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Everything posted by gautrek

  1. Oh crap thats something else i have to work out how to do now.Its took me long enough to get to this stage. But i will have a look for you. And also if you post in my threads you don't need to bother with the "IMHO" bollocks.Just tell me what you think needs changing.I have a thick skin and i can take critisim (even if i can't spell it).
  2. Just to keep you posted i am now doing the Sturmmorser. And then i am going to do the King Tiger. So put your requests in for any markings you might like added.
  3. Yes at long last i have got round to doing "proper" tanks.A dusty and damaged Jadgtiger has been posted for you . Can people let me know if this image dosn't show up for them when they look as i want to see if my isp has a bandwidth limit.
  4. i have just uploaded my dusty Brummbar with damaged side skirts.
  5. This is my latest wip. What i want to know do people want to see this sort of damage or not?. Let me know. I havn't started dirtying it up yet [ January 17, 2003, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  6. Sorry double post [ January 17, 2003, 11:21 AM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  7. Finally managed to get my Finnish version uploaded.As stated above it comes with optional turret markings.Which will be reversed on the other side.
  8. I have just redone and uploaded my first mod. Its my dusty T37 I am also trying to upload my Finnish version of this mod with optional turret markings.But the database is having a mardy sulk at the moment. I will upload this when i can
  9. Just uploaded Version 2 of the mod. With redone turret side crosses by Vader's jester. They are now more on proportion. Hows that for service.
  10. I know the feeling i have a site but it's doing my head in. :confused:
  11. Can you sort me out some photos and i will see what i can do. When i can get my bleeding website working properly then you can check them all out there. Anybody any good at site building (Hint.Hint)As i need some help.BLEEDING HTML.I'm to old to start learning this.
  12. I have just posted a Dusty Captured T34 1941 at the database.I have taken the markings from a photo.
  13. Whose smoke mod are you using as i havn't seen that version yet.
  14. Just posted a dusty panzer 2 with optional markings and flag.
  15. If you download a mod from the database then the bmp's should not need renumbering at all .Just stick the in you bmp folder as is. That is unless there is an option for markings or some thing.If its one of my mods i will always make a note of this in the read me. In my case it will always be something along the lines of remove the S from the optional bmp no ie 12345S.bmp But if there is no read me then look at the optional bmps (lets say a turret side with markings on )and find the same bmp that has no markings on and rename it the same as that one. [ January 10, 2003, 11:19 AM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  16. Whose grass are you using in the winter shots.
  17. This game is fixed as all the Tigers are not like each other.One is whitewashed ,one has snow on it and one dos'nt. So now we know you have fixed the game nobody can win.
  18. Please ignore as i am just testing
  19. I couldn't agree more about this. At least i made a start on the side skirts .I was hoping to see more along this line.
  20. Thanks for the praise Gordon.You have just cheered up a not so young any more man But i must say that without all your help and hints in the first few months of my attempts at modding then i wouldn't be where i am now. So this is a public Thank You for all your help
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