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Everything posted by athkatla

  1. Originally posted by Lou2000: Dunno what the prob was ... one thing to note was the drive in the kids pc was CD drive only, as opposed to my two that was a CDwriter and DVD. Anybody think this could have something to do with it ?????? Lou, my drive is a CD/DVD and I had no problems, installed first time in roughly 10 minutes.
  2. Hi guys, well I guess I'm a vet of sorts, having served 14 years in the British Army as a Corporal. Didn't see action in the Gulf or the Falklands, but saw out several tours in N Ireland. I've heard the crack of a high velocity round on more than one occassion and seen what car bombs etc can do to a human body, but i loce wargames, they are not the same.
  3. I ordered my copy online with Gameplay at 5pm Thursday 10th October, and it arrived through my letter box at 08 30am Friday 11th October. Excellent service from Gameplay!
  4. Indeed you do drool a lot, don't you. I've composed a short rhyme to commemorate that unfortunate trait. Well, actually I wrote it first for dalem, then considered hurling it at Herr Oberst, but hell, it applies equally well to any of you. AN ODE TO THE UBIQUITOUS 'POOLER (dedicated to drooling Nidan1) -------------------------------- You worthless git, ne'er weened from tit what 'tween your ears is there To make such crap spew out your trap s'though anyone does care? Shut up your maw, unslack your jaw and wipe away that drool! You foul the cess with that rank mess that round your feet does pool.</font>
  5. Have them uncouth aussies gone to bed yet? Is it safe to come on here? Right, WHERE'S MY FREAKING TURNS???. Just because some of you lucky people have got CMBB, is no reason to stop sending turns!! So:- Gaylad get your finger out and hit the send button. OGSF quit playing with your wee spaniel and send me a turn. NobHead get your arse out of bed and sober up man, send a freakin turn. Doug Beman Hmmmm, you DJB, just cos it's the last turn and you're going to lose, don't mean you can delay it, get with the programme man and admit defeat gracefully. Everyone else can sod off in short bouncy steps, including you Bo Diddley you slimey grass eating surrender monkey!! Don't think I missed your feeble attempt at taunting me on the outer boards it was so poor I seriously thought about ignoring it, however, to celebrate the launch of CMBB I intend to bury your sorry ass deep in the snow of the Eastern Front (when I get the freakin game) so standby to recieve a setup on or around 4 Oct 2002. No doubt this will send you scurrying to the medicine cupboard or the drinks cabinet, to fortify your miserable excuse for a body to face up to a fight with a real opponent, do whatever you must do, but face facts, come October you will be grovelling at my feet, begging me to administer the coup de grace but I will laugh in your face and bury your rotting corpse amongst the pigs entrails and other messy gooey stuff in the paddock of my Lord and Master!
  6. Why you might wonder when the game isn't released here till 4th October. Well I recieved my first pay check in 4 years today, and it was for 5 weeks money. So come Monday morning, I'm taking my Computer into the store to give it a little treat. It's puny 128MB RAM is going to be replaced by 2 strips of 256MB RAM and the nice little engineer guy is gonna give it the once over, make sure it's all ready for CMBB once it does reach our shores. It already has a 900mhz AMD Athlon processor and a 40GB hard drive, so I think come October 4th, it will be in fine fettle for CMBB
  7. Ok you useless gits, just because you got your copies of CMBB, there's no need to let this thread almost fall off the first page!! What's more, you, you silly skirt wearing, haggis eating, caber tossing pillock, you STILL haven't sent me a turn, and it's freaking Saturday!!! Pull your finger out laddie before I stick one of those cabers where the sun don't shine!
  8. Without doubt OGSF you are one snivelling, dribbling, utter-rubbish-talking Jock! When you manage to work out how to exit this BB, send me a fecking turn.........got it you Scots Git!! And to all you noobies who managed to find your way here, read the rules then SOD OFF.
  9. Thae di af'n ye douse thaim ain petrol an' drop a lit match on thaim. Noo tha' Ah'd di tha'... just an' obserrvashun.</font>
  10. My Liege are you feeling ok......or have you eaten some magic mushrooms by mistake?
  11. We had our private moments. It was a wild fling of unbridled yearning that was fanned into a mad, lusty rush around the paddock. Of course it was all doomed from the start. He gripped me knee too tightly, I didn't *honk* properly. </font>
  12. Was alright till you poked your snotty nose in here, so you can now SOD OFF!!
  13. Thanks man, I d/l it in almost exactly 3 hours (56k modem), great stuff Had a play with the demo already and have to say.........it's brilliant!!
  14. Well after reading through this "time" debate, I have deduced that it will be released here in England at 5am Sunday morning, which is far too early for me, so I'll get up around 9am, and with a bit of luck all you "foreigners" will have d/l it and I'll have no probs Night
  15. Yes, Software First have the game for pre ordering, but as of yet, they have not fixed a price!
  16. Originally posted by Mike:<HR> blah blah blah I feel the need to wash my mouth out with some Pinot Noir......<HR> Please use arsenic instead...........and swallow!!
  17. Don't fret ladies, here is a jolly old sing song for you! It was a hot summer night and the beach was burning There was a fog crawling over the sand When I listen to your heart I hear the whole world turning I see the shooting stars Falling through your trembling hands You were licking your lips and your lipstick shining I was dying just to ask for a taste We were lying together in a silver lining by the light of the moon You know there's not another moment to waste not another moment Not another moment to waste You hold me so close that my knees grow weak But my soul is flying high above the ground I'm trying to speak but no matter what i do I just can't seem to make any sound And then you took the words right out of my mouth Oh-it must have been while you were kissing me You took the words right out of my mouth and i swear it's true I was just about to say i love you And then you took the words right out of my mouth Oh - it must have been while you were kissing me You took the words right out of my mouth and i swear it's true I was just about to say i love you Now my body is shaking like a wave on the water And i guess that i'm beginning to grin Oooh, we're finally alone and we can do what we want to the night is young And ain't no one gonna know where no one gonna know where No one's gonna know where you've been You were licking your lips and your lipstick shining I was dying just to ask for a taste We were lying together in a silver lining by the light of the moon You know there's not another moment to waste not another moment Not another moment to waste And then you took the words right out of my mouth Oh-it must have been while you were kissing me You took the words right out of my mouth and i swear it's true I was just about to say i love you And then you took the words right out of my mouth Oh - it must have been while you were kissing me you took the words right out of my mouth and i swear it's true I was just about to say i love you That's the ladies happy, now for My Liege, carrots and fresh fruit from North Lincolnshire for you My Brave Sir "4 Legged" Knight.
  18. Sorry, my carrier pigeon must have flew off course. edited because of...just because. Mike , you have mail.</font>
  19. Thanks man, I did that and it seems to be ok now apart from the odd error message when I open some emails, something about msmin I think, next time it happens I'll not it down. BTW something for everyone to remember, make sure when installing something like this to close down ALL other programmes, especially your FIREWALL and ANTI VIRUS. It does make a big difference.
  20. I'm fairly sure this happened because I used my Recovery CD Rom. I was going to uninstall IE6 and re-install it, but it won't let me do that either, so I seem to be stuck!!
  21. I used my computers, Millenium Recovery CD Rom and it hasn't worked since I did that, I think that recovered my computer to its condition when I first got it, WITHOUT re-formatting the hard drive. And I checked to see if the Address Book was checked, and it was! [ August 25, 2002, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: athkatla ]
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