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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Thanks for the info Pavel as it looks like under the right circumstances it can work under Parallels.
  2. Hi GeorgeM, Sorry to hear the trouble and from your report it unfortunately sounds like something very unique to your system. Can you open a support ticket at http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk with your system specs as well as a saved turn that causes the crash and we'll be happy to take a look and get you up and running. Hubert
  3. Hi Syagrius, If I remember correctly then this might indeed be an issue with your video card... can you try a lower resolution to see if that helps? Hubert
  4. Thanks Rosseau, much appreciated and I'm glad to hear you are enjoying the series as well as the new WWII expansion I'll also make sure to pass this post along to everyone involved as it is posts like these that make it all worth it in the end
  5. Syagrius, I think part of the problem is that later in the war the AI can enter into a phase of some very exhaustive logical calculations, i.e. when there are a lot of units or when the distance between combatants begin to increase as this can happen as more areas of the map start to open up. I think this is the most likely set of factors you've seen in your games starting to slow down and why processing upgrades (followed by RAM) will help the most. Additionally, refining the code on my end to address the biggest coding 'logic' bottlenecks will probably make the biggest overall difference and this is what I really spent a lot of time attempting to finally address over the last month or so. Hopefully you'll see as big difference as I did on my end with the v1.03 patch that was released earlier today
  6. That's a tough one as it designed to arrive via the scripts, perhaps a flag for some special cases for the units to go to the P/Q on that date instead. I'll have to think about that a bit as it would provide some extra flexibility.
  7. Thanks Terrier, we've had similar feedback in the past that the extra MPP may be a bit too much at the higher levels so perhaps we'll tone it down a bit. I'll have another look at the formulas.
  8. Thanks Amadeus, unfortunately a bit late for the v1.03 patch but I'll look into this for down the road.
  9. Hi Sygarius, I've identified a few routines that slow down as the combat map starts to grow and when there are more units on the board and with the next patch this should be much improved. On my system the longest turns that I find now near the end of the game max out at about 5 minutes and overall you can expect to see at least a 50% AI speed improvement. I've tested the AI speed with the upcoming 1.03 patch on the old 1939 Fall Weiss campaign that Amadeus has put in the repository, i.e. rebuilt for play with the WWI engine, and with all the AI optimizations selected in game, the AI can play both sides from start to finish in about an hour... which is REALLY fast in comparison to the previous versions of SC. Essentially, expect to see some significant improvements with the next patch Hubert
  10. Thanks acrashb, I've seen this before and usually a refresh of the map will fix the issue, correct? Problem is as you've described it is difficult to track down as it is not a consistently repeatable error but I'll keep an eye out for it.
  11. Received the turn, thanks and I've now fixed the bug. My misunderstanding as I thought it was a situation where the French were capturing the town via forced march but it was more the ability to enter into Italy via forced march that was the issue as you properly described. Looks like the problem was that the forced march allowed the French to enter Italy even though Italy was not yet fully mobilized... consider this fixed for the next release
  12. I've seen the idea of Operational Points and played this in other games too, and I guess my original inspiration was to not have it so limiting and leave it up to the player based on how they wanted to spend their MPPs but I guess in the worst case it might not be a bad idea to have it as an option for down the road if this is something players would really like to see. In terms of the design, I have thought about the idea of increased costs depending on the operational distance and more or less left it as is because it is currently a KISS implementation. For example, I would have to add another layer to the Editor to help calculate what the costs should be for different sized maps and possible distances, and secondly some have argued in the past that the bulk of the operational cost was in the loading and unloading of the unit and once underway the additional time in transport was more or less negligible (cost wise) by comparison. This is not to say that something like this cannot be added in the future, and granted the above may vary depending on the unit type as air unit operation I agree would be a bit of a different beast, but this is just to sort of paint a picture of where my thinking was on the subject. For the morale losses, some interesting points here as well and we'll take a closer look to see if any further adjustments will be made.
  13. These might be more of an option and I'll have to take a closer look to what I coded for WWI and how easy it will be to import items like these as sometimes it is just better to start with the latest code base and go from there.
  14. Thanks Baron, I especially like #2 and I'll add it to my list of things to consider implementing for down the road
  15. Thanks for the feedback as there were a few oversights on our part, lots of scripts on this one, and we'll make some adjustments For the naval unit ranges there were a few concerns such as game play, i.e. the possibility of less of a cat and mouse game, and for the AI as greatly increased ranges does unfortunately weigh more heavily on AI calculation speed... but we'll see what we can do.
  16. Hi Glabro, I've attempted to test this a bit based on your description and I can't seem to be able to repeat it. Can you confirm that this was indeed a 'forced march' movement? I only ask as the code is setup to not allow what you've described above, i.e. 'forced march' only allows movement within friendly territory and does not allow for the capture of any non friendly resources. Either way, seeing the turn on my end will help me to narrow it down, thanks, Hubert
  17. Can you tell me which campaign this was for and if you have a saved turn where I can repeat this movement? Please send to support@furysoftware.com Thanks, Hubert
  18. If the Allies lose the Suez then it appears by the script conditions that you no longer can use those loops but I'll consider changing this as I can see it as being at least a reasonable escape route
  19. It is actually a feature I've been considering for some time, but unfortunately I still can't promise it just yet.
  20. Hi Chippothehippo, Welcome to the game and unfortunately this is not an option at the present time. Hubert
  21. Thanks for the files Dragon and for anyone else encountering this issue, a temporary workaround until the next patch is to use 'Auto' or 'Auto-Assist' for your HQs. I hope this helps, Hubert
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