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Everything posted by GJK

  1. What? Wasn't one photo of Michael Dorosh's mannequin enough? What esle do you want? Grog Dorosh in a speedo, laying on the beach? :eek: *shudders* No. What we really need is TANK PORN !!! "Oh, look at the clean lines on that Jadgpanzer...hhhhmmm. Open those hatches and show me the good stuff." </font>
  2. The Proving Grounds was my all too short-lived mod site that was up right around the time CMBB came out. I'll look on my drive to see if I still have any of Flesh's mods, I may. In the meantime, you might try CM-Mods Database if you haven't already.
  3. Guys, I'd ask Steve to send over a copy of this one, it's pretty intense. I'm about 2/3rds of the way through it for the first time, playing solo as the Russians and it's been a nail biter. Good job Steve, I'll work up a little review for you when I'm done. I hope to multiplay it this weekend also, so I may wait until then to review it for you.
  4. Yikes, just stumbled upon this one. I need to check the scenario forum a bit more often. Absolutely, send it over Steve. I should have a chance to give it a run this weekend, and I'll provide what feedback that I can. Thanks! (email in my profile, or is it under my sig now? Dunno)
  5. Thanks ichadwick, this is exactly what I was suggesting when this whole mess started. Now, a suggestion for the Admiral, make his database exportable into an excel spreadsheet (or a tab or CSV file) so that this information stays current. Let the visitor pick a few search parameters (CMBO/CMBB, Battle's or Op's or all of the above) and then a link is provided that will query the database for all records matching the criteria and then export it to a temporary file for download. I've used this method of some of my clients websites for their information and can assist if needed with the implementation.
  6. Does the red smoke indicate the drop zones, or is that supposed to be flames? :confused:
  7. Is this a hardware based firewall or just a software based one? How did you "bypass" it? Reason I ask, is that I have router and thus a hardware based firewall on top of a software one. I opened the correct port time after time, I'd open the control panel for the router and see that port open yet I couldn't host a game. I reset the router as well. Not until I unplugged the cable modem and then reset the router did the settings take place, though it appeared that they had all along.
  8. Good God, is this yet another, slightly more focused incarnation of Gunny Bunny? I think that perhaps the greatest contribution anyone could make to the CM community would be a spreadsheet of the various 'incarnations' of known trolls, their distinguishing characteristics, topics, pet peeves, and modus operandi, with dates of arrival, bannings, etc. I just can't help but wonder, sometimes, when I come across some incredibly high member number poster, with no email address (not even some anonymous hotmail or yahoo account) in their profile, a willingness to stir up anger and a delight in taking the piss out, rather than posting in a reasonable and thoughtful manner, whether I'm once again encountering another demonic resurrection. Perhaps what BFC needs most is not more moderators, but a damn good exorcist!</font>
  9. I'll put a plug in for my Beefy Sounds mod and Beefy MG sounds. Both under GJK on CMMODS. The Beefy Sounds mod is rather large though, 10mb+.
  10. Well, another utility that I've found invaluable is atuner. It lets you quickly and easily adjust your 3d settings without needing to reboot. AA is one of the things that you can quickly adjust on a per game basis. http://www.guru3d.com/atuner/ Silly me just noticed that I could expand the little control panel for aTuner and in there are even more options, like profiles. Easy to make a profile and then it's one click to load it. So if a game won't run with AA on, you load the profile with no AA. Pretty neat stuff. [ January 05, 2003, 03:33 PM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  11. I use UOSU that somebody here recommended some time back. It will let you take as many screenshots as you want and saves them automatically as .jpg's so you don't have to copy/paste into Paint and then save. It numbers the screens sequentially to a folder of your choice. I have version 1.60 on my site, I believe that is the most current or one of the most current versions: http://www.garykrockover.com/uploads/uosu160.zip
  12. What I would love to see is a simple spreadsheet that lists all the scenarios currently available and has a column for "authors recommended play as" (solo, 2p, etc) and the author's notes and all the other information that the Depot provides for each scenario. A lot of work, I know. And why have this if the Depot already does? Quick to sort, I can add my own comments that I may later use when rating a scenario, I can note which I have played and the outcome and whatever else. I could also note which scenarios I have, which I don't, which made for a great solo game with what settings, what was the best 2p scenario, etc, etc, etc. Of course updates would need to be made to add new scenarios that are uploaded, maybe a twice a month update or something. Just a thought.
  13. What happens if I roll an "11" on a Morale Check +2 if the squad is stacked with a 10-3 leader? Why can't I just click a little button that says "GO!" and have a silly machine (computer) figure all of this out for me!
  14. Maybe Khane's squad that slipped into the black void is now morphing into your op, one piece at a time: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=004873
  15. This has been mentioned before but I'm seeing more and more of it, especially at CMMODS, but screenshots are just way too large and in some cases aren't even closed in enough on the subject to give a good view of what the mod is for. If your screenshot is 1024x768 and the filesize is larger than the mod itself, you might want to crop and optimize that image just a bit And yes, I understand the excitement to get your mod viewed so the quick screenshot and a post, but I think your mod will get seen far more if the screenshot loads quickly and is presented well. For this forum, an image linked that is less than 800px wide (I go for 600 myself) will eliminate the horizontal screen scrolling for all but the 640x480 crowd (if any are still around). Great job on the mods everyone, I really do appreciate all the hard effort that goes into making those. Thanks.
  16. Michael, I'm anxiously awaiting the release of the full ASL conversion mod. I've been enjoying the replacement unit pic's for a while now. In my opinion though, I wouldn't worry about replacing the vehicle pic's. To me they look fine in the game as they are, even if not in the "ASL" theme. Plus, it must be a PITA to try to silhouette each of those. If the top-down view is available and covers most/all the vehicles, then great, I'd love to see that, but if not, I'd say don't mess with the ones that are there. Keep us updated though on how it's coming, I can't wait to get the finished thing.
  17. Personally, I thought Worms Blast would of taken it all as the clear winner, but guess I was wrong.
  18. All I see is 1941 Helmets under the designer "Peiper1" on CMMODS. :confused:
  19. Look at Desert Storm I, the M1A1 vs the T-72. The 72's were outranged so badly that they never saw or knew that they were being targeted by the M1A1. Of course, this was in wide open country, the bocage of France might be a different story.
  20. No. I love happily stumbling upon a thread that is about a new mod after I've been sifting through page after page of topics. Tactics, Q&A's, How-to's, Strategy Guide...all nice topics, but when I come across that gem in the rough: "NEW MOD!" I just can't wait to click on it and have it open up to reveal the contents inside! Putting all these gems in the same place would be like...like....toys under a Christmas tree! Wait, I want toys under a Christmas tree! I want all of my toys together, happy, in one place! Yes, yes, yes, make a mod only forum!!! Yes=9 No=0 (are we really thinking somebody is going to vote no anyways?)
  21. Same here, I'll give it a few tries and send back any suggestions. Email addy in the profile.
  22. Funny you mention that. Just Friday I created a desktop folder on a co-workers desktop named "MY PORNO". Then I took a screenshot. Deleted that folder and then made that picture his wallpaper. He couldn't understand why he couldn't delete that folder (nor open it, nor move it). Made for a good late Friday afternoon laugh at the office. Oh, and can you say, "whisk me off to the General forum" ? Hi mom! [ December 15, 2002, 06:37 PM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  23. Terrible advice, if you ask me. All my important links are right on the desktop so I can access them quickly. That's what a desktop is for! Why add an extra step of going into a folder every time you want to access something? :confused: Two different schools of thought, neither one "correct". I share an office with my boss at work - and in the physical world, I do things the opposite - she spreads everything out on the top of her desk, and I put my work into different in-baskets to keep them organized.</font>
  24. Well, here's my take: there's the "follow vehicle" mode that an infantry unit will adopt when you plot a move that ends on a target vehicle. So I think the underlying coding is there. It would be nice if you could just plot the exact movement for the lead vehicle, and then for the rest of the vehicles in the convoy, you just select the rate of travel (move, move fast, etc) and then end click on the first vehicle. When the first vehicle moves, the rest follow it's path.
  25. Better be careful that they don't blow the driver's head off.
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