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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by gautrek

  1. Love the catalogue but could i make a small suggestion.Well it is small for me but its alot of work for you.How about adding the BMP numbers for each unit. This would finish of the catalogue. Thanks
  2. Thats a good idea Tacitus how about somebody compose a very good email and post it in this thread then we could all copy and paste it and then bombard them with it. ( i would offer to do it but as you can see from my posts my English may be a bit abrasive for some fair souls) If not why don't we just go round a set fire to their offices. Oh that wouldn't work because it would delay the date even longer(but it would make me feel sooo much better).
  3. I think the main reason CMBB is not being released yet might have something to do with Sudden Strike II coming out at the same time.
  4. So i take it you have the game then.Thats why you don't give a damn. Its a case of I'm all right jack and sod you .Or maybe its only you that doesn't give a damn I would like to think the vast majority of people here do give a damn.And if its only you then i can live with that. And BFC should GIVE a damn as this looks bad on their part even if its not their fault.They should have made the contract they signed with cdv so water tight that you could hear their arses squeak as they walked away from the table. Yes it may only be a game but that is not the point.It is a game i am waiting to spend my hard earned money on.If this is a good way to run a business (CDV/BFC) then thats ok. What has happened to the customer is all ways right. I want to Give somebody some of my MONEY for a game and it is impossable for me to do this.Is this very businnesslike. Where did i say this. All i want is for the game to be out at the same time the rest of the world can get it. So to sumerise for the hard of thinking Its ok that Britain and other countries are still waiting for the game (And please don't say anything bad about this on this forum). Or i can spend over the odds for the same game because i live in a country that the makers of the game are not allowed to sell it to.And all the hassle of getting it through somebody else.(please don't say anything bad about this either) Also instead of it coming out in a cardboard box (like most games that have large manuals seem to) i have to pay over the odds again if i want the full manual.(please don't say anything bad about this either) Now which part of the above has anybody got a problem with understanding.And then you wonder why people are peed off big time.
  5. Ok so where else am i supposed to go to complain about piss poor service then?. If these people are going to set up forums and make quality games then they have to accept complaints and be big enough to take it on the chin.This is a major f*** up and i am not happy. This forum at times seems like a mutal appreciation society where BFC can do no wrong. As to buying the game from another source WHY should i have to at more expense to me.This shouldn't have happened in the first place. And as to all this about having to translate the manual and this being the reason for the delay.What is the English version being translated from.Surely it was written in English and then translated into other languages later.And i can't believe that the manual wasn't finished months ago and printed up ready to go.I mean it needed proof reading .
  6. Please everybody stop praising BFC all the time.If they had made the contract with CDV better we would all be playing the bleeding game now.I don't think you can totally blame CDV for the F*** up.It is everybodys fault. Also the farce with the manual ie its to big to fit in a DVD case so we will give the poor sods who can only buy it through the shops a smaller version. And if they want a proper manual we will screw them for some more money for it.Why didn't they sell the bleeding game in a box like CM.This has a manual which is 190 pages long and came in a CARDBOARD box along with another cd. I am sorry to sound angry but i am a bit miffed to say the least. :mad:
  7. I'm in the same boat. So to kill the time untill 4th of Oct i went out and got Medeival Total War.And now i am not to bothered about waiting as this is a top game.
  8. It's so simple why we in Europe will be getting the game about two weeks behind the yanks. Its because they are all so crap at this game that they need the extra practice.They need all the help they can get.
  9. They are actualy very good at going cross country and through snow.So as a means of getting men about the battle field the are excellent.As the have a very small size. I even had about 14 people onboard mine once and it would still move.So this means you can carry loads of stuff.
  10. In fact looking at your photo again i think you are mistaken as this is not a Ural but a Dnieper(depending who you speak to this may or may not be the correct spelling) which is built by another company.And also built slightly after the war. You can tell this because it has later ally wheel drums and differant style lights.It also has a differant style engine which is all ally.These came as standard with the reverse gearbox. Sorry to be a bit of a Sad twat when it comes to these bikes.
  11. I was hoping that these fine m/c's would make the game as i still own a 1976 Ural M66 Mars outfit.This has the engine which is loosly based on WW2 1939-45 BMW.In fact a lot of the engine parts would fit staight in. This is the version that has the sidecar based on the WW2 steib sidcar as seen in any WW2 photos.And it is left hand drive. I did try and get one of the 750 cc sidevalves with the 2 wheel drive but these are like Rocking horse S*** in this country. What an amazing machine it is it does about 60 mph with the sidecar and about 60 mph without the sidecar.I even fitted a reverse gearbox to it. And yes i even had a Lada for about five years.I know i am a bit sad arn't i
  12. Maybe its yellow because Matt thinks that shockwaves are chessy But i love them cheese and all.
  13. I would love to join the pig pen but the only thing i could offer at the moment is to beta test the mods.And offer constructive comments. i am thinking of trying to do something simple just to see if i have any talent for modding. So if somebody could let me know what the bmp is for the Russian boots.So i can see about trying to dust them up a bit.I know its not a major thing but its a start
  14. Yes but when its all said and done its only a game. So when i am playing against somebody i want BIG explosions.i know how much this pisses me off when arty is coming in on my side. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring them back
  15. I would have thought its set in the Desert. Hope this helps.If i can be of anymore assitance please let me know.
  16. The best thing about using a couple of cans and string is that it comes in with a built in ICQ. You just disconect the cans and put them to you ears and voila you can talk to each other. The only problem with broadcan as i see it is that you might have to shout to overcome the inbuilt resistance of thick rope.
  17. They are a rather clannish lot over in Pengland. As a result of many years of isolation, they have developed certain curious customs and beliefs. Among those beliefs is the notion that only they are fit to walk upon the earth. In furtherance of that belief, they have many times attempted to make wars of extermination upon those decent folk in the outer boards and would no doubt have proven dangerous had they ever been able to make out which end of a gun was supposed to be pointed at the enemy. Many generations of inbreeding of the Peng thread has taken its toll and left them with a community IQ of about 12. From time to time, missionaries from the more enlightened races (cf. 'Grogs') have ventured into the murky dales and hollows of the Cesspool in attempts to share such blessings of civilization as shoes (admitted a challenging proposition with such a varied number of toes to be taken into consideration). But the savage Cesspooler insists he will not be tamed. So in their infinite wisdom and mercy, the gods of BFC have placed a wall around the Cesspool and drive back those infamous creatures who might slither their way into the outer boards to bother and molest the righteous. Michael</font>
  18. Can i use a dustbin (trash can for our american friends) instead of a coffee jar. Then my mate can bring his PC round and then we can both go online at the same time.
  19. As you mention the peng thread can you now explain to a layman(even though i an sitting down at the moment). What goes on in the aforsaid theard.As i haven't dared to dip my toe or anything else into its murky waters(in case i might catch something). And also could you explian in plain english thank you
  20. I have had a look in windows and i cant seem to find a winodws clock. Should i go to Microshaft and check for any updates.
  21. It was so much easier when i was using my old Amega as i didn't have to worry about the rest of the world as i didn't have the internet then. OH for the good old days.
  22. In your silly sod of a brain, maybe. Or did the world start rotating the other direction sometime during the last 24 hrs?</font>
  23. OH yes i forgot about summer.Thats because i blinked and i think i missed it. I havn't been called a silly sod for a long while and it made me smile.Its nice to see good old english piss taking going on here [ August 29, 2002, 05:55 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  24. I would keep this in mind but i am on GMT so am i forward or behind you? SO if you do announce a time can some clever person please convert it into GMT for me Thanks :confused:
  25. I tried Autocadd once and i couldn't even draw a line so what does that tell you about me. :confused:
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