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Everything posted by GJK

  1. My friend/client is the web host he owns his own hosting company. He kept asking, what is this site for? "a game".... Anyways, he's providing the hosting at a pretty reasonable rate, he couldn't offer me free hosting for a "game" site, so I'll probably stick up a PayPal link sometime. If someone wants to throw a buck or two towards the project, great! If not, no biggie.
  2. Sorry for the cross-posting if you've already seen this.... Sorry for the delay all, we finally got the new domain name and got the site moved over to a new server. Unfortunately, I haven't had time for updates but now that it is back online I'm anxious to get some new content up there, perhaps a redo of the graphics as well to make it look better and load faster for the dial-ups. Note the new url: http://www.the-proving-grounds.com though your old bookmarks will take you to the same place (they are one and the same, old location and new).
  3. Sorry for the delay all, we finally got the new domain name and got the site moved over to a new server. Unfortunately, I haven't had time for updates but now that it is back online I'm anxious to get some new content up there, perhaps a redo of the graphics as well to make it look better and load faster for the dial-ups. Note the new url: http://www.the-proving-grounds.com though your old bookmarks will take you to the same place (they are one and the same, old location and new).
  4. I have the non-japanese version (non-korean, chinese?) on my server at: UOSU
  5. --- .... / -- -.-- --..-- / .... --- .-- / -... --- .-. . -.. / .-- . / .- .-.. .-.. / -- ..- ... - / -... . / - --- -. .. --. .... -
  6. isn't in the internal IP address range though....
  7. What the hell would YOU have to download? Haven't you done them all??? :confused: :confused: </font>
  8. I wonder if your host was getting so many complaint calls about the bandwidth (due to cmmods sucking it up) that they fattened the pipe a bit, all the while they don't know why it's been like that for so long now. Sorry, dunno why that thought came to mind, but that's great news for everybody!
  9. **bump** this up for anyone that might have missed it. Just tried these sounds out last night and all I can say is Sweet! They seemed to be more "intense" than the originals, the outgoing arty/tanks have that sound that isn't reproducable in words but the one that we've all heard on the War Chronicles documentaries. Very nicely done. Now the only sound I didn't care for, and maybe it's just me, but the incomming artillery made me feel like I had Space Invaders the arcade game also running. I had an intense shelling going on and round afer round of that whistle- which for the game reasons obviously had to be shortened- was starting to annoy me a bit. The rest of the pack though...top notch!
  10. Or press and hold down the shift key after you insert the cd. After the cd light comes on and then turns off you can release the shift key. That bypasses autostart.
  11. Once The Proving Grounds comes back online (new URL: http://www.the-proving-grounds.com - not available yet, don't click) it will have a feature to rate opponents. Something akin to the favorable/not favorable reviews on ebay. I'll post a relaunch date as details come available, I'm looking at early next week to get the opponent finder portion of the site (on the new domain) back up. (Ignore my sig, I need to update it as well - no, not the fat, drunk and stupid part )
  12. We'll do. I'll have an "unofficial - official" relaunch party announcement when the time has come. Should be fun.
  13. Well, I've registered a new domain for the site, it is www.the-proving-grounds.com (it isn't deployed yet, so no need in clicking on that link). I may have to rewrite the site in either PHP or Cold Fusion, whichever I feel the current code will best adapt to as it looks like the server that he's wanting to move me to doesn't support WebDNA (what it's currently written in). Shouldn't be too difficult, but it may delay the relaunch for another week or two. That and it looks like I'll have to start paying a nominal hosting fee. No biggie, it's something that I want to do for the community and I will probably have a PayPal link on the site for those that may feel that it's worth putting a couple of bucks into to keep it going. Good news is that since I'll be paying for it, scenario uploads (the original concept of the site) for "unproven" scenarios will become a reality as well as support for extensive AAR's. I'm excited!
  14. Thanks all for the concern. The site will be back, I was hoping for today but it may be a little later in the week. Semi-intricate story, but basically my webhost (client and friend) is moving the site to a server that isn't his primary E-commerce server. Seems that the traffic to the Proving Grounds was bogging down the current server a bit. He's fine with the traffic, but he just wants to get it onto a server that isn't a critical business server for his other clients. Since the hosting is free, I can't really complain about the time-frame that it's taking to get it moved over. He says he will try and get to it this week though. Fingers crossed, I have big plans for it as well!
  15. Hi Lou and all, Yes, it is only temporary, planning a relaunch sometime early next week. My webhost (who is a client/friend of mine) is having some issues with the server that the site is on and so we're just going to either get those issues resolved or move the site to another server. He's working on it through the weekend and is going to get back to me on Monday so that we can walk through some testing to make sure it's stable. Thanks for the concern, we'll be back!
  16. May I also suggest The Proving Grounds for finding PBEM opponents for both CMBO and CMBB.
  17. Wow, you're a lot younger than I thought you were. Do you do your modding before or after recess?
  18. More than 24 hours, but its back online now. I hope to add some new features to it over the weekend. GJK
  19. Sorry, my webhost is upgrading the server that the site is on. It should be back up within 24 hours. [ April 11, 2003, 10:34 PM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  20. Just fixed it so that you can actually read the blog without having to log in....
  21. Just a quick note to let all of you that are participants in the opponent finder feature of The Proving Grounds know, I've added a "blog" (post a note) feature so that you can leave comments for all to see about anything you want to say. I hope that it stays on topic (for the most part) and that it will be used to post notes about your current gaming status, your ip, a note to an opponent, etc. The database purges after 50 posts, meaning that it will only keep the newest 50 posts. This is to keep the file from getting out of control size wise. Also, it will only take the first 1000 characters, anything over that will be truncated. Use it, don't abuse it, and give me any suggestions as you all have been, I'm listening! The Proving Grounds
  22. I'm also up for any suggestions on how the site can help get you matched up with other players for CMBO. Does it need to be more uniquely seperated from CMBB? Does it need it's own "section" (click to view CMBB only players, click to see CMBO only players, click here to view both)? I'm currently seeing how a "blog" could best be incorporated. Possibly an AAR section as well ratings (not rankings as in ladders!) where you can simply mark positive, negative or neutral for you experience with someone that you just finished a match with (like what ebay is using). Post here or email directly if you have an idea that you'd like to see added to the site that relates to player finding/opponent matchups that isn't a "ladder" site.
  23. Thanks all for keeping the interest up. I'm moving all weekend long (oh joy) so haven't been able to do any work on the site, but I'm checking out this forum for the suggestions. I'm thinking maybe have another way of displaying the listings, where it would show the name/nickname, type of game and then the comments section. This would be where you could "advertise" yourself...what you're looking for, or an "I'M WANTING A GAME NOW!!!!" type of stuff. Or whatever. What do you guys think of that?
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