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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Hi Disturbed, Yes the game is played as either just the Axis or the Allied side but of course you can control all those minors in question as well as the side you are playing. Hubert
  2. Ah yes, this is because we only have the USSR with modded artillery so they have the Katyusha rocket sound. What you can do is go into your SC GC installation directory and navigate to the Campaigns folder. From there you will need to go to the 1939 World At War campaign subfolder. If you open the campaign.ini file you just need to change the line that says #CUSTOM_SOUND= 1 to #CUSTOM_SOUND= 0 and then the normal artillery sounds will play.
  3. Hard to say without me seeing the campaign in question, can you send it to me?
  4. Hi Yolo, Can you post a screenshot of the situation near Benghazi since I suspect it should be able to move unless there is another problem I am not seeing. For Carriers not being able to strike, it could be that you are either in a rain or storm tile and/or your target is in a rain or storm tile. Additionally you of course need to make sure you are at war with the target in question as well. Mines and Oil simply provide MPP and are worth either 2x or 3x the normal value of other resources. For Greece attacking Istanbul, what you are doing can be helpful if it reduces the resource to reduce the immediate supply of the defenders but it all depends on if they have an HQ nearby as that might counteract the desired supply reduction effect. Hope this helps, Hubert
  5. Robby1, This is why we've left the difficulty levels as a player selectable option, i.e. it really is up to you how you prefer to play and why the selectable levels are outlined in the manual for reference on cause and effects. Brian, More or less as we do have a few specific Event scripts to add an additional challenge at the higher levels but if you find you are walking all over the AI at the lower levels, then the higher levels will definitely make it more of a challenge as the AI will have more MPP to help make up for any game play found lacking. Also, aren't we all outstanding hendriks65, I would really just suggest starting with the default settings and going from there... if after your first game you find it was too easy or too hard you can make adjustments as necessary. Other than that I've heard one of the more popular settings is to play at Intermediate as this helps the AI out a little bit MPP wise and with +1 experience for the AI in order to make the fight a bit more challenging for yourself. Good luck Hubert
  6. Good to hear FuChu because I couldn't find the error... but I did find the Indomitable misspelling
  7. It is greyed out after you start the game because the setting is locked in, all this means is it was green when you selected the option otherwise it would not be gray. In AI games you can select 'Allow Changes' so it will allow you to toggle this option after you start a game but in Multiplayer games this is not an option. # simply means the hard build limit for this unit and PD means the production delay
  8. Not seeing the terrain info in the lower boxes is normal, never came up before to be honest!, and I wonder if double clicking on the window is a part of the new Windows 7 functionality, i.e. the game itself runs inside a Windows 'window' and perhaps that is just how it handles it. If you tried to do the same on another windows window, i.e. double clicked an area that would otherwise have no response to that type of mouse input, does it do the same thing?
  9. Research gains are calculated by % chance each turn so this just looks you encountered a a worst case scenario of sorts.
  10. I can see how there is some confusion here as there is no surprise Pearl Harbor event per se, it was rather just how did we ensure that one could exist if a player, such as the US could move their units around prior to entering the war fully mobilized. Looks like you've discovered it by noticing that there will be a fleet to destroy should the Japanese venture to repeat the historical attack on Pearl Harbor. If they don't then the US fleet survives as it would have historically. That was all the original question so many weeks ago was about and we just didn't want to give out all the details about how this would work at the time... but now that the game is released it is different. In terms of the attack, did you set your Carriers to attack in Tactical mode?
  11. Another anomaly in the supply display code as I believe it begins with checks from cities for land supply and doesn't include ports for land supply, i.e. this is why it shows 0 as that location is cuttoff for the Axis unit and does not include a friendly city.
  12. Hi Xwormwood, Looks like a bit of a bug in my code that keeps checking and does not end as soon as the first check passes, i.e. as checks start with the diagonals such as North East then South East and go clockwise followed by North, East, South West etc., I will correct this and it would indeed favour Glasgow next time around but this will only really improve the situation for you there and not necessarily in other areas where a location on the left would have been more desirable etc. Hubert
  13. Hi Robby1, Glad to hear the game is living up to expectations What you've described when playing at the Expert level actually makes a lot of sense since at that level the AI collects 20% more MPP per turn so if you are playing with hard limits and not wearing down AI units at a fast enough pace it is more than likely they will have built up quite a unit base. The hard limits will also explain the excess of AI MPPs since once they have built up to their unit limits there is little else for them to spend on. That being said, it is true the AI does receive some extra units at the higher difficulty levels but really it is only a handful and would not explain the extra units you are referring to as much as the higher difficulty level setting does. I'd concur with BigAl that you might be better off playing with the higher AI experience levels as opposed to higher difficulty levels if this is the result in your games. Hope that helps, Hubert
  14. The surprise is in how the US deals with being attacked and how their units appear on the map and so on, i.e. if you want to deal a crippling blow at Pearl Harbor we've made it a possibility... beyond that, and as the Japanese player, it is still up to you on how you conduct your attacks. Good luck!
  15. That is a bug, this should never have been an option as SLEEP is only for your own units. This has already been corrected on my end and will be a part of the first patch. There should be an ERROR directory created when the game crashes inside the SC GC installation directory and if you can send me the save file as well as the error.log file that would be great. Send to support@furysoftware.com I'll fix the Idaho spelling as well, thanks!
  16. Great to hear doktor57, and don't hesitate to spread the word Hubert
  17. This is all likely if you are using incompatible bitmaps... I would take a look at the unit, flag and other key sprite bitmaps and make sure they are the same dimensions as the ones used for Global, if not then you need to update them accordingly as otherwise it will cause these types of crashes. All this is saying is if let's say WaW has 30 flags (I don't know these exact number off hand) and Global is looking for the 60th flag then it will crash because it cannot find it. Hubert
  18. There is a small but rare bug (happens when you stop moving your raiders) that I've recently fixed on my end but there is also a bit of a change in the Global release in terms of when subs appear for the Axis as well as for when the Allies start to receive destroyers. This release gives the Axis a bit more time in the early game and starts to hound them much more effectively as time goes on. Also the difficulty levels have been adjusted where Axis raiders are chased a bit more only on the higher levels.
  19. Some netbooks support the minimum dimensions for the game at 1024x768, they have a legacy resolution support option to choose from, and probably your best bet would be to download the demo and test it out for yourself if this is the case. Here is the demo link: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1585&Itemid=318
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