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Everything posted by Barkhorn1x

  1. ...and Company of Heroes is a more accurate a simulation of WWII combat than CMBN could ever hope to be. Oh wait. No it's not. It's an arcady POS, isn't it? Why yes it is and all the great eye candy in the world can't hide that fact. Sorry bud, if eye candy is all you are looking for then this is not the game for you.
  2. Gee, that’s a difficult one. I chalk it up to this: - Condescending attitude - Promising much and always delivering less - Refusing to let things be - Propagating blatant falsehoods regarding his role post war Yea, that’s about encapsulates it. Tis a shame that after Marlborough and Wellington all you Brits had was that guy.
  3. I agree. There was an event that took place after the hard fought battle in the Wilderness in 1864 - Grant's first battle in the east - that sums it up nicely. The leading column of the II Corps came upon a key north/south crossroads and the troops thought that they would turn north as they always did after a big fight to regroup/reorganize and the cycle would repeat itself yet again. But the officer at the crossroads pointed south and the troops realized at that moment that there would be no retreat this time and even tho' there were some horrific battles down the road, the war would finally end as they had commander who had the strategic vision - and will - to make it happen.
  4. I am gonna wait for the steel box as I get so damn frustrated w/ a lengthy d/l process and my wireless goes out from time to time for no apparent reason. Much rather wait for the box and take 20 minutes to get up and running than wait 4+ hours for the thing to d/l.
  5. Damn, really? I want to work for your company. Oh just saw you're from Germany, never mind.
  6. I do hope the Poles are included as an homage to their fighting abilities.
  7. I believe AH sold about 20 copies of TLD - and 10 actually got played.
  8. FWIW, I don't believe you did. It's not up to you to devine his poorly worded OP. And the subsequent path this thread took would have been avoided if his second post was something like; "Perhaps I was unclear, what I was asking was...." But no, he had to get all uppity.
  9. Ha..Panzer Blitz. I still own Panzer Leader, stained scenario cards and all but I don't know what happened to my copy of PB.
  10. I want to come back to this point made by SoD: Really? It's an objective given then that these exist. OOOOOKKK. Two points: 1. Again, I have d/l'd literally THOUSANDS of files for such heavily modded games like: CM Total War series Silent Hunter series IL-2 ...and I have NEVER run across a virus. Never. Perhaps SoD is hanging out with the wrong crowd then? 2. If you open - for example - a skin file and find anything in it that has a strange file extension unrelated to a games skin file format I suggest you don't click on it genuis. Really, this guy was a bit much and got the flames he deserved.
  11. Nice to see a lack of green neon. Tis a small thing to be sure but it would kill my mood. ...and thanks Packito.
  12. Oh geez, that is hilarious as it comes after he claims all sorts of superiority and accuses everyone of Fanboism. You must be reading a different forum than I am reading as I don't get that at all. It is interesting that the charge of Fanboism gets bandied about but then your Holy Grail is name dropped - Ost Front. Gee, I guess in your world the ONLY legitimate players are those who play CMBB and will wait until CM Russian Front is released to be happy. Just who is it that has on the "rose colored glasses" again?
  13. Oh well, we'll all miss you. What the? I have d/l thousands of scenarios/skins/mods over the years and this has never happened to me. Now he tells us. Hey dude, where were you - and your 3 posts - when info. like this would have been useful to BF? /sarc off. TROLL.
  14. What led you to believe that something has changed from the games pre-order status as of 03/10?
  15. You are correct. So....oh to hell with it - let's call it the Limey/Kanuk/Nazi Fanatic module and leave it at that.
  16. At least the following were at FS: 2SS 12SS (never committed until Normandy) 21st Lehr BTW, 17SS was a Panzergrendier Div which had a PzJg Abt. only - no IVs or Panthers.
  17. How come a French site gets to see this and we do not? Pourquoi?
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