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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Al are you sure that his unit was there to be revealed? If so send me the turn before you made your moves and I'll be happy to take a look. John, I believe they are indeed using the new research system but we made some changes to the chit caps and I believe costs prior to release as the AAR revealed that some very quick advances were possible.
  2. This is a bug that we thought was solved before release but it looks like I might have missed something... I'll correct this as soon as possible.
  3. Hi Terrier, Sorry for the trouble and we are looking at this issue right now and should have something for you guys hopefully soon enough. Hubert
  4. Hi ev, I just wanted to pop in quickly to clarify a game mechanic... once a country is over 90% mobilization it will inevitably join the war so by being set at 98% the UK will join the Entente regardless of what Germany does in the first few turns. Hubert
  5. For the DE 401 issue it looks like the TERRITORY event was not properly linked to this DECISION so I've corrected this as well, thanks
  6. Hi rjh1971, Glad to hear you are enjoying the game and I've posted a few comments to your responses below: * For the W.D.F. this will only appear if the Axis press near Alexandria and I've corrected this in the Guide. * The St. Clair should have been a Destroyer and I've corrected this on my end now * For DE 104 this should have read that Yugoslavia will swing very near to joining the Allies instead and this has been corrected in the Guide as well. * For the DE 401 issue this sounds like an error and I will take a look and correct this for the next build. For the Carriers I will take a look at this now as well Hubert
  7. I should mention that there was a small bug for when this AAR began that should have seen the US join a bit quicker and with more assets should the Axis player have taken control of Spain and especially Gibraltar and this is likely part of the problem Marc mentions in having the Allies come up to speed in his game.
  8. Sounds good and I just hope you can be patient with our timeline and don't get banned again in the meantime Seriously though, thanks for the generous offer and we might just have to take you up on it
  9. Hi Aesopo, I'm having trouble repeating this, can you confirm that you took Brussels, Antwerp and then Ypres on the same turn as the Central Powers player? I only ask because in my tests when I do this, Belgium surrenders as expected. Hubert
  10. In terms of a penalty for not honoring the Molotov pact the USSR does swing a bit towards the Allies and in doing so this will increase its per turn MPP as mobilization is tied into the collection formulas and it may put pressure on Germany to prepare for Barbarossa a bit earlier should the USSR mobilize toward war quicker than expected. Granted the swing might not be enough, we can look into it further, and Marc is correct that there were quite a few last minute changes implemented to help balance the game prior to release that were implemented after the AAR game began and these will be in play for anyone with the v1.02 patch.
  11. It does look like we removed some of the applicable combat stat upgrades for Carriers and if I remember correctly this was done for the original WWI release so likely this will be added back in for WWII campaigns. Thanks for catching this
  12. I believe we had it in at some point but found that the experience increases were too great and difficult to overcome for opponent units in future combat as it could be argued that the experience from raiding is not quite the same as you would gain from more formal combat between opposing capital ships.
  13. I think starting with the Global release we matched the interception range with a Fighter's spotting range and in Global that would have been a strike range of 4 and a spotting range of 3. For this release since we now have lower spotting ranges due to the newly implemented reconnaissance feature you are now looking at a strike range of 8 and a spotting range of 4. So long answer short it is intentional but we are open to suggestions if players are really not enjoying the change or if a few tweaks would be desired etc.
  14. Just an update, from what I could tell the issue was that the code was incorrectly implemented with 1 chit at 5% then giving you a random increase range of 2.5% -> 10% instead of 2.5% -> 7.5%. Additionally, and this part is to be expected, it is not just intelligence that gives your chits boosts but also your highest enemy level will also give you a 1% boost per level difference so even with 1 chit if your opponent has a higher level or has a achieved a higher level than you this will also increase your research %s per chit. This was likely making up some of the higher numbers you've seen because the formula would have then been 5% + 1% for your opponent's higher level giving you 6%, resulting in a range of 3% -> 12%. Now this will correctly be 3% -> 9% instead.... hopefully this makes sense!
  15. Hi Lokesz, The main difference between the two games is that Global Conflict covers the entire conflict of WWII, including Asia, Japan and the Pacific, while the 1939 Storm Over Europe campaign is just the European Theater. In this sense, both have something unique to offer as 1939 SoE is more focused and detailed on Europe while the Global game allows you to play and control all sides and aspects of WWII on a Global scale. I'd honestly say that both are great games that will give you a lot of WWII replay value I hope this helps, Hubert
  16. Hi Wushuki, I've just quickly tested on my end and everything seems to be working as intended. My guess is that perhaps you are looking at the WWI campaigns in your tests and if this is the case then the initial chit is not 5% but rather 7% so that would allow for the slightly higher increments you've seen in your game. Can you confirm? For the new research system it essentially works exactly the same as it did before with the only difference being that you need to achieve a research progression of at least 25% before you achieve an early breakthrough, and you will achieve a level as soon as you reach 100% progression. The idea was to remove the issue that you might play a whole game without achieving a research level while bridging it with the existing system as most players were already familiar with it. For a bit of a further explanation: 1 chit @ 5% gives you a 5% chance on your turn that you might get a hit and achieve the next level but now you must have at least a 25% progression in your research before you get a random breakthrough. Each of your turns you also progress towards achieving the next level (this is part of the new system) and once you reach 100% you will achieve that level.
  17. Yes it does count as one of your installations but if you do uninstall it will return the installation so that you could use it again. Glad to hear you are enjoying the game
  18. It did also allow us to use MAJOR specific unit graphics for Poland as well which was a nice bonus
  19. In theory the initial advances should slow down just slightly with the idea that initial breakthroughs cannot occur until you've reached a 25% research threshold and I'll double check to see that this is working as expected as well.
  20. Just in case anyone missed it, the grand campaign 1939 Storm Over Europe (WWII) is now available as a free add on campaign to the SC WWI release Play WWII in Europe like never before and experience the thrill of sending your Panzers deep into Russia, the anticipation of victory in the battle for the Atlantic, or the exhilaration of finally turning the tide and storming fortress Europe! At the same time as we are releasing this new campaign, we are also introducing three new features in this v1.02 patch: Forced March; a more realistic Submarine Combat Model; and best of all, a new and improved Research system. We have also significantly improved all three main WWI campaigns. Download the 1.02 patch now for not only one of the most entertaining WWI games ever, but also to enjoy 1939 Storm over Europe! Hubert Cater writes “There has long been a demand for a new research system in the Strategic Command series, and after much thought and player feedback we have come up with a research model that has an optimum blend of random and non-random progression. The days of players not experiencing a research advance after two or three years of gameplay are now over!” Hubert continues “Here at Furysoftware we pride ourselves on making continuous improvements to the series, and Strategic Command WWI with its free Storm over Europe campaign represents the best yet!” Click here to jump directly to the v1.02 download page If you already own SC WWI, all you need to do is download the v1.02 patch here and once it's installed, you can get playing! If you don't yet own SC WWI, please click here to buy the game, and once you've installed it, you'll just need to install the patch so that you too can get playing 1939 Storm over Europe. Happy gaming! 1939 Storm Over Europe - Official AAR 1939 Storm Over Europe, the new and grand scale flagship WWII campaign, is now downloadable as free bonus content to Strategic Command WWI: The Great War 1914-1918. Two beta testers are currently playing their way through this grand scale and majestic campaign, and you can enjoy following the action here
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