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Everything posted by athkatla

  1. That evil wolf-fondler CMplayer is up to his gamey tricks again! Taking advantage of my little pussy cat that refused to fire smoke when immobilised and surrounded by his powder puff yanks. Like the big yellow streaked coward he is, he then decided to decorate my kitty's turret with a piat round, therefore killing off the only viable weapon system I have left to fight him. No doubt he'll be on here crowing about his big success soon, well he can just sod off cos he's one big fart of a gamey bastiird!!
  2. Damnit I take 5 minutes out for a bit of slap and tickle and everyone and his arse is on me back. Just back off, alright? Or SOD OFF Now then, OGSF you skirt wearing sissy, where's my fecking turn, are you scared of my GREEN troops? Yes everybody, note he has allowed me GREEN troops! I'll still kick his arse. My Brave Sir "4 Legged" Knight, YEKNODATHON, I can't seem to get owt right just lately, must be me mid life crisis, I've been chasing bits o skirt all over town, but they won't have it, there's nowt worse than being rejected ay?
  3. Damn, you mean I didn't succeed in making you vomit...wait, then what is that all over you? Please tell me you didn't actually pick those clothes? No wonder you haven't been taken to Squire... Speedbump</font>
  4. Originally posted by SgtSweatHog:<HR> SOP's when using a motor are to have the base plate firmly planted in the ground before loading.<HR> At my time in the Mortar Platoon with the 81mm mortar as a MFC, this action was normally carried out before beginning live firing on the range. An order of "Bed in Charge 6" would be given, and the number 1 would remove the sight, the numbers 2 and 3 would stand with one foot on each side of the base plate facing to the rear of it, and two rounds @charge 6 would be fired. This would usually bed in the base plate succesfully. As an aside, I have seen a mortar line, where the barrels are a little more than a foot above ground, on very soft ground. The number 2 having to lay prone, to load the round and then move out the way PDQ>
  5. Hey Lou, sorted now thanks, don't you owe me a turn?
  6. Thanks man, somewhere amongst all those actions, it's sorted.
  7. I'm trying to play a game of pool in yahoo games, which I always could before. Now the applett windows just wont open.
  8. Originally posted by Speedbump:<HR> Sir Joe, could you please tell me who all these new folks are? After all, I need some guidance in who to ignore and who to flame. Best Regards, Speedbump<HR> OMG what a grovelling little pansy you are, can you get any further up Joes Squaws butt? Why don't you just sod off back to where you have been hiding your sorry hide, and save us from having to listen to your abject whimperings, which just about make me want to vomit. [ August 02, 2002, 12:23 PM: Message edited by: athkatla ]
  9. As an ex mortarman and MFC I can assure you that the Number 2 in a british mortar crew ducks as he slides the round down the barrel. The Number 1 usually doesn't as he is keeping his eye on the sight, and the number 3 is getting the next round ready, so he isn't too worried either.
  10. Anyone know why I can't get any Java appletts to open. Everything is enabled for it in Internet Tools, and I'm using Internet Explorer 5.
  11. Originally posted by AussieJeff:<HR> {snipped most of the gits stupid ramblings} I have already registered and fully expect my stunning interlect to break the 300pts IQ barrier, thus eclipsing Einstein and the Pope (you know - the guy who made those great washing machines back in the '50's). I shall keep you all posted, as I realise you will all be waiting with your collective baited breaths.<HR> If every aussie git in the country took this test, you would be lucky if you got a total of 100 for the lot, never mind 300 for yourself. Now sod off you fecking sheep shagger!
  12. *BUMP* Come on Lou, surely you read the message board once a week?
  13. Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Oh, I would also like to take a moment and elevate Gaylord Fokker to the summit of his wildest fantasies, and promote him to...Serf, lickspittle of the MBT in recognition of the ignorant bliss with which he allows me to pummel his Canadananadians.<HR> OI, OI, OI, OI, Panzer Poofter before you go handing out my job to some other SSN at least have the decency to make him fight for it. If he think's he's hard enough let him prove it in the time honoured tradition of the MBT.
  14. Turns sent and I took a flag off you! So you get the *Boot* *Boot* *Boot* off the VL! [ July 30, 2002, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: athkatla ]
  15. Originally posted by a sick aussie git:<HR> By the way, 'Potential squire'. Quite the little sycophant, aren't we?<HR> Err no, I was claimed by the brave Sir "4 Legged" Knight, YEKNODATHON, and would be honoured to be his squire. Needless to say, I would rather gather sheep **** and put it in my breakfast cereal than worship anything Oz! But then, I gather that's what you eat for breakfast every morning, washed down by gallons of that revolting excuse for a beer, Fosters, that bears some resemblance to what you emptied into the toilet, or wherever you do it, last night.
  16. Something you repeat every morning to yourself in the mirror? That's very understandable. Mace</font>
  17. Please contact me your email will not accept my PBEM turn to you, I may have got it wrong, please send email address again, thanks Mel
  18. Well, I'm 56, presently going through a midlife crisis, where I think every woman from 18 - 40 fancies me, and then I wake up. Getting old sucks!!
  19. The haggis-eating pillock failed to mention I gave him a 10% bonus or the fact that he had zillions of arty shells which he continually rained down on my poor squaddies. However, I am still striving on 6 fronts to get my first victory, and My Brave Sir "4 Legged" Knight, YEKNODATHON, I will not give in until I have succeeded!
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