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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Hi Amadeus, Carriers are a bit confusing but from just looking at the code on my end it works as follows: * If Carriers are in Fighter mode then they attack with their 'Air Attack' value but only against Air, Bomber or Carrier units. For any other units they attack with a value = 0 * If Carriers are Tactical mode then the attack values work the way it normally would, i.e. if it is attacking a soft target then it uses its 'soft attack' value, if it is attacking a naval unit then it is using its 'naval attack' value and so on. * If Carriers are in 'Mix' mode then it is their regular Tactical mode attack values but divided in half
  2. Desechecs, I double checked the Victory Conditions for 1939 World At War and I can't seem to find the issue, can you send me a saved turn so I can take a look? Essentially for the DECISIVE victory the game will actually end as soon as you take all the listed cities, if not it will keep playing until the end so I wonder if perhaps there is a city that was missed on your end. If not then the saved turn will tell me for sure if it is a bug or not. For the Partisan issue, this is actually a SUPPLY event with simply a Partisan popup string... I can see that this might be confusing so perhaps we will rename them to rebels or something similar so as to differentiate these a bit more from actual PARTISAN events which of course would be labeled on the map.
  3. Hi Karhu, The 'ghost' convoys are simply shown as the currently disabled convoys that would return should Murmansk be liberated. For Omsk and Orsk I believe this is correct as you'll notice they are both on the map for the USSR.
  4. This is a bug and was reported by Armuss to me a few weeks back, consider it fixed for the first patch
  5. Yes but only so long as Germany gets a diplomatic hit in their favour regarding the USSR. Essentially though in the long run Gypsy is correct, it may not help much at all in terms of the big picture.
  6. Yugoslavia as well as taking Gibraltar and the Middle East all come to mind in terms of ramping up US and USSR anticipation for war. This is simply modeled in to reflect the situation on the ground and how other majors may suddenly take more interest in Axis (in this case German aggression). That and what Crispy mentions about the Garrisons in Poland are quite important and there should be a few popups in game reminding the German player to keep these areas fortified with troops. Hope this helps and I'm glad you are enjoying the game Hubert
  7. Geofighter, likely they are using a password login right now to run the final set of tests on the server. For example, the main portal was up and running this morning with the exception of the store and customer downloads etc. Regarding your bank account history, this is secure, and there was an Administrative post wrt this that can be found here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/announcement.php?f=116&a=283 Hope this helps, Hubert
  8. KF, I can understand your frustration but at the same time this was a major outage for the server, not making excuses, but rather just a reminder that to resolve a similar hacking attempt and to migrate to a new server unfortunately takes a bit of time. That being said, I know for a fact that they are working around the clock to resolve your brother's exact situation and it shouldn't be long now so hang in there, both you and your brother, if you can. Hubert
  9. Unfortunately the UK needs to be at 100% mobilized to be at war with anyone including minors.
  10. Unfortunately not, this has to be manually done as there are no facilities for this type of map movement in the Editor.
  11. Not sure then, I'd have to see the campaign to understand it better. Feel free to send me just the campaign file and not the subdirectories and I can take a look.
  12. 1) We introduced a new naval supply rule starting with the Pacific that will have a naval unit always in max supply when in range with ports, same as before, but once it leaves this range supply will only be reduced via combat which can be edited in the Editor under Edit Combat Data. This was needed to facilitate naval engagements like Midway and Pearl Harbor etc. 2) Not sure, is the city an Industrial Center or a Supply Center as listed in the Country Data in the Editor?
  13. If the Tac bomber has available action points and a minimum supply of 3, i.e. this is the minimum supply value needed to operate air units in game, then if you right click on the unit and select 'Operate' it should highlight all the available tiles that you can then move this unit to including mainland Italy.
  14. Hi Syagrius! Welcome aboard and I'm glad to hear you are enjoying the game, definitely don't hesitate to spread the word For those extra units these are possible in the default campaign and all you have to do is select 'Soft Build Limits' in the Advanced options dialog in game. The only catch is that the artillery will sound like Katyusha rockets as we only included these units for the USSR in the default setup so to skip this sound please navigate to your Global Conflict installation directory and then to the Campaigns\_1939 World At War subdirectory. From there you will find a file called 'campaign.ini' and if you open it and change the following line from #CUSTOM_SOUND= 1 to #CUSTOM_SOUND= 0 it will do the trick. Hope this helps and happy gaming Hubert
  15. Good news on this mod is that watching the first few turns I was able to identify some of the problematic algorithms that were slowing things down regarding naval unit movements by the AI. Without boring anyone with the technical details I was able to improve unit movement calculations for all units and overall things run about 25% faster. For example, Al's campaign ran the first Axis turn at about 4 minutes and I've got this down to about 3 and the nice thing is that it no longer really matters how many APs you set your units to as the new algorithm works just as well with high APs as it does with lower APs. Now I just have to see if I can speed up the scrolling on Nupremal's monster mod as the level of detail there just seems to warrant some extra effort on my part to see if something can be done.
  16. Yolo911, I'd suggest taking a look at the World in Flames mod as it has a much more active Africa and South America with many more flavoured diplomatic events. It really is an excellent mod as the AI is fully developed since it was based off of the official 1939 World at War campaign. Hubert
  17. Thanks for the feedback Brian and as always we are very glad to hear when someone enjoys the game Some food for thought in here as well and we'll see what might fit for the first patch based on this, thanks! Hubert
  18. Hi David12345, Regarding Italy I suspect this will be removed in the first in the first patch as we are overhauling some of the surrender rules to make it a bit more historical as well as transparent to the player. For example, for Japan to surrender from Korea will now be a DECISION event and even here for the AI it is only likely to select this 50% of the time. For France and the USSR there is a formula that takes into account how many remaining French or Soviet units respectively are left on the map. After that and once the capitals are taken it is just a matter of time before they surrender. In most cases it is quick but the odd time you get a stubborn nation that simply won't surrender until you knock off a few more units. From our side it was with the intent to create variety from game to game but I can see how when coupled with the other surrenders it can be irritating as it feels you've hit the jackpot in all the worst case surrender scenarios. Hope this helps, Hubert
  19. Hi Zoot, Sounds like the mod subdirectories are not being found by the game at run time... can you confirm you copied these subdirectories over to your 'Campaign' folder as well. FYI, what happens is if there are no subdirectories then the mods use the default bitmaps and sounds and in most cases it will not appear correctly at all in game. Hubert
  20. Hi Crispy131313, Thanks for the feedback and I can confirm that the first patch will improve if not correct this behaviour outright. To answer your question about adjacent hex attacks this cannot be disabled at this time. Hubert
  21. It's possible as reinforcement of naval units is at the bottom of the AI priority list and in most cases this makes a lot of sense since if it is always short on MPP usually the priority is elsewhere... I can look to see if I can make some adjustments though so that even every once in a while there is some reinforcement so it does not come across as a bug.
  22. Cantona66, the good news is that you can now have up to 1000 decision events (I forgot to update the script notes!), the bad news is it is going to take you a long time to write up that many Hubert
  23. Naval units should reinforce but of course they need to be in port and have sufficient funds. For the UK this might be problematic for most of the game as they are always short on MPPs but this situation becomes more manageable in the later stages. Could this be the case in your game?
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