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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. OK I thought I fixed this, but I'll take another look. Hubert
  2. Thanks! OK sounds like the AI might never be enough of a challenge for you , but good news is that even as I play the game I always see things that can be improved and so will probably continue to make adjustments here and there with the goal of consistent improvements in mind. Quick question, when was the second front launched approximately? Hubert
  3. Hi Immer, What version are you playing so I can gauge the recent changes? I have a short list of tweaks I am considering but I don't think they will be seen until after TCP/IP as this is at the top of the priority heap right now, but I might be able to sneak in a few changes before then Hubert
  4. Really glad to hear that you that you had a more challenging experience with v1.03 Hubert
  5. No promises just yet, but I think some time by mid to late September is a good bet. Hubert
  6. This will be soon, I've got a few more things to wrap up and some testing but within a couple of weeks I imagine. Hubert
  7. Many thanks for the nice comments! For my first game I am extremely happy with the reception and how SC is doing in general. As for the future, I still need to finish a few things up and to be completely honest this still occupied 99% of my time.... still haven't had a good chance to contemplate the next offering(s) just yet, but I will definitly keep this forum up to date once I do! Hubert
  8. It's something I will look into for the future... although zipping may still be necessary since some ISP's strip the PBEM files unless zipped or something similar. Hubert
  9. 1.0 and 1.3 are not compatible at all, 1.2 and 1.3 are compatible, but there are some subtle differences where I would suggest moving to the same version. Hope that helps, Hubert
  10. Have you tried v1.03 yet? There were some improvements to the combat system, amphibious assaults etc., and the game should be overall more challenging at the higher difficulty levels. Hubert
  11. If you haven't tried v1.03 there were some improvemets made to the combat system as well as amphibious assaults, better coordination and the Allies build up a bit more of an invasion force prior to attack. Hubert
  12. Sorry this is about as 'clear as mud' for me right now What files are needed to play the game? and what files end up in the recycle bin? Hubert
  13. Oh no... pop my head in for a minute and now I'm in trouble OK it's been a while, but I believe what's happening with the original Baghdad scenario is that when France surrenders there is still some territory that may have to be mopped up or reclaimed by another ally, thus why Iraq is still 'blue'. This could still take a little tweaking so I'll have to take a look. As for the Soviet minor allies, this is correct, there is no such thing in the game. The only minors are Axis or Allied under either UK or German control, so if the UK surrenders then reinforcing the Allied minors is not possible since there is no MPP to do so. One idea may be to create Russian controlled minors but this may or may not be coming. I guess the problem is that the Campaign Editor is very open ended and will allow you to create campaigns that go beyond what the original game is intended to support, so some things may not work out as planned. Hope that helps, Hubert [ August 28, 2002, 12:51 AM: Message edited by: Hubert Cater ]
  14. Well I'm back and glad to see the forums still active as ever. First order of business here I guess... interesting thread but I think it will be better suited to the General Discussion so I will move it there. Hubert
  15. Hi Kev, OK please send me an email. In the meantime anyone else experience the same problem, even after a full shut down of your system and reboot? Hubert [ August 27, 2002, 10:31 AM: Message edited by: Hubert Cater ]
  16. What method are you using to delete the files? Is this within the game itself or via 'My Computer' etc. If you delete only the SAVE or PBEM folders than this will have no other affect on the game itself and will launch properly. Hope this helps, Hubert
  17. The error that is generated is stored in a file called 'exception_trace.log' that can be found in your installation directory. If this occurs during a PBEM turn replay, please send me the offensive file and I'll take a look so it can be corrected for the next patch. Thanks, Hubert
  18. Sounds like the PBEM file has been corrupted, this can happen as some ISP's strip the PBEM file or reduce the size for some reason. The best way around this is to probably use Winzip, a free downloadable utility that compresses files and seems to protect the files from your Internet Service Provider. You will have to compress the file, then send, and then your opponent will have to extract it to his PBEM folder. You will also have to repeat the process when receiving files. Hope this helps, Hubert
  19. Even if the current screen resolution is 640x480 the game will load if your system supports a resolution of 1024x768 with at least 16 bits of color. This can be checked by taking a look at your Display Settings under the Control Panel. Hubert
  20. No need to do a reinstall, and I'll take a look at the mem issue. Hubert
  21. I have heard of this problem once before on win98, can you check if it reoocurrs after a clean shut down and reboot. For whatever reason this seems to have solved it in the past, but I will take a closer look either way. Hubert
  22. Just to let everyone know, I will be out of town for a the rest of the week and won't be back until the 26th. Please continue to use this Tech Forum for any issues that you may experience and I will get to them as soon as I can. Happy gaming in the meantime! Hubert
  23. Just to let everyone know, I will be out of town for a the rest of the week and won't be back until the 26th. Please continue to use the SC Tech Forum for any issues that you may experience and I will get to them as soon as I can. Happy gaming in the meantime! Hubert
  24. After thinking about this one a bit, I've decided to remove the CD check from Strategic Command in all future patches. I do believe it was a little unfair, and unexpected to place this restriction after the game had shipped. I will continue, as in the past, to be completely forthright in what to expect in future patches/fixes and well I guess, chalk this one up to experience. There will be another patch available in the coming weeks that will indeed have the CD check removed as well as cover some of the remaining items/tweaks recently discussed. More on that soon! Hubert
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