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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Not sure yet is really the best answer we can give right now.
  2. Hyperbole aside, I think your post speaks very well to one of the main strengths of the SC series, which is of course its conduciveness for competitive game play. That being said, doesn't Terif still have your number
  3. Netherlands is simply a game play/design choice due to the space on the map, but certainly editable as desired. Those ship outlines along the coasts are Port Blockade positions that effectively reduce the applicable Port strengths rendering them potentially inoperable should enemy ships occupy those spaces. It adds a very nice strategic element to the game This is of course on top of the new addition of Surface Raiders!
  4. Most items will be importable and it will require some edits but I can provide some guidance on that when the time comes.
  5. The AI generally sees incremental improvements and all the previous improvements will be in place for this release as well but it does of course have to be balanced out with the ever increasing map sizes. In the end I would say that it will play very similarly to the Pacific Theater release in terms of speed.
  6. Unfortunately it is not just the AI, it is the underlying code and interface issues to make it a true Multiplayer game. It is getting closer but it is just not there yet and always one item that gets pushed back in favour of others due to time constraints.
  7. Hi Przy, We've come along way development wise in the last few months but we still cannot officially comment on the planned release date. Rest assured though we want to have it available as soon as possible too Hubert
  8. Hi Cantona66, The planned release is Global in focus only but that being said it should not be too hard to re-create one of the older maps from either theater using Strategic Command WWII Global Conflict. FYI, the nice thing about this release is that it will contain the most flexibility in doing so, i.e. the highest number of country slots and all the latest terrain, features, AI improvements and so on. Hubert
  9. With each game release the system is moving closer to such a reality but for the time being it is still planned as an Axis vs Allied release. Hope this helps, Hubert
  10. Hi Wushuki, At the moment the system requirements are pretty much identical to the latest Strategic Command releases, i.e. Blitzkrieg, Pacific Theater, and not likely to change. Hubert
  11. My pleasure and likewise I'm glad you are enjoying what the game system has to offer
  12. I'd love to xwormwood and I'll be completely honest in that there is really so little time outside of game development for me to reasonably do this. Often development takes a lot longer than you would think and there is a careful balance (for sure) on where my time and efforts should be appropriately directed. That being said I do try and read every post and keep on track of the most important feedback and findings and even if I don't have the chance to comment fully here and there, rest assured that quite often some of this feedback makes it back into the game one way or the other. Hubert
  13. No for each specific AI script type, there can only be one plan for the same target. This is also described in the script notes as seen below: ; Plan identity is determined by #COUNTRY_ID and #GOAL_POSITION. A country can only have a single plan based on this criteria and ; will be assigned the first valid plan regardless of duplicate script entries (even if the remaining control '#' values are different). ; Note: This will also allow you to set up a variety of plans with the same identity but different ; control '#' parameters where the first 'event' satisfied will be the fist plan assigned (for added variability).
  14. Gunhawk, glad to hear you liked the Bulge and D-Day scenarios as it is not often we hear feedback on the smaller campaigns Hubert
  15. Be forewarned... scripting AI can also melt the brain
  16. Hi Al, I think I see at least one major issue and it has to do with the FRIENDLY_POSITIONs you are using. See the following note that can be found in the AI script files: ; #FRIENDLY_POSITION - First position must refer to a land tile, subsequent positions can refer to either land or coastal tiles. ; Note: More than one #FRIENDLY_POSITION can be set. #FRIENDLY_POSITION refers to the current side associated with this ; plan. Each #FRIENDLY_POSITION will be read using AND logic. ; ; For all AI scripts that use the #FRIENDLY_POSITION tag, the AI generally picks available units closest to and connected to ; the first #FRIENDLY_POSITION and then sends them to the nearest available position for the script; e.g., a city for a Garrison ; script, a port for a Transport script, etc. All AI scripts require that the first #FRIENDLY_POSITION be a land tile, with the ; exception of Fleet scripts. You'll see that the AI refers to the first FRIENDLY_POSITION when it looks for units for the plan you are attempting to execute, i.e. the first friendly position tells the AI where the plan should be executed from as otherwise it would not know etc. If you change the first listed friendly position back to New York then it should run as you were expecting it to. Beyond that everything else looks ok to me and your assumptions are mostly correct, i.e. build length is not too short (this just tells the AI how many turns should it wait before launching the boats towards the target as sometimes it takes a few turns for the units to assemble in their transports). For the limit to the number of plans there are none and likely it is as mentioned before a script error or simply not enough units available for the number of plans desired. Remember not all units count toward an invasion, only the basic unit types so you have to make sure that there are enough of those as the AI will automatically add in the special types such as HQs, AT, Rockets etc., but only after the initial plan size is satisfied.
  17. Just to confirm, steal just means that it will include units, in its search for available units, from those plan types as well. It doesn't ignore available units. Type 2 does mean that it will keep trying. For the scripts I've written if I want it to only try once then type=0 is appropriate and steal=0 would mean that it doesn't need to steal any units to get the job done. Note, these are usually plans that have units starting on islands that wouldn't actually have any default plans assigned to them as they are not connected to territory with enemy units etc. Why not post your scripts and perhaps a screenshot of Japan so we might get an idea why it is not working for you? Hubert
  18. Weapons and Warfare does not come with a full manual as it is an expansion over the original SC2 Blitzkrieg. Rather it comes with a set of notes in short manual form highlighting all the differences and changes. This can be found in a PDF file in the WaW installation directory or online here: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_flippingbook&book_id=8&Itemid=297
  19. Unfortunately it is not, it is only compatible with the Battlefront version of SC2.
  20. Correct, the available units have to be unassigned but I think it will still activate the event even if one of the units can't reach the port. If there are too many enemy ships in the area and you have assigned a position that checks for that in the event that that will prevent it from firing as well. Hubert
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