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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. I could also cozy up to "efficient" and "angle #1". Bottom line, whichever has the largest western Pacific.
  2. OK, I think I'm in the Continuous camp, although I would like to see the rest of Africa and the South Atlantic with perhaps a bit of the South American east coast. I'm still kind of evaluating, none of them really jumped out at me as highly desirable.
  3. Initially I thought it was too easy for Japan in China, but after getting the surrender and not much MPP help, the management of partisans makes China a real PIA. It's still early and I just started the double invasion of USSR, Germany in the west and Japan in the East. Also pulled off the Spanish conquest with the fall of Gibraltar and now there is a big fight going on in Algeria and Morocco. Funny thing, the USA came in on Chinese surrender.....I'm not too sure about that, in the historical context, I doubt that would've happened. USA wasn't DoWing anyone with its isolationist stance.
  4. I wouldn't want to know exactly, but the possibilities that some percentage of consequences could happen.
  5. How does everyone feel about having an Evasion % for tiles, set by the editor? Or maybe allow all units a certain percent evasion if the designer deems so appropriate. And have evasion % displayed in the unit "properties" accessed by the "right click". There is a blank entry box.
  6. I do have some intermittent saves Al, but be advised, I'm still playing on Gold 1.00. I'll have to get them on a flash drive and email from work, T1 line, as the Casa hotspot is down for awhile.
  7. It's the 39 campaign and I did Barby in 41 as historical. I'm not talking about TAC bombers, I'm suggesting that the strategic attack to diminish supply and efficiency be enhanced, giving Bombers the ability to hit two targets per turn, like the current default campaigns in SC 2 releases. The Germans only get two, Italians 1 and Japanese 3. Only occassionally are they used to attack ground units, mostly recon and strategic attacks is my forte'.
  8. Oh..... I still love the map, sure...it could be better, but it's still a piece of art, quite a novel creation. Just be careful....the laws of unintended consequences are always abound.
  9. Big Al, so far all my findings are based on H to H games, assume that, unless I say otherwise. As far as "no chance", it's still early, 42, so we'll see, but I just got the DE for the "Great Patriotic War" with the additional units and 400 MPPs and the Russians don't need any help, especially at this scale. Lendlease becomes irrelevant. And ...I wish you'd reconsider the double strike Bombers again. It's almost impossible to relegate an occupied port and accompanying city/town supply deficient with the limited number of assets available to perform that task. Everyone.....chant...."Bring Back Interdiction"!
  10. Awesome, I hope one of you guys adopt this map to Gold WW2!
  11. Just wanted to bring to your attention, the bottom loop from Hawaii to USA west coast isn't working. Lots more later, taking notes and playing into 42, it seems no chance for the Axis.
  12. Well.... I prefer Sherbert, the pineapple variety!
  13. Unfortunately, in SC, recon is infallible. In real life, just because you're looking for the enemy doesn't mean you'll find him. Carriers, ahhh yes! Probably the most versatile SC unit and deadly at that. My favorite move is to inch them in closely to your reconned target(LR is a must), under a weather front and hopefully get the clearing next turn, then pounce and move off to Shangri-La.:cool: Build them early and often.
  14. Man, I like the way you think Big Al, always pushing the envelop. About production, I haven't gotten into the Japanese acquisition of the SRA, but so far, it feels about right. As far as USA goes, the 200 MPPs for each chit in IT and PT seems a bit drastic, so maybe 100 or 150, in between is 125. I've got a hotseat test model for your campaign going, but I kind of lost it awhile back with the 3 mirror PBEMs I've got going. I'll try to get back to it and push it along and get you more input. You're on your own for the AI.
  15. OK, this is just an idea, might be difficult to create, how about a bunch of isolated areas connected by loop arrows that guide the players through the different island groups, a kind of mini campaign inside the Global one. Imagine that to get to the Japanese home islands the Allied player must transit a "maze" of island groups(each one under a magnifying glass), choosing to conquer them or bypass, too many for the Japanese to monitor, open sea areas also. This would be from the eastern Pacific to the west, southwest area would largely stand on its own, along with Indonesia and the Indian Ocean. Sounds good, but...?? it'd be back to the drawing board.
  16. After your done with this, you ought to get with Vypuero/Nupremal and colloborate to bring his World campaign to GOLD.
  17. I know you don't want to hear this Al, but what we need is a bigger Pacific, the western area to be precise. Cut down the western USA(a few ports and land tiles), omit Mexico, build a solid area of gray tiles just off the USA west coast, use loops to Hawaii and west, bring Hawaii close to the gray tile area and the Pacific is drastically bigger. And....where's my "Storm over the Gilberts"?
  18. Should they? As I recollect, amphibious operations(WW2) are a very dubious undertaking for someone other than a major. I still think this is a maneuver that should be exclusive to corps and SFs only.
  19. Wow...Sealion? I've been trying to pull off one of my old Sealions and it's just about impossible with GOLD, my opponents are too good and know my MO. I've already had my a$$ handed to me, general SL paranoia has set in now!
  20. I don't know Al, haven't really gotten to deep into the Pacific campaign yet, but I kind of like your big islands. I'm thinking an HQ, anti-air upgrades or unit, artillery with a good naval attack value, perhaps some decent defensive abilities and you've got a tough little island garrison reminiscent of the historical Japanese deployments. As far as an air unit, it would be nice to have something with duplicity, like some good naval attack and defensive air to simulate an airfield with fighters and TAC. It seems a little more flexibility with the editor is needed. Believe me Hubert, I'm fully appreciative of what you've done with this editor, I remember the old days with SC1 and being a proponent of "scripts", but now we need just a little more. Are we ever satisfied?:eek:
  21. What? Aesopo....you have a problem DoWing Algiers to save Gibraltar? Look, I'll hand it to you, a determined attack by the Germans will likely end in success, but the UK player can make life very difficult and it could go on for the entire game. Preparation is the key and the ramifications to the East Front will likely be very distasteful to the Axis. What is it worth to keep a scenario like Amadeus showed us from unfolding?
  22. Not so sure about that. Italy can protect her fleet if planned properly and if Germans decline Vichy, the French fleet comes in real handy. Not only that, UK can also make it mighty tough to take Gibraltar, so IMO, taking on the Italian flleet before the French surrender is a matter of give and take, careful planning is a must or things can go awry.
  23. Hasn't been a problem in any of my games, but my opponent knows I like subs and is blocking North Sea and English Channel, as well as Brest. Tried to break out once(level 2 subs), it was costly(lost one, 3 damaged), ...still....maintaining the threat, I'll update later, not into 42 yet. Gibraltar still UK's.
  24. I didn't do Vichy in one game, so check out all the French ports(Brest, Cherbourg, etc.), especially in the south. Getting ready to DoW Spain, when I find them, I'll let you know.
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