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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. I think if you set up two loop events, for example, with the same start positions but with differing finish positions, and then set the top most loop event at 50% and the second one at 100% then it could vary the arrival positions from turn to turn and hopefully make it more random.
  2. First thing you need to do is make sure that the pixel at 0,0, i.e. the top left hand corner is pure white. This is RGB 255,255,255. Sometimes it is not if you edit the flag sprites and then mirror it and the flag pole now occupies this pixel. After that simply make sure that all the white in the file, i.e. the white portion that you don't want to show up in the game, is in fact pure white as well as otherwise it will not be ignored when rendering to the Editor or game etc.
  3. Sorry to hear about the trouble Mabus77. I will be working on a fix for this for the first patch, similar implementation as what I have for the game to speed things up, but in the mean time can you try running the Editor in XP compatibility mode and/or update your video card drivers to see if that helps?
  4. Thanks Snowstorm, I never caught this as I was always running AI vs AI tests and the Allied Chinese AI would always DoW the USSR. Consider this fixed for the first patch as well
  5. 1. Sounds like a supply issue and your unit got stuck. We have a rule in place that it can move at least 1 tile if it cannot otherwise move at all but in this case it sounds like this rule is not kicking in because you can at least move once in one direction and then once again in another direction but nothing beyond that. 2. Yes this is intentional going back to SC1 as back then a lot of players were running a few exploits by disbanding all minors on the map and building up an MPP war chest especially in situations where minors were expected to fall quickly. Led to some really unrealistic and arguably game breaking maneuvers. 3. I believe this is fixed, can you tell me how many minors beyond the last most clickable unit did it display? 4. Not sure either and it is odd as you seem to be the only one experiencing the issue, unfortunately too as otherwise it would be easier to track down.
  6. Hi FuChu, 1 and 2 are fixed for the first patch and I will look into number 3 as we have a general rule in place that would lead to this type of surrender but I can look to double check the logic and see if what you describe would be an appropriate adjustment.... and most likely it would be. Hubert
  7. In this case it would still be normal as otherwise using Italian units on the German side of the USSR-German border could be a possible exploit, i.e. a Garrison unit that could never be attacked by the Soviet enemy on German soil. In general terms we put rules in place to handle this type of situation and even though Italy is not at war with the USSR, since the Italian units are on German soil the USSR would be able to attack them (and vice versa) to prevent possible exploitations as described above. The reasoning could also be viewed as the Italian units are volunteer Corps even though Italy is not officially at war with the USSR etc.
  8. Hi Krrpt, Great to hear and I think the biggest issue in Abyssinia is the supply and terrain as well as the Italian HQ. Just looking at your screenshots if you had upgraded infantry, maxed out the strength of your HQs and brought them closer to the front you likely would of had an easier time... but that being said I am considering one simple change which would be to have the AI only place the Graziani Italian HQ down there at the Intermediate level which should help. Hubert
  9. What you noticed in the AI Destroyer behaviour is actually a bit of a bug and is now corrected on my end so it should definitely play a bit better after the first patch.
  10. Just a quick update that I heard back from MalwareBytes and after running a few tests on my end and submitting log files they have reported the trojan report will be fixed.
  11. From the script notes, COUNTRY_ID needs to be a major while BELLIGERENCE_ID can be a major or a minor, so if you switch the values around it should work.
  12. Ok, just made a few quick adjustments and seems to work fine and I'll have this for the first patch as well.
  13. This is a bit tricky as we don't actually use different sounds for each different nation and their corresponding unit types... so if you play with soft builds on, nothing wrong with that!, then if you would like the artillery sound then all artillery units need to be artillery and not rockets. Right now the game uses special bitmaps for the Campaigns since we introduced the Rocket Trucks but if you just want to use the default artillery the easiest way to do this is to go to the Campaign subfolders once again and go to the Bitmaps folder. For example, if you want to change 1939 World At War, go to Campaigns\_1939 World At War\Bitmaps and rename all the unit files so this way the game will no longer use these but the default files which have artillery units. For example, rename unit_sprites_3d.bmp to unit_sprites_3d_bak.bmp etc. You'll need to do this for all the unit sprite files as well as the silhouette files as well.
  14. As it stands now it would not work but I am looking at the code and I think this can easily be changed. If it will work the number you would need to use is the unused slot that represents Neutral and that is COUNTRY_ID= 7
  15. What you need to do is add a BELLIGERENCE event, i.e. to set Germany at war with Poland, tied into the Fall Weiss DECISION. This is required now as Global Conflict introduced the new belligerence level as not all nations are necessarily at war with one another just because they are fully mobilized. For example Japan is fully mobilized but only at war with China and not the UK as it would have been in previous releases. The BELLIGERENCE events were introduced to enable this fine tuning in your campaigns. Hope this helps, Hubert
  16. To be honest I am not really sure as these things unfortunately take a bit of time, i.e. I have to implement the changes and then we still have to test and make sure I haven't introduced any new errors and so on. Good thing is that the reported bugs are all minor and since the original game release is stable and plays well enough I won't have to rush this patch and I can then take the time to make some nice overall adjustments.
  17. No problem at all Yolo As mentioned, with the power of the Editor and Battlefront's new repository it actually was faster for me to just finalize the changes I was about to propose than it was for me to go through each step and document them all. Good news is that I've also corrected the bug with the unit in Tehran, thanks for the file, and I will look to see if I can fix the sub bug as well, thanks! Hubert
  18. I ran the campaign for the first Axis AI turn and from what I can tell what seems to slow down the turn the most is the naval unit movement ranges. At 20 tiles for a Battleship, default is 9 tiles, it really slows things down as you go from a maximum total movement range of 72 tiles to 160 tiles. At that point the accurate movement calculations really slows down the AI with so many more tiles to check. For multiplayer the ranges seem fine though so it is a bit of give and take from a design point of view.
  19. Hi Bo, This was just a special mod, you can see this in the mod details, and more info on its creation in the Going Postal thread. Hubert
  20. Hi KvP, Regarding unit movement we introduced in PT a new rule that if a unit is completely stuck it can move at least 1 tile, i.e. only if it can't move anywhere else and a friendly unit that can move out of the way would not make a unit considered unmovable etc., looks like you found a bit of an exploit of this rule. In that regard David is probably right in that the only way around that is to put in some impassable territory and I'll see if I can do anything about that but I am not 100% sure as we are limited by terrain slots without making any major changes. Either way, glad to hear you are enjoying the game Hubert
  21. I think the biggest problem with the slowdown is simply the size of the map, i.e. at 512x256 it is ~10 times the size of the current Global Conflict map at 256x64. For example: 512x256 = 131072 tiles 256x64 = 16384 tiles I can check to see if I can at least speed up the scrolling but I am not 100% sure if I can with such a big map as that is a lot of data for the game to process.
  22. Hi KvP, This might be the best solution and this way those that don't prefer this option can then simply turn it off similar to what was done in PT. Hubert
  23. I'm not sure I understand, Germany was at war with the USSR correct? Then why wouldn't your Italian units be able to attack the Soviet units?
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