responsible for the units of both sides in action and they are most likely making an effort to help their units' situation. Airlifts, infiltration, seaborne resupply, any manner of effort to relieve their subordinate units and that costs resoures, ie. MPPs. We also know that in this SC scale, or any scale for that matter, the ability to actually cut off all outside support is subject to the enemy's scrutiny. Remember we are dealing with humans here, which are far from perfect, and their attentative ability to seal off a belligerent is subject to their condition also, which in combat, is usually not that effective. So, in game turns, perhaps some minor ability to reinforce in a temporary manner would be in order and somewhat realistic. How about it........are you buying?
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