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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. FWIW, I had made a similar suggestion Some while back. Remember how they did it in Panzer Gen II? I thought that was true cool, And have said so. :cool: I don't know, guess we'll soon see What comes of these ideas, eh?
  2. Shoot the Clavichord Player, I just knew This would be the jjr response. Well, How come there is all that Corporate Welfare? You know, Like subsidies for tobacco growers, And sugar producers, And Oil-rig riggers, And on & on ad nauseum! Not to mention, Taking all the monies OFF-SHORE In them tidy little banks In Bermuda and where-else So no taxes gotta be paid, Would you say, ummm, That's a kind of... "welfare?" Or, Exploiting 3rd World Labor, yep, Tell me ALL about it jjr, I am willing to listen, Since I am being good ol' boy Of late. (... Immer is near, yet not quite OUT of that cheerless desert prison, you know, where they keep folks indefinitely for no good reason? Not to worry though, oh no, being American through and through, he knows ALL the secret passage-ways! ) Anyhow, what you think, tail-gunner, Of them para dudes? In general, I mean?
  3. LOLOL! Ah, more time & effort DEVOTED To "parachute convolutes," (... we should ask Macon, he knows, having butterfly floated so, to earth, or, send hoo-doo petition to Hendrix? strumming up a watch-tower storm, in his grave ) Than to - why? Over 40% of good, solid, hard Working, up-standing, sometime Church attending Main Street Americans Who get most of 'em hard news From soft-hand, psuedo-journalists, Why I wonder! Them good Americans ain't got ANY health insurance. LOLOLOLOL!
  4. Yeah, maybe, But... just like Vegas (... the people bowed & prayed to the neon god they made ) or Reservation Casinos, You gotta have sufficient "slots."
  5. Well, TJ, (... Zen version of yer handle, if you don't care for that, say it so) The entire Middle East is VASTLY different Than it was in SC-1. More room to maneuver and some more valuable territory to occupy. Armor, and mechanized forces matter MORE than Air forces, believe it or no. IF the everyday average GP (... IE, "game player") elects to just let ol' Egypt go, and allows the Axis GP to have it easily, well, Allies will have a terrible time TRYING to make up for that loss. Can be done, sure, but it would be a challenge.
  6. Also VERY true, Yogi, LOL! It would NEVER get done, It ain't never over even when It's ALMOST over! Now, Some will excoriate on this point, I do suspect, BUT! There are MANY ways, OTHER THAN scripting, and other than selecting a particular default "difficulty level," to adjust the game so that YOU! Have precisely the dream game that provides you, and only you, the most good fun. :cool: Seriously. I have looked it over quite some time now, and have noticed that I, Who has NOT MUCH experience With "electro-techno wrench & jive," CAN and HAVE made a "personal mod" (... after all - tell me if you can, which TWO players have the SAME game preferences?) That I REALLY enjoy, And you know what? I can LOSE playing either side!
  7. VERY true, Yogi, And thanks for saying it so. Only thing I would add... IF a person comes on board and merely makes a brief, general comment WITHOUT fair elaborate text & context, THEN we know not wherefrom they are coming. That is, they have not very much "board history" so that we might better determine what they are saying, and why. For example, "person X" arrives and says: "That (whatever) ain't worth a damn." Or, "Boy, what a STUPID thing to forthwith offer! You should be boiled in oil!" Well, That ain't gonna cut it. ESPECIALLY if we have very little, or NO idea what they've been, somewhat consistently, saying in the distant or recent past, see what I mean? Other than that, You bet! EVERYONE get in and state yer case! :cool:
  8. Everyone, The AI for the game, for all scenarios, will be basic, solid, dependable, functional and versatile, no doubt. Frankly, many of the items on these assorted "AI wish lists" are more of the "what-if and variable" type of thing. After all, each to their OWN kind of S & T, true? If Hubert were to TRY and implement even a portion of all that's been suggested and asked for, it would take him, oh, I'd venture... AT LEAST until August of 2009! After release I am fair certain you will have a situation akin to what happened with HoI, where the community (... here, likely, much sterling work done by Edwin P since he REALLY likes to "dream the speculative dreams" and that is always... :cool: ) With the major difference being... with HoI it was like placing a sparkling hood ornament on an old Depression era jalopy that has been sitting out in the distant rain-puddle ditch... no wheels, no motor, and so, ipso in facto, no use, and not much good! LOLOL! With SC-2 there are nearly infinite possiblities, and so, we need FIRST have a good and solid basic game before we can do these other very interesting "scripted things," yes?
  9. Yep, you did, my apologies, And to the others like blackbellamy Who ALSO offered deft suggestions, ah, I was mostly hoping That we might get some more of these, And less of the harsher stuff, Though, Not any problem really, Since, As many have said, Mods for this depiction and other Sprites & flags & medals And the like... will be all over the place! Like front-yard dandelions Then a lengthy Spring-time raining. Ah, here in a little while It's gonna be... some kind of Fabulous FUN!
  10. Yes SB, It's a worthy way to live, though, Like the song says, ah, the living, The livin' she ain't always so easy. Have done it, Will do it again - thanks for the boot In the Levis, And soon. In fact, My son is in "pre-production" stages For his 3rd "Indie Movie," (... first two won awards at NY and LA film festivals but weren't picked up for general release) And this time I'm INTENDING to be On hand and contribute what I might Right from get-go, Meeting with investors, Casting-call, Scouting locations, Story-boarding (... like Hitchcock, he is an accomplished artist and draws up elaborate scenes... we have finished first draft of the Screenplay) And so, Like last time, we'll have a Web Site Where I plan to keep A running, day-to-day Journal On what it's like to make a movie, All around the Town, Down and dirty. If interested, Let me know and I'll send you EM With address, When we get started. Got to finish a couple projects For Hubert first, Then! Probably in the summer time, When 'at livin' is EASY, LOL! Time for... dropping the clap-board and! Action! LOL! :cool: BTW: Do you play TCP at all?
  11. With this powerful Editor, You can re-build Rik's Cafe Americain, And have Ilsa dancing to Sam's Play-again piano... draped in shades of bleu, She is a special one well worth the fight For love & glory, all the while The GErman Army advances on Paris, dark & dull In feld-grau. Actually, No need to wish and wonder what, Or how. Soon enough you yourself Can make the very campaign YOU Would prefer. It's really, REALLY easy to do And great FUN besides. You'll soon enough see what I mean. :cool: [ March 04, 2006, 10:46 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  12. I would agree, Having played it alla way through Many times, yep, A3R is the class Of the Genre, Thus far anyhow. If ANYONE can adapt it to the unique and quite innovative SC-2 engine & caboose, Bill Macon can... make them tracks Run straight and true. Also looking forward to seeing What he can do. :cool:
  13. Panza Bear, I am no intellect, never claimed it so. I merely hear musics And write down symbols (words) That sometimes match The melody. I only took one "Art & Aesthetics" class At University, And it bored me stupid. However, Since you have asked some interesting questions, I'll try to answer honestly. And so it has been thus Since summer of 1968 When I watched the thugs of Chicago Run Amok. Perhaps I do err, egregiously even, when I, occasionally, "stick up for" those whom I respect, if not admire. As the Artist for SC-2, who Lives in Spain, I understand, who Might, or maybe doesn't, who knows, appreciate A brief personal comment of mine Concerning his Parachutists. I have done this once too often, true, Since it is EITHER the case (... actually, of infinite responses possible) that 1) The "non-participant" does NOT require any defense, IE, "who asked you?" or 2) Does not acknowledge said "defense" and has other things to do... create, and not talk about it. In my readings over these many years I have very often heard the Artist describe his or her work as... a child of their own, very difficult to set walking & whistling into the cold cruel world. Hubert himself has referred to SC-1 and 2 as "his baby." What can I say? IF someone attacked your child - with less than elegant decorum, what would YOU do? Well, yep, It is NOT up to me to "defend" that Other's child, or Yours, is it? Have already agreed, yea, it is indeed a very personal thing. Visceral responses, such as: "That is one putrid piece of s**t!" Are not so helpful. Least, they wouldn't be, to me. I would simply ignore. A "critique" that might include some semblance of rationale, however emotive, would be, maybe, taken to heart, internalized. Though, even then, there is no substitute for hard edged and tough honest... personal private appraisals. Don't believe either of us could KNOW what "most artists" value, though, yep, we can make "educated guesses" based on all of our readings of biographies, auto-biographies, critiques made by those who are steeped in the particular medium. If I elect to climb on the steed, and "defend" a notion, or art-work, or philosphy, or creed, or God only might help me, some ever-devolving dogma, well, that's my choice. In the past, I have, for instance, "defended" the "civil rights" of my brethren down South. I don't regret it. Not even when a bunch of hulking white shrouds beat the hell out of me and some other interlopers... for "associatin' wit them coloreds." Etc. :cool: Beauty is indeed in "the eye" of the beholder. Perhaps, one day? The lens will be as cleansed, for each & all, as it could utterly and ultimately be. ___________________________________ I am guessing that, oh, 96.7% of forum members don't give a rat's ass about any of this, so... hey! How about them new! SC-2 features Soon! Like Cowboy Clowns set loose In the bull arena, careening and Yipping & yelping, and - ready! For the amazing display - on the way! [ March 04, 2006, 09:09 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  14. Yes, I admit Quixotic to a fault, And yet, Should we falter at The claimed foolish quest, Should we squander The last of our zest, What of the soul-life, What we have left, Whatever becomes, then? Of what might be... better, Or, O impossible errand! What is... recognized, best? What! fragile figment secreted Since our very first breath, in Each's heart quite quitless beating, What is the Mystery Many would consider oh, only! another part Of a truly stupendous delusion. I insist, it's an ordinary day, then Indifferent ol' Sun filters so bleakly through Some shrilly creaking wind-mill blades, Soughing out To all the world - heark! and reckon this, Yee, This! is, and remains the very worst Of each of us - and since when? Contested? Wrested To earth, unto undying death, And sure, Si, Si Senor, There are secret dues for me And you, and Sanza too, One and all, Good and bad, Large or small - all, finally, Included. If not that, If the common Honor is gone, then, I'll admit, The one grand Don - Quixote, Never ever stabled A faithful steed, no Never departed... the imagined land, La Mancha.
  15. Boardwalk Raconteur! (... AKA: JJ for 'em ain't been hang around so long) As the past and present Master At presenting re-presentations And immersing them in amongst Yer mostly Naked City lyrics, Could you? Explain to our good friend Codename Condor How the PICS come to be? How selected or... as The cuckoo flew, HOW they come to choose... you?
  16. Been meaning to get back to this. "Ass-clouds?" "Pile of Mashed Potatos?" How clever, how charming. What say? Let's do this. Let's PRETEND that the Artist Who created ALL these VERY accomplished, IMHO, Sprites & Icons and Interface And what-not besides, Yep, let's pretend he has no feelings. (... Me Bad Mans! Me hawk & spit! On 'at sissy PC s**t! :mad: ) So. Here's one template for future dislikes: ____________________________________ You know, I don't really care for (... XXXXXX ...) And here's an idea how it might be improved. ____________________________________ Can do? Or, Is mush-mouth smash at WHOMEVER! Happens be standing near-by, All the (... at long distance) rage These days?
  17. Time to give you a glance At the inner-most spry-sprocket, Them tick-tock, rip-rap springs Of 'at... most amazing! Editor! Which can accomplish ALMOST any thing! I tell it to you straight, and true! We can even dare, as this... TRY it In a strange, never-done-before sorta way, So to alleviate K-Man's! long pent up! (... resemblance of) fleshen necessities! OK, K, first thing - select yer button: Next, make an IMPOSSIBLE wish, See if it could, might? - Would! Come true. Hmmm, let's say, YOU! Moon-blued Dude - attaining a date with! Of all possible - beautiful people! Ah, I ken see it on a Go Stage now, You are transported by moon-tilt To a La-La Land of lore, In that there spit & wit-built Mondo Scando hot-rod: You've piously, innocently, gotten on knees And pleaded, and - received! This damn near impossible wish, This is your real Life! Probably not Kafka's K, And so, You do as all actual scat-cat American wrench-Cats and crank up The hi-flo, nitro-mixed carb and Go! - a' cruising! And, not ANY old road, no-no nix, but, You park, pull the hand-crank brake, It clanks apart - no muss, no matter! You Pitch it out the driver's window, though, Yep, woulda been better Had you rolled it DOWN first, and! Never mind, you Are at last! Set free, can, together, (... swooning to the radio retro-tunes Of ABBA - DABBA DOO) goggle at that! Tinsel Town view! ... finally, ah, it took you HOURS to work up a nerve... you begin... to lean In general perfumed direction of! Your Saturday night date With fate - what? Suddenly WAY over? Against the FAR passenger door? (... clinging fiercely to the door handle, ready to spring out! like can't-be-caged Ozzy Lioness which she surely elegantly is!) And... well, our story continues, but First - we must lock... that famed Imp, Loki by name, In the Studebaker trunk So - we be not disturbed by All 'at raucous laughter! Thence them drooling smooches At once commence! :eek: And... then! Well, ahem, Knowing Nay O as close as I do, I'm guessing, fair certain She's halfway down the holly Wooded hill - one tremendous leap! Seeking safe refuge she be, In the first Sunset Boulevard Saloon she comes to! ... sure, it's a bit muffled, yet You CAN hear some... gutteral, wicked Trickster laughter A'howling now! From inside out That... not-quite-as-mondo, Scando hot-rod trunk!
  18. And, Don't forget this! So to drown out The clamor of marching hammers, oh The drone of neo-Goth clones! Perhaps you'll even hear? Distant... dimmest... echo The Harmony of the Spheres! :cool:
  19. Why... due forsooth! The Truth itself comes brightly marching! Brassy bugle raised to the sky! All Doom Dudes Who forecast out of ripped hip pocket! See them SC-2 rockets! That enflaring pirouette - is! Amazing! fire-works - on display! Time has near arrived, oh yes! Let's harmonize, and sing it out now! All who always believed, And some depressed, did badly guess. ____________________________________ Happy days are here again The skies above are clear again So let's sing a song of cheer again Happy days are here again Altogether shout it now There's no one Who can doubt it now So let's tell the world about it now Happy days are here again... -- music and lyrics: J Yellen & M Ager ________________________________ It's like that awesome view I got, Here in Desert City, a'lookin' Out toward them Watermellon Mountains! [... so called, cuz when the Sun fades to a penumbra haze due West, them mountains then appear to be... rock-face Red interlaced with a really cool fir-tree green! :cool: ] I see this every day! Hooray I say! What a fine way to reside & abide! Ever between What is reckoned as evident, And what... can't even... be seen! (... maybe? A little tilt to the Blues Brother Shades? LOL! :cool: )
  20. Gotta! have one a' these, so, what Do I need to hurry up and do? Violate NDA and disclose MY Actual, half-educated opinion? :eek: Shoot, no can do... though, Send the T-shirt anyway? :cool: DOUBLE doggone it! :confused: I coulda wore these 2, Every other day, And NEVER bought another T! (... you see, given my age, and being out here on the desert, where we get Sun 360 days out of the year! ) ______________________________ He did then, and will again, You can rest assured of that. C'mon, man, it's very nearly here, And so, a little more patience?
  21. Whew, Night! You got passion! That's a good thing to have. A shade on the grouchy side, Ah well, What the hell, We ALL get that way now and then, eh? So long as we KNOW that we ALL are fallible, And, that nobody is, All by themselves, KNOWING the only "truth" of things, Everything will be Jake. Hey hooray, here we go: You WILL get the finest Editor, ever. You don't have to make your own game Unless you want to. "Default," out-of-box, version will work Just fine. And, made even better Due to future SC-2 forum input. Certainly! Depending on HOW you spend your MPP,s. IF you buy MOSTLY hi-tech gadgets, Well, you may be... a little thin Red line, here and there. Yes. If you recall, from pzgnder's AAR#2, He had mentioned that he had about as many Armor units, in early 1943, as The GErmans had. OK, saved! Wasn't going to give you that Grog OOB guff, anyway. You are exaggerating, IMHO. I do believe, in each instance, some Somebody has said that you CAN, Or... may, should you choose, Change things around so to suit Your personal preferences. Good thing to have that opportunity, eh? :cool: EVERY war-game is an amalgamation Of EVERY war-game ever made, I'd say, Since Frederick the Great. Before that, even. It's an "accumulated wisdom," and, no doubt, Your ideas are as good as anybody else's Since, at least, 400 B.C. And, as part of the prevailing Zeitgeist , the Beta-Testers Don't have such bad ideas, neither. Hubert has the very best ones, However. THOSE are the ones SURE to make "The final cut."
  22. If a unit has been blitzed, Surrounded, Left abandoned, O, some sort of "Motherless Child," Then, When destroyed - at low or no supply, It is removed from the force pool. Permanently, I mean. You don't want this to happen! If it is IN supply, then the surviving Cadre Will allow you to rebuild THAT Particular unit, At lower cost. Now, sure, this is UNLIKE Third Reich, Where you just pick up the lost And wandering souls. (... a few things in SC-2 are kinda like Reich games, but, mostly not... more eclectic selection and innovative design, I'd surmise) And pitch 'em in that plastic tray, AKA: the remainder container. Here, hmmmm, I suppose we could TRY Blowing them out like so many Flee-flickering birthday candles? Vaporize 'em? Bring in the steam-shovels, Watch 'em crushed before our very eyes? LOL. No, you gotta rack 'em, physically Whack 'em on down. But, Given their low supply, readiness AND morale state, won't be hard To accomplish. Just a little strut-huff By a no-tech, Rambling wreck of a slouching-out garrison Should get the job done.
  23. I have already mentioned That I will NOT respond To this "@Somebody" stuff. Now, this can be penultimate, eh? IOW, you want to lay down some righteous Smack on... me? (... you and I KNOW what "righteous" REALLY means, don't we, jjr ?) Simply use that "@" and I just won't Smack back! Pretty Cool Petunias, eh? :cool:
  24. It is indeed. For instance, in the example I cited above, There is only (... depending on Which Nation, IE, some Folks have MORE "influence" than others) Approximately a one in twenty chance that you'll even Get - that "Diplo hit." (... this disparity among Nations, and in fact, all possible "diplo variables" can easily be edited :cool: ) Yep, there are the occasional bouts Of bad "dice-rolling" luck, And there are unpredictable (... made more so by intel) Time-tables for research gains Or special event arrivals, But, In the main instance, The game depends MOSTLY upon your skill And willingness to try out Many different kinds of S&T, (... as Blashy loves to do, as you've seen) And yet... the game is so very nuanced And so subtly complex, That it will take a good long while Before anyone even remotely Becomes truly the "constant adept." Factor in the ability to create yer own AI scripting, So that yer "game of choice" Is actually great And tremendously re-playable FUN Well, what say? Are you getting ready For a... fantastic sparkling-spinning Globe, for the ultimate Strobe light show? :cool:
  25. Pray tell, jjr, What "truth" have you Thus far, established? Amazing how Some people, apparently, can glance At... a couple random screen-shots And... deduce? How the WHOLE game works? Without ever playing it! LOLOLOLOL! C'mon, let's hear all about "the truth." About game features, or, help us out, Go for it - Idaho Legend! About... anything at'all! I am VERY curious to hear. But, Mixed in with some "temperate smack," Perhaps? A few facts?
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