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Everything posted by GJK

  1. Just sent you an email Mike, I'd be happy to beta test and report to you on what I find. I'm at the point that I've got so many mods installed that I don't know what is what anymore, so I'm going to restore the original bmp's and then reload fav mods using your tool. Thanks! GJK
  2. Bumping this again. Just played "ASL Hube's Pocket" with a live opponent, playing as the Germans. SPOILER * * * * * * * * * * * * As some may remember from this ASL scenario, you have a convoy of trucks to exit off the mapedge. My hastily deployed defenses were soon shredded and the Russian armor began to breakthrough to where my convoys were traveling down a road. Plotting each vehicle point by point down the road was a pain in the a$$, but I understand the limitations of the game. Still, it would be nice to be able to group select them all and then give them a "follow the road" type of command. Yes, I understand it probably aint' gonna happen in this game engine. My real complaint though was this: my convoys are set to to "fast move" down the road. There's an a trek of the road that is not covered by woods. For that small stretch, my convoy was in target range of several T-34's. Now, instead of the convoy continuing as fast as possible another 200 meters where the road picks up behind the woods again, they take turns sitting in the open moving forward and reverse 10 meters at a time until they are destroyed. Just rocking back and forth getting picked off one by one. Yes, you all will post "well, would you continue driving on the road to where you're an easy target?". I understand that, but instead of refusing to proceed to the open, or better yet, just driving like hell across the opening, they sit there and rock back and forth in the open. And yes, they weren't reversing out of sight, then moving forward into site again....they were in sight the entire time. Anyways, long ramble, but again, a request for a "move on the road" and a request to make non-weaponed vehicles behave a bit more rationally when they do come under fire.
  3. Which brings up a simple request, one that I've stuck by and if others would, it would be nice. That is to resize any images you post to 600px wide (constrain the proportions so that the image doesn't skew). Not everyone will want to or be able to do this, but if you can do it and remember to, it will cut out the side-scrolling
  4. Not a thing. And there's nothing wrong with being fat or stupid either. It's when you put the three together that you might have some problems.
  5. Argh! Site unavailable....can you email it, or better yet, post it at the CM Mod database under "other"?
  6. It was and he asked that I upload it originally. I'll go ahead and reupload it for him since I would assume he'd want me to again. Michael?
  7. I believe it will be at http://games.internode.on.net/ [edit] Though I wish Gunslinger could just go ahead and post it to the Mod Database (http://cm.cozog.com/)as well for now [/edit] [ November 17, 2002, 01:34 PM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  8. But should the birds have rust on them? That's what I want to know. Who's doing the birds mod?
  9. Could you post the .pdf as a .pdf and not zip it so that visitors can click and read instead of having to download and unzip? Thanks!
  10. Well, after a week of not being able to host games, I finally got this issue resolved and was able to once again host games. It saved this weekend! Just for those that might find themselves with a similar situation, my resolve: Unplugging, waiting and then replugging in the router did NOT work (rebooting the router). However, rebooting the router AND unplugging my cable modem DID work. After repowering everything up, I noticed that everything was "zeroed" out in my virtual server listings (ports). I then added just this machines internal ip to port 7023 and 5900 (blackIce) and it worked. Now I'm wondering, could something (someone) have hacked my firewall to the point that they had exploited a port and were not allowing it to reset until I physically disconnected my internet connection? Going to the site I listed above that will do a port scan for you previously turned up some ports open that were not listed in my virtual servers list. I haven't run a port scan since getting this going again.... Thanks to all that offered suggestions!
  11. I just played the scenario again for the 4th time. This time, I gave no bonus to the German AI and let it place it's own troops. Due to bad placement by the AI (all the Tigers were well south and didn't see much action) I was able to exit almost 1/2 of the troops (tanks) while knocking out 2 PzIV's. The battle wound up a draw (55% - 45%) and I received zero points for exited troops. So yeah, I think that might need some tweaking. A really fun scenario though, challenging. Those Tigers, having the height advantage to go with their superior armor really cause some havoc witht he Russian armor!
  12. No pinkies (dots, silly) when I load that scenario. Are you combining the RC mod with others? Maybe the RC mod and some other ones don't play well together?
  13. No pinkies (dots, silly) when I load that scenario. Are you combining the RC mod with others? Maybe the RC mod and some other ones don't play well together?
  14. I'd appreciate a copy as well! Email is in my profile. You might consider zipping and uploading to the CM Mod database as well.
  15. You guys just couldn't let this thread die a quiet little death, could you?
  16. Looks great Mike, added all kinds of new features it looks like. I just emailed you for a beta copy if you wouldn't mind. Thanks! GJK
  17. Nevermind, just ignore this thread! The scenario was "Defense of V_ G_" (sorry, long name that I'm not going to go retrieve) and the bridge is missing there also, so I guess it's a blown bridge. I said ignore this thread! Now go away!
  18. Just installed the rc mod, looks great! However, I just noticed a missing tile it appears. It could be though because I also just installed SDog's water? Only other mods from that are Mike Dorosh's ASL interface (shouldn't have any effect) and my own flag mod (could have an effect since the large flag is there on the bridge)? The scenario is SL14 Paw of the Tiger. I'll restore my original bmp folder and see if the bridge reappears. edit to note, the Dorosh mod is for the unit pics, not an ASL interface. [ November 14, 2002, 10:21 PM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  19. Shouldn't CA's be "loosely" defined? I too have had units zip through my CA only to not be fired upon because they now rest just outside the arc. Seems to me, that a covered arc would be loosely defined to the given area, but should a unit (especially one that poses a definite threat to you) should appear just outside of the arc (or in their LOS actually) they should engage that target. Now, if another threat appears that is inside their CA, they should then redirect their fire to that unit. It's almost funny watching units with CA's just sit there and not engage because potential targets are just outside the arc (and usually engaging you).
  20. IIRC, I think you went to an earlier version of Stuffit and then the archives worked.
  21. Ah, finally! Thanks WWB, I wasn't sure about the port showing as open or not on that site. I used to be able to host with or without BlackIce running. To make sure it isn't the issue though, I've been trying it without it running to no luck. I just don't know where else to look. Here's my virtual servers setup: I've played with all variations of that. The 5900 is for BlackIce. My private IP is DMZ is disabled. Is there somewhere in Windows that I need to check? This is Win2000 Adv Serv. Thanks, GJK
  22. Aaaarrrggghhhhh....this is frustrating.... Anybody, any ideas? If I go to http://www.pcflank.com/ and do an "Advanced Port Scan" and enter port 7023 it comes back and says the port is closed. I assume it should come back as "Open". As per my original post, I have the router configured to route port 7023 to this machines internal IP address. Is there another place that I should look to route that port as well? Thanks, GJK
  23. Now why would I want "objectives, "safe" setup zones, and realistic, interesting topography" for my QB maps? Me of course! Looks good, I'm grabbing 'em now! Now, only if I could host a TCP/IP again like I was able to I'd be happy. My problem is posted in the tech forum if anybody is interested in helping :-(
  24. I'll search this forum after I post, but here's my issue: Was able to play via TCP/IP with me hosting just fine until this weekend. Now my regular opponenet gets the "can't connect" message. My setup: Win2000 adv server w/service pack 2 Cable modem going through a MacSense router No internet connection sharing (microsofts) going on. BlackIce Defender Firewall as well. I have not touched my network. Before I could play with BlackIce running (though I've opened it's port up on my router) but to be sure, I shut it down. My internal IP for this machine is Port 7023 is open on the router for that IP (and for 100-104 for that matter). Service Pack 2 has been on this machine since it came out, that is not a recent install. I use http://www.myip.dk/ to get my DHCP assigned IP address to give to my opponent. I've also verified the same address through my router software. Any ideas on what else I could check or why this might suddenly start happening? Something that my ISP could of changed (RoadRunner)? I've gotta get some combat in this weekend! TIA, GJK
  25. Hey all, Michael Dorosh graciously sent me a copy of his ASL unit portraits last night and they look really great. This is a key part to the total ASL Interface Conversion that he's been working on. At any rate, Michael ok'd it for me to upload them to The Mod Database (COZOG) which I have done. Bonehead me put them under the category of "Terrain" though so you'll find them there. Additional information (and better screenshots) are in this thread: Unit Profile Pics? Thanks to Michael for an excellent mod from us old ASL/SL fans and thanks to COZOG for keeping his excellent site alive!
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