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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Glad you like it Gypsy and there are some pretty good tips in this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=91207
  2. This is more than possible and in fact if you re-used some of the unit sprites from Patton Drives East it would have the perfect look too. Hubert
  3. Thanks Canada1 and we're all glad to hear you are enjoying the game
  4. Thanks Geofighter and yes if you select to play with Soft Build Limits then you can purchase beyond the hard limit setting albeit at an increased cost for each unit beyond the hard limit. For the window minimization I can't seem to repeat this, are you running Windows 7 and are you running full screen or windowed. Also is this from right clicking or left clicking? Hubert
  5. At the moment this is not possible as we keep track of saved game types depending on the saved game folder, its an internal code setting etc.
  6. This is a bug that is already corrected on my end
  7. weasel23, there are two ways to easily add Artillery to the Global Conflict: 1) Play with Soft Build Limits enabled via the Advanced Options dialog 2) Open the Editor and increase the Build limits for the desired countries and for the desired unit types and save it as a custom campaign. Hope this helps, Hubert
  8. If sales justify an expansion then this might be a possibility.
  9. Do you mean right click properties? If so then yes it doesn't look like the right click properties are shown, but if you use the 'H' key to hide units and then scroll the mouse over the desired tile it will show you in the upper information bar what the current weather is. Beyond that I can look to see if I can add the other suggestions to the right click as well, thanks! Hubert
  10. Thought it might be a good idea to sticky a thread for players looking for opponents. Post your contact info here and happy gaming
  11. Hi Yolo, Foochow is not necessarily the most important but it is one of the easier targets and in turn can help with your supply in the south as you advance towards Nanning and Changsha. Interestingly enough the frustration with China is exactly one of the reasons that Japan historically expanded the war so in this case you are definitely not alone! I'd suggest to keep at it, as China was never an "overrun" territory as PowerGmbH alluded to above and try the 'S' hotkey as this will show the map supply helper painting a better picture for you all around. Good luck, Hubert
  12. No problem and glad to hear you sorted some of this out.
  13. 1. Great 2. I think the problem might be some of the other bitmaps such as the national flags as these are more numerous in Global than they were in WaW and if you haven't adjusted for this then it will explain this crash.
  14. Off hand I'd have to say that this would not be likely only since it is hard enough to script an efficient AI as it is... and if the AI would then have to handle wholesale changes to the map's movement rules with a flick of a switch I don't think it would deal well with this at all and this is problematic when it comes to adding official options such as these in game. That being said though, if you use the Editor it is easy enough to create a custom campaign where you can edit these movement penalty values to 0 and then it would change the campaign to how you described above. Hope this helps, Hubert
  15. Odd, if you can save your turn right before you force the surrender of Poland, and if you find that after Poland surrenders it does not ask you to honor the Molotov Ribbentrop pact then please send this turn to me so I can take a look. Send to support@furysoftware.com Anyone else seeing this? Hubert
  16. Hi Eyeswitcher, Just to add to what PowerGmbH has suggested, if you completely surround Foochow then their maximum reinforcement value will only be 5 and if you bring in a few Carriers to help and set them to Tactical mode this should help you eventually capture the city. Once Foochow is captured your supply situation in the south will be greatly improved and capturing locations like Nanning will help as well as that starts to cut off some of the aid China receives from its Allies. For Italy, if you wish to disable this automatic DoW, when you start the campaign you need to go to the Options dialog, then Advanced->Scripts and select the War Entry scripts. From there proceed to the second page of scripts and deselect the ALLIED AI: Italy Invades Greece event. Invading Yugoslavia prior to the USSR is definitely an option but it all depends on how you are doing at that point in the war. If the USSR is close to joining and you don't have very many units on the Soviet border then perhaps it is not such a good idea sort of thing. Good luck! Hubert
  17. We debated this one and the final reasoning was that since the first SC2 release we hoped Axis players would make the choice between playing for the Battle of the Atlantic or a Victory in Russia. Seems as though hardly anyone ever made this choice, i.e. pretty much everyone plays for Russia so we felt it was finally time to add a few extra U-Boats to make the game interesting in the Atlantic once and for all. Glad to hear you like the change as well Hubert
  18. I think this is part of the partial bug I've noticed looking at Fintilgin's turn and I will correct this for the first patch. Additionally the AI receives a few bonus Destroyers at the higher difficulty levels so if playing at anything less than Intermediate the Axis are likely to have a better time in the Atlantic than they would when playing with more difficulty. Thanks, Hubert
  19. Thanks Hardrock, glad you are enjoying the game and as to the future, there might just be a few surprises for down the road Hubert
  20. Von Altair, In terms of offering a bigger map, perhaps you are right that it would have been wise to have made it bigger, but of course we cannot discount the possibility that some players would also give the game a pass as they may feel a larger map would make the game unplayable and never be reasonably completed. Believe me I don't say that to be argumentative, it truly is a concern as much larger maps, especially for a Global game, could make a realistic Multiplayer game unplayable as turn lengths can easily prevent these games from being played to completion and even for the AI some players don't want to spend years finishing a game whereas this game can be played from start to finish in a week or less than a month depending on how much time is devoted to it. There are of course ways around making a larger map playable on a Global scale and Nupremal showed us this with his Global mod for the Pacific release but those types of workarounds were not what we were after for this release, i.e we wanted a continuous Global map at an appropriately playable scale. Again this was simply our design choice. Beyond that you are also right that we could have tried to include different scales in this release but at some point this becomes unrealistic since as a business it is very difficult to anticipate what every player would want in a game. Think of it like a car, why make smaller cars when some will argue that most people only want bigger cars? Why not make midsized cars to compromise etc.? Eventually at some point a decision has to be made and with financial constraints those decisions need to be adhered to in order to complete a project and survive as a business. The easiest thing for us would have been to simply limit the size of the maximum map size in the Editor and call it a day to avoid these types of concerns, but like we've said we wanted to give players the option even if we did not pursue it ourselves and hopefully this is a respectable compromise. That being said, I completely understand if the game is not for you and this is really why we release demos so players can decide for themselves. Hope this helps, Hubert
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