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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Thanks Kuni and if we go down that route I am hoping it will be a classic as well Regarding the review, let's just say I am glad none of you old farts did the review , because if indeed Steve had not played any SC games in the past, then from my perspective at least, it was refreshing to get an untainted and unbiased opinion of the game simply within the context of other games he has played. In that context then I think the score was fair enough
  2. Just to clarify on the scripts, in Multiplayer games Bill is right they cannot be disabled once a game begins, but in AI games so long as the 'Allow Changes' option is enabled then the EVENT scripts can indeed be turned on or off in game, but of course only for those that have yet to fire. Regarding the AI declaring war on the Dutch East Indies this is likely the US AI Amphibious scripts in action and the reason it draws Japan into the war is that Japan is the Axis parent of the DEI, so in effect by the US invading the DEI it ends up declaring war on Japan as well. If you crack open the Editor I would suggest saving a copy of the main campaign as a custom version using 'SaveAs' in order to preserve the original and after that turn off the US Amphibious scripts for the DEI and Brunei by setting the FLAG= 1 value to FLAG= 0. There might be more but that is the easiest way to probably achieve what you are after. That being said, I am intrigued by your strategy as well!
  3. Bluestew, I think your point that you have to ram into the Axis subs in order to prevent convoy losses is valid and an adjustment to this might make the most difference in terms of realism without having to create a whole new convoy/raider system. It is a tricky one for sure and perhaps something as simple as what PowerGmbH suggests might do the trick or even have a special rule that Destroyers cannot be surprised by subs might even do it. The trick is in maintaining the balance and the overall idea that ASW research, long range etc., are still important to produce an effective anti-submarine campaign and that capital ships would still be very vulnerable to subs and ideally should not be used as sub hunters the same way that Destroyers are. Hubert
  4. Gypsy, If you are on Vista/Windows 7 the files might be hidden if User Access Control is enabled. Can you take a look at the following link and see if it applies? http://www.hanselman.com/blog/VistasShowCompatibilityFilesAndTheScrumptiousWonderThatIsFileVirtualization.aspx
  5. Thanks for the post and we were obviously very happy to see this review and of course the score For those that haven't seen the entire review the link can be found here: http://www.armchairgeneral.com/strategic-command-wwii-global-conflict-pc-game-review.htm
  6. Hey Gronq, Glad to hear you are enjoying the game 1. Interesting idea but I'll have to think about that some more as the same could be argued for most unit types. 2. This is actually already possible, if you look at the upper left corner of the information bar it shows you the 'Movement Cost' for all tiles that you can reach, with or without friendly units on them. Bugs: 1. Good catch and I've changed the earliest date for Home Guard arrivals to 1943 as it was previously 1940 2. This has now been adjusted for the first patch and the AI should do a much better job at these types of landings unless of course every possible landing tile is covered etc. For additional scenarios we don't have anything currently/officially planned but I believe there are a few mods already in development and I suspect some will be along the lines of what you have suggested as soon as the Repository is back up and running, hopefully soon! Hubert
  7. Thanks Acrashb and John, some really good ideas here and we are discussing this a bit more internally so there might be some changes to research down the road
  8. Even though this only lasts a few turns maybe we should cap this at 200% or something similar.
  9. Regarding the USSR we've tried to make their possible declaration of war against Germany rather intuitive, i.e. leave your border undefended and move all your armies away from mainland Europe and she might get interested in your weaker position and declare war. This helps with game balance and attempts to keep things interesting but Geofighter is right, if you go into the Options->Advanced->Scripts section of the game you can turn off many of the Mobilization events that pique Soviet interest into going to war. That or simply turn off the BELLIGERENCE event for Soviet war with Germany. Hope this helps, Hubert
  10. I believe this is possible and should be easy to test in game with a customized campaign.
  11. Unfortunately you are limited to generic checks for what is now a #FRIENDLY_POSITION or you can use specific checks for when a unit of any nation is in a certain tile. More specific tile checks, as you've described are not possible.
  12. Bluestew, From what I remember reading on the subject the Royal Navy was not too keen on using its battle assets such as Carriers, Battleships and Cruisers to protect convoys after the Courageous was sunk in 1939. Primary reason being was that it showed the vulnerability of these capital ships to subs. http://www.uboataces.com/battle-courageous.shtml In that vein if you are finding that using these ships to attack subs is not that worthwhile, i.e. high losses prior to achieving more Destroyers, Long Range aircraft and ASW etc., then I would argue that this mimics the historical RN findings as well. On the flip side though you are right, as essentially this means that you then have to concede some losses to Axis subs until your convoy protection abilities are more in place and with Destroyers arriving in late 1939 and 1940 via the Destroyers for bases agreement, but in the end is this really so far off from what happened historically?
  13. Hi Amadeus, Are you using customized text? If so, did you happen to use text with numbers at the very end of the text? This is a rare case that might cause this type of crash. Hubert
  14. Hi Azmaer, I would suggest trying to update your video card driver and if that doesn't do the trick trying to run the game in either Windowed or Full Screen mode to see if that makes any difference. Trying to toggle the 'Video Acceleration' option might also work and all of these options are available in game under the SETTINGS dialog. I only suggest these as it does indeed sound like a video card issue of some sort and hopefully one of these will help, Hubert
  15. Hi Bluestew, 1. Research can sometimes be frustrating as it is random in nature and as a result some games will see very quick research developments while others will have more of a delay. We've received a lot of feedback on this over the years and I suspect that when I develop a new game engine I will make some modifications here so that there will be less completely random results. 2. Just to echo what David mentioned, I would double check to make sure that your Carriers are in 'Naval/Tactical' mode and this can be accessed by right clicking on your Carrier and changing the mode. If it is then it will be shown with a little red circle rather than the default green one for 'Fighter' mode. 4. This was probably set up as too tough on our end and it will be changed for the first patch with it only becoming more difficult for the Allies at the higher difficulty levels. In the meantime, one thing you can do to make it easier when you start a new game is to go to the Options->Advanced->Scripts dialog and select the DECISION events. From there scroll down to I think the second page and 'de-select' DE 519 which is the Graziani decision. This can be de-selected by clicking the little 'x' at the far end of the decision event. This will prevent the AI from receiving this Italian HQ and should make things easier in Abyssinia. Beyond that though, I would make use of the 'S' hotkey so you can see your supply situation and make sure that your units all have HQ support and high readiness and morale. Additionally if you completely surround a city, i.e. all available tiles, then the units within the city can only reinforce to a max of 5 which will make the city easier to take. Funny you mentioned Stalingrad as it was Stalingrad and even Leningrad that inspired this rule, i.e. even though Stalingrad was almost 90% occupied the Soviets were still able to funnel reinforcements in across the river as it was never fully surrounded. Similar to Leningrad where despite the fact it was mostly surrounded, the Soviets were also able to use Lake Ladoga in the winter to truck in supplies that helped it from complete collapse. 5. Regarding movement, you are actually able to move friendly units through each other, but likely in China this is not possible due to the terrain penalties and lower action points. China is a tough area to play and I would not expect a lot of fluidity there simply due to the fact that this was also the case historically, i.e. this is why Japan ended up expanding the war as it needed supplies and material to help it in its war with China and to break the stalemate. 6. My guess here is that with the Soviets you are dealing with a more experienced German army and air force that is fresh off of almost 2 years of victorious campaigns in Western Europe. This will of course result in some pain to your Soviet front lines and one tip is to use the size of the USSR and potential Axis supply to your advantage. Expecting your front lines to be decimated, as it happened historically, you could as the Soviet player pull your stronger units back and allow the Germans to take territory even allowing them to push as far as Moscow. At that point, with the Germans spread out a bit more and their supply situation generally worse as their max occupational supply in Soviet cities is 5, you will be in a better situation to strike back since you will be in maximum supply. Hitting back at their weakest units, weakest positions and with your stronger units will definitely help as at that point, especially after the Soviet winter effects and after the US has entered the war, the Allies are in a much better position to win the long war of attrition on the eastern front. Maximizing US/UK Lend Lease to the USSR will help as well. Hope this helps and good luck! Hubert
  16. If it happens again and you can consistently reproduce it let me know, otherwise it might just be one of those rare errors with the OS and the mouse that are almost impossible to track down.
  17. Unfortunately no, these are SUPPLY events and the ship simply helps to mark the spot on the map.
  18. Hi Cantona66, We used a specially modded symbols.bmp file for the main campaigns which can be found in the campaign subdirectories in the Bitmaps folder.
  19. Good catch and consider this adjusted for the first patch as well, thanks!
  20. Just to expand on what Bill mentioned, CAP is short for Combat Air Patrol and this is a mode adjustment for when the Carrier is in Fighter mode, i.e. do you want your fighters to automatically intercept/escort, just intercept or just escort or to remain grounded. This is simply to offer the same choices that we have for regular Fighters in game and when applicable.
  21. Amadeus, looking at the code again this morning I found a small bug where Mix mode is only halved for attacks against Carriers, this will be fixed for the first patch as well. Additionally I've now included a display of the applicable combat values at the top information bar for when selecting your attack. This will paint a better picture as to what target types are being applied and what their values will be for the actual combat calculations.
  22. This is a known effect due to the new Belligerence settings for the Global release, i.e. you need to set the applicable belligerences via the BELLIGERENCE script as it is no longer automatic. The reason for this is of course that there are cases where we may not want majors to be automatically at war with each other as we see in Global, i.e. Germany is at war with the USSR but Japan is not etc. If you add a BELLIGERENCE event as Bill suggests this will resolve Italy so long as Italy joins the war against France before France surrenders and after Italy is fully mobilized. However if France surrenders before Italy is fully mobilized there is currently no way to have Italy become belligerent against France via the BELLIGERENCE scripts as we currently check that the countries specified have not surrendered. I am actually going to change this for the first patch as it will allow us to add a BELLIGERENCE event for Japan and the USSR after the USSR surrenders to Germany so that even if Japan was not at war with the USSR they will then be able to enter and occupy territory as desired.
  23. Hi Krrpt, Thanks for the feedback and I can confirm that this has been addressed for the first patch as well. Hubert
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