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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Just an update in that I've run a few experiments but I still can't seem to be able to repeat this. Can you tell me if you move some units, then use the N key, then move some more etc., or would just cycling through using the N key without doing anything with the units eventually produce this error?
  2. Thanks everyone, this has given me a few ideas and I'll put something together hopefully soon enough.
  3. Hi Keano, Difficult to say for sure but this is unlikely as the most recent code has moved on quite a bit from where Global left off and reverse compatibility is a bit of an issue and it would be a pretty big job to convert the campaigns as needed, i.e. generally more than a patch typically and unfortunately provides. Hubert
  4. Thanks SeaMonkey and all I can say is that we've got a few things in the works on our end and hopefully the next big game will be exactly what you are hoping it will be
  5. I've just run a quick test and I can't seem to be able to repeat this, can you send me a saved turn with this issue so I can take a look? support@furysoftware.com Thanks, Hubert
  6. Much of this I believe was addressed with the v1.02 patch and Bill has added in a few more adjustments for the upcoming patch. I don't remember all the additions off hand (these can be viewed in the VERSION NOTES found in the installation directory), some of the AI changes might not be listed as the number of scripts that are edited between versions are usually quite a few but I can say that I did make adjustments to the Italian garrisons as well as the Fighters and hopefully that will help out a bit.
  7. Hi wlape3, I think for the most part we do already have this in place as areas that cannot trace a line back to a primary supply position, like a home capital or a resource that is designated as a supply resource will have lowered supply and as a result, lowered readiness and morale. They will also have lowered maximum reinforcement but granted they will be able to reinforce somewhat so long as supply > 0. If we eliminate reinforcement or as previously suggested limit them to a max supply of 5 I suspect it will cause some other issues and perhaps it is just a matter of lesser evils. The situation Baron highlights I'll admit does not feel right but at the moment, and we've had some discussion on this internally today, I still can't think of a better solution that does not either overcomplicate the supply rules (by requiring more rules) or potentially cause issues in other areas. For example, if we limit max supply to 5 for a unit that cannot trace back a LOC, then what about Allied units landing in France for D-Day, or US units landing in North Africa, or even as mentioned the Germans/Italians just fighting the UK in North Africa. For these situations, having an HQ that can get to a supply value of 8 is beneficial whereas in Baron's situation it is perhaps not. Believe me I can see the points and I guess I am just still in favour of rules that are simple to understand yet resolves most if not all issues.
  8. There was a change in that some scripts now require the units that will be a part of the plan to be within a certain 'action point' range of either the GOAL or FRIENDLY position. This has helped me to speed up the AI as units are not being called to various plans from all over the map and it helps to focus the AI units on target. From the VERSION NOTES: - AI script logic changes that help speed up the game: - FLEET scripts can now have any sea tile set as a #FRIENLDY_POSITION - BUILD_UP_OFFESNIVE and BUILD_UP_FLEET plans now require that an assignable unit is within 3 * Action Points to either the specified #FRIENDLY_POSITION or #GOAL_POSITION - BUILD_UP_AMPHIBIOUS and BUILD_UP_TRANSPORT plans now require that an assignable unit is within 5 * Action Points to the specified #FRIENDLY_POSITION The requirement for the BUILD_UP_AMPHIBIOUS and BUILD_UP_TRANSPORT plans has since changed to 3 * Action Points on my end. For the Commonweath script, this is just required as each script only applies to units of that country, i.e. the UK plan will only draw UK units and so on. Hopefully this helps you to track it down, Hubert
  9. Winti, do you have a saved turn that you could send me so I could take a look?
  10. This is a tricky one because of situations like North Africa where supply might then be too low if it is required to always be connected to a city in their home country. Thoughts?
  11. Can you tell me if it seems to happen to a specific unit type or any unit type, i.e. air units only or naval units only etc.?
  12. Oops! Bill is right, I was thinking of the WWII campaign where I don't believe we have this in place.
  13. Thanks wlape3, and you are correct, much of it is portable but a direct port is not possible as some adjustments need to be made.
  14. I haven't seen this but I can take a look... as you can imagine it is a bit tricky to track down if it is not a repeatable error etc.
  15. To confirm, despite some of the popups that are added for flavour, there is no direct mechanism and combat against a fortress is much like any other combat in the game.
  16. Diplomacy works a bit differently in that it is a random % chance each turn based on how heavily the country in question is being pressed. There is more info in the User Manual on pages 30 and 82.
  17. Unfortunately the v1.03 patch will not be backwards compatible and thanks for the report Winti, I'll take a look.
  18. The AI does receive some free units via UNIT scripts, some at the default level and some at the higher difficulty levels but it may also have more units available at the higher difficulty levels as the higher difficulty levels provide the AI with extra MPP per turn so it is then able to purchase more units.
  19. It will but only up to the maximum convoy transfer amount. For example, if you take a look at the Convoy Map, you can determine which convoys transfer more than others and more or less how many subs you'll need to knock out the convoys based on how much each sub is raiding. Small caveat though in that the convoy transfer amounts, between one major and another, i.e. let's say between the USA and the UK, can be adjusted by both the AI and a human player and the AI will begin to decrease the transfer amount if it feels that it is starting to take too many losses. Hope this helps, Hubert
  20. I'm not 100% sure I follow the error but please send me the turn and I can take a look, thanks!
  21. That's correct, each game is stand alone and the scenarios can't port over from one version to another as each new release introduces things like new unit types, data and country slots and other items that make older campaigns unfortunately incompatible. However as wlape3 suggested, there is a manual process you can use with the Editor to import some data from previous releases and build your own campaigns that mirror those from the older games but it does take some time and effort. Hubert
  22. Rabelesius, We've run through a few Beta builds for v1.03 and this is what we have so far. It is of course not a finalized list (as things may change and/or be removed from this list) but just a point of reference for now: v1.03.03 Beta GAME ENGINE CHANGES - fixed a unit movement error from Land to Land + Water tiles (Iron Ranger) - fixed an adjacent port occupation error for when there is an enemy unit already located adjacent to the port (Iron Ranger) - Garrison units are no longer able to 'Force March' as they were never really trained for this (Al) EDITOR CHANGES WWII 1939 Storm Over Europe - added several Soviet NATIONAL MORALE events to boost their morale as the Allies land in and liberate France - added a UK NATIONAL MORALE loss event for when the Axis take London (Gunnar) - removed Bradford and Birmingham from the UK PARTISAN event (Gunnar) - fixed an AI POPUP event with respect to D-Day - all French Maginot Line units now start with strength = 5 (HvS) - German Battleship renamed to 'Hutten' from 'Hutton' (HvS) v1.03.02 Beta GAME ENGINE CHANGES - AI will no longer automatically purchase Garrisons to fill in empty resource GARRISON script positions unless 'Production Delay' is turned off - further AI speed and logic improvements - fixed a NATIONAL MORALE script bug that had the game engine skip over these events from time to time (Lokesz) - SUPPLY events that have an associated #SOUND= line entry will now display an animated explosion over the supply targets specified in the event - fixed an error that allowed Carriers to reinforce/upgrade after it has been used to 'escort' (Catacol) EDITOR CHANGES WWII 1939 Storm Over Europe - removed the ports of Alexandria, Tripoli and Tunis from the supply effect on the Allies in the Mediterranean if the UK loses Gibraltar (abukede) - added Halifax as a Canadian port and city should the UK transfer its government to Canada (Happycat) v1.03.01 Beta GAME ENGINE CHANGES - AI will no longer purchase units that will arrive after the campaign 'end date' (Gunnar) - AI speed improvements, up to 50% faster on turns with most of the map areas actively engaged - AI logic improvements EDITOR CHANGES WWII 1939 Storm Over Europe - added an extra road northwest of Athens - removed 1st FSJ from the UNIT script and placed him on the P/Q instead - added Soviet 22nd and 26th Armies to Smolensk and Kiev respectively (abukede) - increased primary Tank, Fighter, Tac, Bomber research upgrades from 10% to 20% (abukede) - increased Soviet Tank builds from 7 to 8 (abukede) v1.03.00 Beta GAME ENGINE CHANGES - fixed a research progression calculation error (Wushuki) - fixed a WWII Strategic Bomber recon error (Bill R.) - fixed an AI planning error that caused a CTD (Cantona66) - fixed a WWII Partisan Operational Movement error that allowed Partisans to Operate out of their national territory (Gunnar) - fixed a Carrier recon error (rjh1971) - fixed an Operational unit error that did not reveal enemy units immediately adjacent a recently operated unit (Alastair) - Fighters now have an interception range of 'strike range - 1' for WWII (Wushuki) - Paratroops can now be intercepted and escorted EDITOR CHANGES - WWII campaigns now have Carriers improve their AD/BA/BD values for each applicable level of Aerial Warfare (Wushuki) WWII 1939 Storm Over Europe - renamed Vyatka to Kirov - moved Kotlas from 359,23 to 355,27 and adjusted the rail and road to match - added Nyandoma to 336,24 - added a road to connect Nyandoma to Kotlas - disabled the Allied AI Italian SURRENDER_2 event to the US (Gunnar) - Venice added as a secondary capital for Italy (Bill R.) - Canada can now operate its air units without territorial restriction (Gunnar) - Infantry Warfare and Heavy Tank research costs increased by 25 MPP (Gunnar) - Fighters that fly a reconnaissance mission will no longer be escorted if they are intercepted (Bill R.) - Fighters now have an intercept range equivalent to their strike range - 1 (Wushuki) - Winter War TERRITORY event now properly connected to DE 401 (rjh1971) - corrected several entries in the Guide (rjh1971) - increased Soviet mobilization from 7-10% to 15-20% should Germany not honour the Molotov Pact (HvS) - added an HQ at Minsk to the front line Soviet UNIT scripts should Germany not honour the Molotov Pact (HvS) - fixed a POPUP regarding the 'German Blitzkrieg Towards Paris' should France fall prior to the surrender of Belgium (crispy131313) - added a Romanian Tank to their build options (Dave) - several DE 101 Destroyers now spread out to arrive in later '41 and early '42 (Dave) - German and Soviet Rocket builds now have SA=1 (Dave)
  23. It is and I suspect it is related to the same coding error which as mentioned could be worked around for now by disabling the 'National Morale Objectives' so as to not have it occur in game again... thanks
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