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Everything posted by Barkhorn1x

  1. Ahh...the Yamato and Musashi - the two largest battleships ever built. Not quite as handy as the Iowa class however (and you can still visit those).
  2. Older battle wagons supported the landings (the Texas for example) so 14" is appropriate.
  3. Outstanding! If I wasn't such a cheap bastard I would order one.
  4. You know my 18 year olds (twins) would wear that t-shirt as - to the uninitiated - it is so obscure as to be very cool.
  5. Oh C'MON!!! You mean when module 3 (or 4) rolls around I won't be able to model the whole Ambleve valley and Kampfgruppe Peiper in it's entirety?? How realistic is that?
  6. A must mode for my US armor liberating all of those French towns!!
  7. You really didn't expect BF to respond with something like: "Well, now that Andross is back and asked about the release date, let's announce it!" ...now did you?
  8. A suggestion for those new to the system. For your early games, save after every turn and reload/retry differen tactics until you hit on something that works. Is it cheating? Sure. So what. You're new, you need to practice. Consider it a training exercise.
  9. Yes, spot on. And...a beefy manual is a must to answer the questions that are bound to come up. We will not get an in-game guided tutorial with an advisor as that is just not in BFs budget.
  10. I agree - that thing is built for ambush and has a heavy mantlet, a nasty frontal slope and thick protection. Certainly it is not as versatile as the Sherman with its power traverse turret but in its element... [shudder]
  11. The OP stated; "Will Operations make a return?" After 6 pages of blah, blah, blah the answer is an emphatic NO!! End of story. Life is too short.
  12. Good job Elvis. Does CM:BN have a summary screen a la CMx1?
  13. Jon - I feel your pain here but that - THAT - is outstanding!! And you just posted two very enjoyable (to me anyway ) rounds really showing us what this engine can do. It's a whole no level baby!!
  14. You're on the razors edge Jon, the RAZORS EDGE!! Good stuff.
  15. Oh good lord - not the lamo neon green weapons icons. Nothing says 1944 like neon green! Seriously, that would just look dumb. I vote to return to the look of the old CMBO gunmetal mod as it fit the period. Agree that Scipio will be in demand if BF foists the CMSF color scheme on us.
  16. My guess is yes it would as those items are probably not finished yet.
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