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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. I'm still shaking my head in disbelief at just how detailed and well put together this AAR is, fantastic stuff Didz
  2. Here is some more info from the FAQ that might resolve the issue for you: http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=82&nav=0
  3. Yes there is a bug in the campaign and I've fixed this for the next patch. In the meantime I can send you the corrected campaign directly, just send me a private message with your email address.
  4. John, convoys still only allow one per country but they've been overhauled in cause and effect quite a bit with more raiding options as well as their overall importance. More info on that should be coming in the next few weeks as we finalize some of the details.
  5. Didz, keep in mind some of the replies are from players who have been playing SC for almost 7 years so I would imagine for them multiplayer is one of the only ways they will find a true challenge. But that being said, I think for a first time player of an SC game, I suspect you will find the AI to be quite good relative to other games in the genre and should provide you with a decent enough challenge. After that and once you learn the ropes and all the tricks definitely try out multiplayer as it really is a whole new ballgame. Hubert
  6. Hi Calculon, The scale is similar but we really are looking at a new map as it has been re-oriented, for example the map edges are now through the center of the US, and we have extensively adjusted in layout in terms of terrain and resources as well as added in rail and roads and so on. There are some range adjustments which would make some unit movements shorter than in WaW and PDE but not all, i.e. naval units remain the same etc. That being said, there are plenty of other functional adjustments as well and we should have an update on some of the additional features that will be available since the original announcement was made... hopefully soon enough as we are still working/finalizing them. Hope this helps, Hubert
  7. Not in the near future unfortunately as it would require an extensive rewrite of the minimum resolution and interface.
  8. SC2 shouldn't have an effect on SC1 at all as they are two separate installations. Can you confirm that you purchased the Battlefront version of the game and installed the Battlefront version of the v1.07 patch? I only ask as different combinations from different sellers may introduce this error message as they are not compatible etc. Hubert
  9. In the Editor under Campaign->Edit Country Data->Edit Combat Target Data. From there when you select the Battleship type and country of your choice you will see at the bottom Loss Evasion %s for each type of combat. This can be edited as desired. Hope this helps, Hubert
  10. I've done that before, i.e. leave it open because I want to get back to this one and then I notice the same thing, someone has already replied!
  11. Hi Didz, no problem with posting an AAR here at all, in fact we encourage it! Welcome aboard
  12. Not sure, did you make any script adjustments? Also some of those scripts are tied into the number of units on the board etc., so if you make adjustments to the map you'll have to edit the GARRISON scripts accordingly.
  13. One way around this is to use a UNIT script to simply assign an air unit to the desired position depending on the situation. These can be created to be AI events only which is often helpful.
  14. Mobilization pretty much replaces the old 'Activation' variable and determines if your nation is now fully mobilized and prepared for war. The big change though is that it does not necessarily mean you are now at war with anyone, unless your are scripted to be automatically belligerent with another nation, i.e. USSR will generally go to war with Germany once they are fully mobilized, but it does allow you to now choose to go to war with anyone of your enemies if you so like. So for example, USSR ends up at war with Germany and if things are going well enough, the USSR can decide at the time of its choosing to go to war with Japan if they think it will be advantageous. Same for Japan, they can also decide to strike at the USSR at any time since they are already fully mobilized and at war with China. Essentially there is much more flexibility and as a player for either side you need to be aware of the border situations and what your opponent may be up to and adequately prepare for that. It is no longer just timeline controlled, albeit we still have mechanisms to handle the historical situations, and this is one of the key changes that will make this release very unique to previous SC iterations. For Diplomacy, much of it works the same and it is just the behind the scenes mechanisms that have changed. For example, minors are automatically set to join their majors' belligerence and vice versa. So you have to be careful as let's say the Japanese player, because a DoW on let's say Australia automatically brings the UK into the war against you and so on.
  15. Gentlemen, Let's try and keep the discussion about the game and not politics, historical debates or the darker sides of war. Thanks, Hubert
  16. Hi SeaMonkey, Off hand I'd say it is still a bit early to report on some of these details but rest assured we'll have more info as well as likely an AAR for everyone to get a better idea of what to expect game play wise. That being said though, I think you can imagine that much of the game play is still action/reaction specific and in the earlier years Axis have a lot of control, i.e. depending on their game play, over the entry of the major participants like the US (overall) and the Commonwealth in the Pacific Theater. Nice thing about the SC game system is that it flows depending on how the game is played, i.e. want to go a bit crazy as the Japanese in the Pacific? Well that is all well and good but don't expect to not upset a few of the neighboring heavy weights if you know what I mean Hubert
  17. Thanks Xwormwood and I should mention that a lot of the kudos go to PowerGmbH for not only his ideas/contributions to the Global game but also for his ingenious design of the main campaign. It's going to be a dandy
  18. We are working towards that if all goes well
  19. Regarding the USSR and Finland there was some discussion about this during development but currently it is not an option. For now you must be fully mobilized in order to be at war but once mobilized you can declare war on whomever you choose. So for example, if the USSR reaches full mobilization and wishes to declare war on Finland, i.e. Finland has not yet joined the Axis, they can now certainly do so. For the country slots it is currently fixed at 65. Hubert
  20. I should add that the main Global campaigns, i.e. such as the one that starts in September 1939 can run until 1947 and will be historical in nature... after that and as I mentioned above the remaining ones have yet to be finalized for release.
  21. The final campaign list is still to be determined but as you have probably already guessed they will be Global in nature
  22. Regarding the new war interactions this was a key addition required in order to have the Global setting work properly under the Strategic Command engine. For example, we still have the general alignments of Axis and Allied but depending on formal Belligerences, we can have an early war situation where Germany is at war with the UK and France, and Japan is only at war with China. The ultimate goal is of course the same for all sides, i.e. the Axis although not yet at war with a mutual enemy have to keep in mind the major alliances and work together for ultimate victory and vice versa. So an expansion of hostilities for Japan into let's say Southeast Asia may bring the UK into the war against them but it also brings an ally to the fight in Germany. But this of course needs to be balanced off by the additional resources the UK may gain in its fight in either Theater. Many options exist with the new Belligerence setting such as Japan launching an earlier sneak attack on the USSR before Germany is even at war with the Soviets, or an over aggressive Germany bringing the US into the war in Europe while the US is still not yet hostile with Japan allowing Japan to still try and launch a sneak attack if it has the means to do so. Essentially strategy, balance and making educated guesses as to what your opponents are up to will be the key for both sides to achieve victory in the end. Hubert
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