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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. We have some SUPPLY events in place that will reduce supply for some cities that aren't actually related to PARTISANS and this is likely the case here. Initially I believe we had it worded as Partisan Activity etc., but changed the wording to 'Resistance Activity' to try and limit confusion but long story short there is no way to prevent these actions via the usual Partisan limiting actions of placing your units in key locations and so on. Hope this helps, Hubert
  2. Hi Boudi, I could be wrong but I believe that those games actually use a 3D engine to render a 2D looking game. Hubert
  3. Hi Boudi, It is the highest enemy level that is used against you, hope this helps! Hubert
  4. One problem, and this came up when we discussed this a bit in Beta a while back is that combat is not guaranteed to have consistent weather on the same turn in all cases. For example: Axis Turn 1 Allied Turn 1 Axis Turn 2 Allied Turn 2 Axis Turn 3 Allied Turn 3 Axis Turn 4 Allied Turn 4 Let's say the Allies launch D-Day on their 'Turn 2' in ideal weather conditions, the Axis follow up turn which is 'Turn 3' could be rain and you are likely to still feel cheated by the weather differences. Granted it may smooth out the weather a bit as the Allied Turn 3 will also be in the rain but as situations as described above are still going to occur I unfortunately don't see an easy way around it.
  5. Thanks Robert and I agree not a bad first review at all
  6. Hi Cantona66, The only way to do it properly is to select 'pixel resize' instead of 'percentage' resize. If your bitmap editor doesn't have this option I would suggest a free program like Paint.NET which should be able to do the trick. Also, make sure you don't use a anti-aliasing smoother for the resizing but just a simple 'pixel' adjustment only as this will not give you any of the white fuzz around the resized units. I hope this helps, Hubert
  7. We are getting pretty close... hopefully not long now
  8. Hi Pacestick, SC WWI uses a different licensing system so there is no need to unlicense... you can just install a second time on your new laptop. The new licensing system details can be found here: http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=188&nav=0,34
  9. Thanks and I'll have to think about it as the engine should be able to handle it, it is just a matter of making it intuitive but your suggestions should help. Thanks, Hubert
  10. If I understand correctly, once swapped they have completed their moves, i.e. no further attacks etc.?
  11. Hi Gandalf, If you got to Campaign -> Edit Event Scripts and then 'Update' the Convoy scripts it should then show the convoy information. I hope this helps, Hubert
  12. BattleOfJutland, Here is the full DRM info as requested: http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=188&nav=0,34 http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=206
  13. Odd error and if you can send me your mod, send to support@furysoftware.com I would be happy to take a look. You can just send me the campaign file as I don't think I will need the campaign subdirectory and a description of how to repeat the error will help. For example, if this was the Editor or the Game and just what you do to see the error etc. Thanks, Hubert
  14. BattleOfJutland, A quick look at the posting history of MadWoman will tell you that my decision was not made in a vacuum. Unfortunately, much like others have noticed, MadWoman does appear to be trolling, and at this point I have no reason to believe this post was anything otherwise. Why? Well first off I have no idea what he is referring to as there is no link or tangible evidence that he is not just continuing to troll on these forums, and secondly the game does not use Starforce. I hope this helps, Hubert
  15. This is generated automatically by the game engine
  16. Crispy I agree as it has been nothing but trolling from almost day one and and I'll give him a 3 month "trolling" cooling off ban and we'll see how that works out.
  17. Hi Dragon99, Thanks for the feedback and one item I can confirm having been adjusted is the Rail Gun, it can no longer enter enemy territory and capture cities. Hubert
  18. Off hand I'm not sure where it is in the Manual but the basic idea is that if the unit is destroyed with supply level >= 5 it can be re-purchased at a discount, i.e. this just simulates the idea that some core elements of the unit were not complete destroyed and were able to regroup and reform. This applies to WWI and IIRC to all SC2 releases.
  19. Glad you enjoyed it Omegaman and I believe the alternate history was actually written by Jim, or Happycat
  20. UFC, Cantona66 I just posted the background on NM related events in the other thread and hopefully this helps. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1242014&postcount=9 Interesting idea regarding combat and NM and I'll think about this some more. Cantona66, just to clarify the unit morale is always multiplied by NM, it is just currently limited to a maximum reduction of 10%, i.e. once NM dips below 90% the formula goes to the following: unit morale = unit morale * .9 instead of: unit morale = unit morale * NM
  21. UFC, Pretty much every nation has any number of events that tie into NM and the reason they are not listed specifically in the User Manual is that they are not generated using DECISION events in the normal manner, i.e. it is not actually a decision for the player to decide, but rather we just use that script structure to fire them off behind the scenes. If you open the Editor and navigate to the EVENT scripts and open the DECISION event file you will see near the bottom of the file the list of events that are related to essentially WAR WEARINESS. From there these are then linked to other events such as the STRENGTH and SUPPLY events as described above.
  22. Omegaman1, As far as I can tell, no just if they initially go to war.
  23. UFC, Just to clarify the effect on Austro-Hungarian NM, once they reach 50% NM there are events in place that will affect A-H unit troop strength via desertions as well as worker strikes that can lower resource/supply strengths. While 1000 NM may not seem like much it does delay these events so it has to be weighed accordingly.
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