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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Of course I would have to say that I'm in Mike's court with the suggestion of double strike armies, makes a neat variation on the corps organizational concept. Still, it was a frequently followed strategy to attach additional assets(ie artillery) to offensive or defensive deployments where combat emphasis was likely. I would vote for the dual strike army capability, with artillery assets(units), but I would also give armies a lesser degree of evasion when compared to a corps organization because of the denser footprint. This may be an area where we could examine a breakdown and build up feature for the corps to army relationship.
  2. Well guys there's still a bit of time before AoD is released. Perhaps we could get an official sanction from the developers to add the campaign. How about Hubert, Bill, Al, & the beta bunnies, seems to be a pretty decent marketing scheme?
  3. If this rendition of an "Al" campaign is an improvement on his previous releases, the AI is going to be a very capable opponent. My first inclination was to skip this first expansion, opting for AoD, but after examining the map and hearing Al and Abukede's comments, I'm hooked. I should have known I couldn't resist. Al has brought me full circle back to playing the AI. Kudos Al!
  4. It warms my heart to see so many sub-forums associated with the SC forum. Hubert, I believe your baby has become an adult! So..... what do think about parenthood?
  5. OK Al & Hubert, you guys are way too responsive......who's minding the store?
  6. Thanks for the AAR Abukede. How about displaying the tile supply features with the "S" key for some of the pocketed Red Army units and explain the HQ reinforcement dynamics for everyone to digest, when the opportunity presents itself.
  7. I noticed no "Special Forces" in the unit pools, does that mean we are getting "new" amphib rules? OK nix that, I saw SF on Abukede's "Detailed Loss" screen, but what about those "amphib rules"?
  8. I'll be purchasing AoD just for the new supply rules!:cool:
  9. This is such a beautiful SC feature, I would just like to see it a little more compelling for the players. Great job Bill and Hubert.:cool:
  10. Hubert, have you ever thought about being a diplomat? And...no apologies necessary. I for one wholly trust you, Bill, and the Betas to come to the right decisions. I guess as a human trying to achieve a higher awareness, I'm a glutten for information, I'm the one that should be apologizing. Carry on oh masterful one!
  11. Hubert, I'm not sure, but, I believe you are becoming a little too sensative, perhaps I'm mistaken and it's caution, in your old age. Whatever happened to "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead"?:eek: As an older SC supporter, I see no reason to tip toe around, give us the spill, to heck with those that can't take it or dislike the path chosen for development(it didn't stop you from "tiles"). Let them present their arguments of logic to modify the path, or just get out of the way, everyone has an opinion and most are just lip service. Clear the air, let's get on with it, this forum will come alive if you'll just let it, add some catalyst or just delegate it to Al, Bill seems busy with BT(WW1) and you can steer this thing with moderation. Generalities and vagueness can start, but an expediancy of specifics will need to follow, just spread them out over the developmental timeframe. Come on....what gives? Hmmm, perhaps there are lawyers lurking, always the lawyers, look what we've allowed them to do!:mad:
  12. A rule change here would need an extensive forum discussion. There are a lot of possibilities with unit types, transport, ZoCs, terrain and weather, not to mention the "Law of Unintended Consequences" to examine. It's going to be difficult to think of everything that could occur, a "think tank" seems necessary for proper resolution and still there will be anomalies.
  13. Thanks fox, other than "The Fascist Alliance" this one is my favorite.
  14. Wow! Al in the mix with Hubert and Bill, this is going to be good! Define "soon".
  15. You "got this" with the progressive research system, Al, good job!
  16. Sure...go for it Al. Right now I'm doing your later start campaign, like somewhere in the late 41 I believe. Of course we don't see eye to eye on some of your unit philosophies, but I love the maps. If I was to make one request it would be to keep the unit density down.
  17. Can't say I've had any SC nightmares, but many times I've fallen asleep thinking about a strategy or a move for the next turn. Always have a notepad by the bedside light stand just in case I come up with something during an end-day reflection, some have been profitable!
  18. Arf..Arf...how about, professor plum, with the candlestick, in the library....ruff! ruff!:confused:
  19. How about another guys? The WW1 ones are great, but nothing beats WW2. Could I suggest, "High Tide" or perhaps the "Fascist Alliance".
  20. I don't know Hubert? Did I score as well as your "Internet" picture of "you" hard at work?
  21. I say we put them on an investment schedule with a variable committment from the player in the build queue. You purchase a BB task force for 400 MPPs over a 20 month period, 20MPPs a month with the player option to delay if other priorities arise. At the end of the build period, owning player commits personnel(manpower) and resources(oil, MPPs) for training/shakedown and deployment to the map.
  22. SC3??? Watya talkin bout Willis?:confused: SC3 ...SSHHHhh, move along, go back to your homes, nothing to see here!
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