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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. Very well said Boardwalk Raconteur! Just gettin' ready To jump into - Bessie the Blue And head on down Las Cruces way For Turkey and trimmings too! And Green Chile Casserole on the side! If you and Marion were in the neighborhood I'd ask you to come right along For the ride!
  2. My My My, All the thread police-persons! :eek: I find it an interesting irony That he - Kuni, who so GLEE fully Ransacked! so many other threads, Over many, many, many years, Should have one of his own Hi jacked, Jacks. Besides, experience hath suggested That he who often openly claims to NOT Be a racist, or sexist, or ist-ist, Might very well... be one, Whereas, He who SEEMS (... by an acclaim, which, due to the nature of commonly arrived-at conclusions in general, is ALWAYS suspect) To be a racist or sexist or ist-ist, Sometimes... is NOT actually one. So, lighten up yee who cast them occasional Shards & stones. And, Happy Thanksgiving to all who so celebrate it! One big happy family sharing all bounty! :cool: [ November 23, 2005, 10:58 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  3. Could be? LOLOLOL. (... do ALL bankers in Bucharest curse so much? LOL! ) Well, we've had our turn. Many, many, many times. Are having it, again, just now. Only 30 years after the last dumb debacle, Which I know a bit about. These encrazed cycles seem to be getting Closer together. This is worrisome. Though, should we worry aloud, We be... publicly called out, By folks who NEVER volunteered For Duty, when they had the chance, As non-patriots. Boy, You just gotta laugh. And laugh and laugh. Great discussion here with many insights. So far, I like this one best: Liam knows things. Could be a Guru, even. Rock Stars will come calling. More thoughts like these? The lesser, the lame and infirm Will no longer be falling. Fragrant flower petals will be strewn In his path. Gone at last! Those souring grapes of wrath. We need more social workers! (... North Carolina allows these? LOL! JK!) And, Fewer who worship at ersatz shrines Built by that vastly growing mass Of EVERYTHING-fearing beserkers. [ November 22, 2005, 06:54 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  4. Valid points all around John DiFool. 1) GErman Fleigerkorps X conducted a bombing campaign against Malta that was every bit as intense as "The Battle of Britain." So devastating that UK had to keep her subs underwater during daylight hours so they wouldn't be annihilated. So devastating that for long stretches UK had only 5 or 6 TOTAL # of interceptors on the island. UK Carriers were used later to ferry some Spitfires, but that was AFTER "F-K X" had been reassigned from Sicily to North AFrika in November of 1941. 2) The Malta Effect is designed to reduce supply. This re-presents the "Malta Strike Force" which included planes, subs, and other patrol craft. Perhaps? We'll need to bump up the % chance that Malta will interdict supply to North Afrika? We'll see, as testing progresses. 3) Here are some of the MANY determinative factors in North Afrika... a) Lack of fuel, as you've mentioned. Rommel's use of 88s as Anti-Tank. c) Churchill's increased willingness to "run the guantlet in order to get Armor and other units to Egypt faster. d) Eventual Air Superiority by the Allies. e) Gradually more units introduced from the Commonwealth countries of Australia, New Zealand, India and South AFrika. OK. Not a problem. All of these can be "tweaked." We are NOT through with the "high-wire balancing act" by any means. Either here or in Russia or WRT to USA's potential, and actual materiel outlay. But, we're getting there! :cool: Blashy has done a tremendous job introducing many of the new! features of SC-2 Blitkreig! He keeps us "old grogs" on our toes because he is a creative and risk-taking player who finds all sorts of unique ways to "break the tried & true" S&T. There will be more. Different things in store.
  5. SM, In the lower right panel where the Nation's flags are located (... and corresponding MPP totals), you can right-click on the flag and that Nation's build queue will appear. (... by LEFT CLICKING on the flag you will be centered on the Nation's Capital) Could be you are on-screen and contemplating your immediate and future plans, and so, you don't have to re-enter the production screen in order to see what is due to arrive. It shows a picture of ALL the units you have purchased... clear to the end of the war, and the date of arrival. By month and year. Don't mind saying that this was one of the suggestions that I had made, and I am sure glad it was implemented. Saves quite a lot of Xtra clicking.
  6. LOLOLOL Kinda like them high-school car-clubs, eh? We had them Down here in Desert City, very much As you saw in that Lucas movie, American Graffiti. One guy had this old Hudson Hornet. Souped and shined and It would whine through the gears, Must be the sort of hornets yer speakin' of? Anyway, Out on Route 66 - under them high bright stars, He'd wind it up - and blow it out And FINALLY shift into 4th gear, At 100 MPH. No cops around then, they knew That certain rubber-burnt parts Of Route 66 was... OURS. OK, so there we got the Hornets. What was yer club? Let's see... the Tractor Haulers? So to haul huge spot-lights for when The pretty celebrities came to town? Bob Hope twiddling his golf club, Doing USO? In places you've NEVER been? Like Iwo, Inchon, or Saigon? LOLOLOL!
  7. O that Canada Fast Ferry Express Card! Can't leave home without it! LOL... JK! Actually, for all those players out there Casting eagre eyes over the Atlantic, Won't be so easy to conquer Canada OR USA in this game. Better bring yer biggest & best guns. Hi Yo! Silver bullets too, LOL!
  8. Well, when this vital position Became available, We thought of you, yes of course. But, when we called old Idaho, Somebody there said That you were out larking in a foursome With... Bill Gates and Donald Trump And Mulligan Jones. Hey, that's cool. This ol' World Of Fear & Tremble, NEEDS 30 handicap Golfers REAL BAD about now.
  9. Thank you JPW, You have been there, done this And also some of that, So you know. As does JJ. Each, insightful and possessed. A kind of... fox-fire glow. Well, Dad? Yep, he was a Mussel, And Mom - a musical Starfish, Who hushed the crowd Playing 2-5 time Jazz Bo piano, Which is different, I guess. Me? A crab? :eek: I prefer to think not, but, admit, I DO spend my days, (... stuck out here on sun dunned desert) Wandering to & fro Most ardently wishing I were closer to the Ocean, As in... glory days of old. A kind of salt-encrust Beach Bum, ah, how fantastic! It all was! :cool: Fending off - scanty clad Slow mo lasses and! Casual offers of... Panama Red And Acapulco Gold. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!
  10. Not a bad idea, Edwin P, I will Mention it in Beta Regions. Master and Genius might be needed Since we have a great number Of VERY skilled players. Though there is that new! AI scripting Which will allow much more leeway. I remember - it was Civ II or 3? Where you had the toughest level Called... "God" wasn't it? I NEVER played that one as I feared (... should I approach close to victory) Thunderbolts that would sear Every spare sparrow in sight, Not to mention - my own limb & life. :eek:
  11. Well Jeff, I can certainly understand your apparent Desire to see, and hear - more and more, And then some! I have been around gaming for over 40 years And this one, this SC2-Blitzkrieg! is going to be, IMHO - sensational in all respects. Bill and I, and now Blashy (... and some other new testers may begin to respond as well) are trying To answer as many questions as we are able, And there may be a few things That CANNOT be answered because There are no definitive answers... as yet. It is a constant process, and some things will Change a jot - here and there As a result of further testing. Ordinarily we don't respond unless We are fairly confident That we won't mislead you. However, Feel free to ask. About anything. We will TRY to answer With the best possible, most up to date Information that we have. And Hubert responds, as you well know, Now and again, and In particular when he is the ONLY one Who knows the answer, and, As ever-more tight and taut Time permits. :cool:
  12. Jeff, and Everyone: I can tell you this much. Many are the nights that Hubert is working At 2-3 AM. In the morning, that is, and I know, because of the time difference Between his HQ and my desert field-tent, yeah, I get EM's there, and then. Many are the Saturdays AND Sundays That Hubert is working on getting SC-2, oh, Just like... how Warren Zevon sang about That wandering London Werewolf's Hair... perfect! :cool: I know, because there are inquiring posts And appropriate responses just about Every single weekend day. And night. This is one of those things that has lapsed A little, And maybe there'll be more And maybe not, but I am QUITE confident That you and everyone else would rather have The game - say, by... Christmas Season, If at all possible, than A lot of nice, but extraneous stuff. Is this true?
  13. LOLOLOL, Well, as I've heard it tell In the wise eyes of ol' omniscient, Omnipotent, Alpha qua Omni-Omega Sky God, The lowly mustard seed is deemed Equally esteemed As that tiny I-pod of Life Which eventually - becomes, Then, centuries of PATIENT arrangement, A mighty Redwood tree! Besides, ain't nobody gonna cut The mustard... too thin, Since there are many hot-dogs Required - then! You go forth - to the old ball-game. Well, As Axis Player, IF you are able to hold onto Prussia, And Poland, And some of the Balkans And Italy due north of Monte Cassino, AND keep Patton's rolling tin-cans Outta Deutschland, Then, I would imagine that would be A Victory. What kind? What degree? Fair soon - you'll see. :cool:
  14. Yep, I had Spain up in the 70 percentile. Then, I suspected wily (... and Diplo board attentive) Opponent had canceled my Diplomatic chit with one of his own, so I stuck another flyer in there. I was hoping for that occasional "large parlay" where you can get a 20-30% hit. At that point, it is Molly over the Windmill (... rather, in this instance - Don Quixote, kicked head over heels, I guess) Because... once you reach the magic number, IE, 90% leaning in your favor, well, then there are automatic and gradual increases whether you have a Diplo chit canceled out or not. Kind of like... the Minor has JUST ABOUT been convinced, and all that is required now is to roll out the red carpet, toss the garlands around, and open the back door of the waiting limosine. Mercedes or Packard or Rolls Royce, as the case may be.
  15. You can "Op move them" (... as imagined, break them down and run them here & there on road or rail) but you cannot rebase, so keep some spare toll-booth change during winer months, just in case. Maybe wise to plan ahead - anticipating the winter restrictions, and maybe re-place your valuable assets somewhere safer? And BTW, you can attack, but at much reduced effectiveness.
  16. It may have been asked, I can't remember, But even so, no need to apologize! Most every question has been asked At least 19 times! As is said... there is little new, Asked, answered - late or soon done, Under the dying sun. Sure. So long as they are "neutral" and not yet Actively Axis. Same would be true if, say, UK Should go crazy, and decide to DoW Russia Before they became active Allied. Well, You CAN do that - by fiddling (... while Rome burns to return to an ancient old Glory!) With that X-tremely amazing! Editor. :cool: In default SC-2, Italy starts With a little more armed forces Than in SC-1, (... though, their Industrial base remains limited) Which allows them to seriously threaten An actual incursion into southern France. Which will probably require that France Maintain some decent deterrent there. Spreads out their forces a bit more. Unless... you'd want to Just concede Marseilles?
  17. It will be. Hubert has been working on this game, this concept, this genre for WELL OVER 4 years. And, he has done the trench work, the research, AND has respectfully listened to every SC gamer who has expressed an opinion over those years. You don't think - by now? He can create a WW2 GS default game Which would be historical - and also allow Some within-the-bounds... "what-ifs?" The Editor is incredible, I've never seen ANYTHING like it in all my born days, And that's too many, but what can you do? Use it, or don't. My best guess? Once you get yer hands on it, You won't be able to stop! LOLOL! Why would it be any different this time? Same creative guy at the SC controls. :cool:
  18. Well, hellraiser, you thinks Incorrectly, insofar as BETTER choices. Many out there, no doubt, EQUALLY as good, But... better? Nix Nix - criss-crosser of River Styx. . Having played the X-Sub Mariner, And having heard some fine. Insightful suggestions, Already, In this, his brief time, Hey, the Sea Cat's - Deep Water... Cool. :cool:
  19. LOLOL, Ah, but so... the view! The view, I tell you! From any one of them 7 hills, oh, Any at all that you would choose, Come mid night, Then the moon's full tilt light Is - glancing - dancing! across the white March of marble, WILL BE... splendid. :cool:
  20. Problem being... WITHOUT a city in between Tripoli and Tobruk, the Afrika Korps and WDF, or Western Desert Force, both have a difficult time sustaining any offensives due to the supply rules. And, remember those cities from which you draw supply are only "size-5" in Libya. And, you have the "Malta Effect" which will occasionally REDUCE supply to the Libyan outpost even further... re-presenting the Allied "patrol craft" that often sunk supply & troop ships. Well, you CAN make a "chain" of HQ's, but the SECOND HQ in the chain does NOT pass on supply benefits to units beyond it. It is only "in best possible supply status" - itself. Therefore, whoever controls Tobruk has a major advantage in all of those hot hostile desert sands. Which is NOT desired, since FM Rommel, for instance, did not even take Tobruk first time around (... not until June of 1942 actually), he just by-passed it. So. Some city is necessary, IMHO, BETWEEN Tripoli and Alexandria, OTHER than Tobruk. Thus... El Aghiela. Which admittedly is SMALLER than MOST other cities on the map, though there are some others, as with Trondheim, which serve a specific "strategic" purpose. It COULD be Benghazi, as you suggest, with or without a Port facility, BUT... IF you are intending to be accurate in map placement, that particular City would be TOO CLOSE to Tobruk, and would not give each side a fair opportunity to "go with the flow." This Desert Campaign has been likened - by many field commanders and Historians, to a "war at sea," in that there was a LOT of blitz & surround and retreat and re-gain ground, etc. Therefore, we TRY to model that in a way that is faithful to the REAL supply problems that were faced.
  21. SM, It IS a shot from the default '39 Campaign Game. El Aghiela IS placed there for all the reasons I stated above (... though, it yet COULD be Benghazi, we'll see - does anyone else NOT like a smaller City in amongst mostly larger ones?), which apply in both the small and larger scaled scenarios, IMHO. Hey! I appreciate that... I've got quite a few reference materiels too, as that is also my own favorite theatre, along with "Battle of the Atlantic." IF I have some either-way possible situations I am contemplating, or some other pertinent question... do I have your e-mail address? I'll surely "borrow" some of your expertise. :cool:
  22. Ah, and very apparently, I GOT your suggestion by way of... premonition, ALL the way from Toronto to Desert City, USA. Hmmm - 9 minutes behind, That seems about how things usually go. You gotta realize - Hubert Is REALLY that fast! You can hardly ever catch up! :cool:
  23. SM, All cities on board are NOT created equal, true? **[... also, the screenshots you see are NOT final, as has been duly noted, so some things may change... Benghazi instead? Who knows? But IF not, and since this would not be a CRITICAL impairment of a fairly faithful WW-2 outcome, you could change it in the Editor. See what happens that is different, yes?] Paris is larger than Brest. Moscow is larger than Minsk. Berlin is larger than Frankfurt. Etc, on & on. El Aghiela is situated in a position that allows the BEST possible tactical, and the most accurate eventual results... for the North Afrikan campaign. Besides, Cities are not merely actual factual aggregations of human beings. They RE-present places where there are important military or political "objectives" or some Industry not already suggested by Mine Icons, or a vital cross-roads, etc, And so, adhering to our KISS principal, all Cities, Towns, Villages, or Whistle-stops are of the same value. It's all a matter of "acceptable perspective," as well as using an "abstracting imagination." :cool:
  24. Sad, but true. Though... VERY lucrative. Lots of pristine Green-dream golf-courses going up. Plenty of hulking new SUV's 'Stead of dust-bitten old pick-up trucks. For the few. And, The State takes one hell Of a hefty cut. In my desert town we have reservations And Casinos all over the place! I'd guess... 5 or 6 of 'em within 50 miles. One, On the way to Santa Fe, Has such HUGE neon come-on In! And parlay the night & day away Kind of signs, That you can see them 25 miles out! LOL. I guess.
  25. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Sorry, Cusper, no offense intended I'm sure, by me Nor the bad Moon-enthused Kuni. See, he's crazy as a loon. (... do they have them sorts of odd emotion-evoking song-birds - in Sweden?) Well, we're ALL a little daft. Take it to the jjr Inc. bank! Though, some like to PRETEND that THEY Themselves - somehow? How could that be? This insane-is-sane, day and age? Are... NOT. Really strange ones, those.
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