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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Honch, I would suggest taking a look at the User Manual as it should be able to answer all of these editing questions. Off hand though, you can add it to the map if the file has been edited properly but it will not act as a city but rather as whatever properties have been set for Forests.
  2. Honch, no need to edit the original bitmaps, simply create a 'Bitmaps' subfolder in your campaign subfolder and edit the line #CUSTOM_BITMAPS=0 to read #CUSTOM_BITMAPS=1 in your campaign.ini file. Once you do this you can place any edited/customized bitmap files in this new 'Bitmaps' subfolder and this preserves the original files. You can of course also just edit the original files if so desired. FYI, there are more details in the manual on how to do this type of editing. For editing the bitmaps in general make sure you edit all the relative bitmap files as there is more than one file that contains flags etc., but other than that just editing the file should do the trick, i.e. whatever you see in the bitmap file after your edits should be what you see in game.
  3. After installing the patch, open a new campaign. I recommend saving it without doing anything else. Great suggestions and I would only add one thing here as it should smooth out the process a little bit. Once you've applied the patch and followed the previous steps listed above (backing up files etc.) do the following: 1) Open a new campaign using File->New 2) Set the new campaign map size to match the map size of your previous pre patch campaign. 3) Select File->Import and select the folder for the campaign in which you would like to import data files from. If you do not have the correct map size the Editor will inform you and you can then repeat step 2) 4) At this point, select Save and select the name of the older campaign you wish to update. This assumes you still have the original 'Campaigns' folder intact with the pre patch campaigns and subfolders. For example, let's say you had a file called '1939 Fall Weiss Custom'. Simply select this file when you are going to save. WARNING: It will ask you if you would like to overwrite the scripts. Make sure you click "NO". NOTE: If you click "YES" it will overwrite the existing scripts with the Template scripts. If you click "NO" it will use the existing scripts which is essentially what you want here. 5) At this point you have fully updated your campaign to the latest version and if there have been any script changes making previous scripts invalid, those scripts will not have been saved so you will need to take a look at the scripts via the Event viewer under Campaigns->Edit AI Scripts and/or Campaigns->Edit Event Scripts. In this case only the ACTIVATION#2 scripts will need to be slightly updated for full compatibility. The PLAN scripts can also be adjusted regarding the #STEAL flag (more options) but the current defaults will not raise an incompatibility error by the Editor. I'll post this once again, including Bill's notes above as soon as the patch is about to be delivered.
  4. John, very good suggestion and something I've added to my list
  5. Hi Kuniworth, I agree many of these suggestions would be nice, and I do like them, but I honestly can't say when if at all any of these suggestions would be implemented. FYI, my goal is to continue to add editing flexibility in some of the missing areas where there is in fact hard-coding, i.e. the upgrade %s, but often there are creative workarounds until further enhancements will be available. For example you can adjust the unit costs as well as the resource values and you might get much closer to the numbers you are after. Some additional ideas... 1. For the MPP sum to a player question, how about placing resources along the map edge (partial tiles) in the far east of Russia. These will allow MPP for the USSR but can never be captured by enemy units as no units can occupy these tiles. For example, this is already done in the main ET maps for the US. 3. For wanting units in the Production Queue with higher research levels you could use a set of UNIT scripts instead as these automatically come onto the map at the highest research levels available. Moving this to the Mods Forum for future reference.
  6. Hi Kuniworth, I agree many of these suggestions would be nice, and I do like them, but I honestly can't say when if at all any of these suggestions would be implemented. FYI, my goal is to continue to add editing flexibility in some of the missing areas where there is in fact hard-coding, i.e. the upgrade %s, but often there are creative workarounds until further enhancements will be available. For example you can adjust the unit costs as well as the resource values and you might get much closer to the numbers you are after. Some additional ideas... 1. For the MPP sum to a player question, how about placing resources along the map edge (partial tiles) in the far east of Russia. These will allow MPP for the USSR but can never be captured by enemy units as no units can occupy these tiles. For example, this is already done in the main ET maps for the US. 3. For wanting units in the Production Queue with higher research levels you could use a set of UNIT scripts instead as these automatically come onto the map at the highest research levels available. Moving this to the Mods Forum for future reference.
  7. One of the problems with throwing AA tech around is the need for applicable counter tech otherwise techs get out of balance as they did in SC1. Currently AA tech is balanced against the tech upgrades available to Bombers but to extend it further I would have to create new categories of tech for other units... although I could have an AA tech for naval units that is only applicable to Bomber attach and not AF attack etc.
  8. Thanks for the reports, moving this to the Tech forum for reference.
  9. Thanks for the reports, moving this to the Tech forum for reference.
  10. Stalin's Organist, thanks for the report as this has been fixed. Moving this to the Tech Forum for future reference.
  11. Stalin's Organist, thanks for the report as this has been fixed. Moving this to the Tech Forum for future reference.
  12. I'll post more details once the patch is just about ready for release especially for modders as they will have to make sure they backup their changes and properly use the import/export feature to bring their campaigns up to v1.01
  13. This is something I've thought about adding in as well at some point... problem is my to-do list just keeps on growing!
  14. Thanks Wolfe, I'll look into these issues for the next patch but the good news is that the French unit bug has been fixed for the first patch already.
  15. Jollyguy, the first patch will actually have a few data structure changes so previously saved games will not be compatible.
  16. This will be something I'll be working on for the second patch.
  17. John, I don't think you are doing anything wrong as the system uses the open sea/land tiles randomly regardless of which one is placed originally on the map. This creates a less repetitive pattern on the map for the open or full tiles.
  18. Ok it looks like the 1024x768 resolution is the only one supported on your system and this is why you are limited to that screen size. My guess is you are running a widescreen display and if you check your adapter's allowable resolutions it will not allow the other two optional screen sizes of 1280x1024 and 1600x1200. This is something I eventually want to support, i.e. more resolutions.
  19. Try this free link that finds your external IP address: http://zorak.als.uiuc.edu/ipcheck/ipcheck.html
  20. Can you send me the customized campaign so I can take a look? This will help me track down the errors, thanks! Hubert Send to support@furysoftware.com
  21. Westyorksgaz, can you be a bit more specific, i.e. it does not allow you to change the settings once in game to a higher resolution like 1280x1024 etc? If so can you try setting a higher resolution through your video card properties just to confirm that it does in fact support higher resolutions.
  22. USSR is not a cooperative country, this is a change with SC2, so they will not be supplied by US controlled territory and vice versa. For Germany not immediately surrendering this is most likely the check in place that looks for the number of German units remaining on board before surrender. Were there still a few German units on board? If so Germany may not immediately surrender and it could take a few turns.
  23. I should add that Bill has taken the supply documentation feedback to heart and has come up with a much more detailed supply tutorial that will be available with the first patch. Patch is just around the corner, there are a few introduced errors I need to iron out, but it should help resolve almost all bugs reported so far as well as address many game play/balance issues and quite a few AI bugs as well. Just letting you know so you don't fear that feedback has been falling on deaf ears
  24. Agamemnon, sorry to hear about the trouble and as mentioned here if you think you are seeing something here as a bug please don't hesitate to report it to the Tech forum and/or send me a saved turn where I can repeat the issue. This is the best way for me to let you know exactly what might be happening and of course whether or not it is a game feature or indeed a bug. To clarify, for re-building units at a lower cost and percentage the unit must have a supply >= 5. Hope this helps, Hubert
  25. Thanks Exel it is much appreciated. I can honestly say that it is this type of feedback that makes the low points of development that much easier to get through. Hubert
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