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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. You should be able to, simply select the non 3-D units when in game by going to the OPTIONS menu.
  2. Hi John, ok found it and consider it fixed!
  3. Hotfix on the way... as a temporary workaround please use 3-D units as it does not seem to cause this crash under this mode.
  4. Hi John, I can't seem to repeat this... is it with a custom 1939 scenario by any chance, i.e. if I open the original one and follow these instructions I don't receive a crash.
  5. Hi Dan, I think I had checked this as it was reported in v1.00 and just to confirm, if you look at the map in the editor without the resources showing you'll see that there is actually no connection between tile 10,21 and the tile where the port is connected, i.e. tile 10,22. FYI, this was a change with SC2 where I decided to take into account coastal features wrt direct connections... well for the most part this is how it should work Hope this helps, Hubert
  6. dicedtomato, hard to say for sure if this was simply an I/O error or a game bug, can you send me the autosave so I might be able to take a look? Send to support@furysoftware.com
  7. This is a feature as the USSR has 4 alternative Industrial Centers, Stalingrad, Grozny, Sverdlovsk as well as Leningrad.
  8. If you create two separate installations, i.e. install to one folder and then install to another differently named folder, and then subsequently apply the patch to only one installation you should achieve what you are after.
  9. Cwmark, hotfix should be out soon... First off, if you can send me a screenshot of the game with 3D icons that would be very helpful as off hand they should now work identically to 2D units, i.e. no difference in how they are drawn in game. Question for you on the intermittent crash, did this happen under v1.00 as well? For possible solutions, please check to see if you are running a program called Winamp. Verify that the default output device setting for Winamp (under the Preferences menu) is set to DirectSound Output. If not please set it to this output selection. Oddly enough, and currently for reasons unknown, this has had some sort of effect on SC2 and known to be a cause of this intermittent crash you are reporting. Alternatively can you try the following: - Try renaming the file called 'intro.wav' in your 'Sounds' folder to 'intro_bak.wav. - Then paste a copy of 'chat.wav' into another folder (other than the 'Sounds' folder) and rename this copy to 'intro.wav'. Move this renamed file back into your 'Sounds' folder There was a rare error where the size of the 'intro.wav' seemed to cause a memory issue similar to the one you reported and essentially this method allows you to load the game with a smaller (similarily named) 'intro.wav' Let me know if this helps, Hubert
  10. If the game does not show v1.01 in the bottom right hand corner then the patch has unfortunately not been applied properly. Once you download the patch you will have to run it from your download location. You can double check your download location to ensure it has been properly downloaded and/or try downloading it again and make a note of where it has been downloaded. Once downloaded all you have to do is double click this file and follow the instructions. It should work fine after that. Hope this helps, Hubert
  11. Ok, thanks to Acras' patience it looks like this error is 2-D mode related and if you play in 3-D mode it will not occur. This is a temporary solution and I'll see if I can have a hotfix ready soon to resolve this issue. Hubert
  12. Unfortuantely this error never came up during the testing for the patch and I am also unable to repeat it. Question for everyone, have you been able to continue the game or does it always crash at the same spot?
  13. Very nice chrome ideas Edwin... we'll see what kind of time I'll have to include some of these
  14. No problem John, changes can and sometimes will catch people off guard so it is perfectly understandable. I'll see what I might be able to come up with but unfortunately, off hand, this sort situation might not work that well as a selectable option... we'll see Hubert
  15. No problem Willy, the D-day fix was simply accounted for under the various script enhancement and AI transport bug fixes but I could have been more specific in the release notes as you've pointed out. Either way it should be fixed but as Edwin has noticed it might need a bit of fine tuning still depending on how the AI makes its purchases. Hope this helps, Hubert
  16. The biggest problem with this type of DoW was that it was too much of an exploit, i.e. the Axis player controls both sides and this was the same issue with the Allied player and in-active countries like the US being invaded by the Brits.
  17. William I'm not sure I understand what you are saying here... you applied the patch and it does not seem to be working for you? Can you confirm that the patch has been applied properly and that once in game it shows v1.01 in the bottom right hand corner in the MAIN WINDOW? Hubert
  18. Acras, can you send me the file at: support@furysoftware.com
  19. Normal Dude, this one was actually reported during the development phase of the patch and unfortuantely I thought I had it fixed... thanks for the report and consider it fixed for the next patch. Note, as far as I can tell this bug only affects the sprite displayed and not the unit properties. Edwin, thanks for the report and the sent files... unfortuantely I cannot seem to repeat it. Can you confirm that this is a repeatable error on your end? For example each time you replay the 'autosave' does this error occur?
  20. I have this one written down I'm just not 100% sure if it was added in time for the first patch... if not definitely for the second patch as it is of course the logical thing to do. Just an FYI, the first patch took some time due to the amount of bugs that cropped up but work has already begun on the second patch, items (non-critical) I figured could be held off until later as I wanted to wrap up a primary patch as soon as possible, and subsequent patches, as needed, will be available much quicker.
  21. Yes good point Bill, you will need to add an updated version of the following files (mirrored) if you have edited any of the originals. Originals: - flag_sprites.bmp - unit_silhouettes_sprites_3d.bmp - unit_sprites_3d.bmp Mirrored Files (actual file names needed): - flag_sprites_mirrored.bmp - unit_silhouettes_sprites_3d_mirrored.bmp - unit_sprites_3d_mirrored.bmp Also, it should be noted that the following 'Interface' files have been updated as well: - research_dialog.bmp - research_table_dialog.bmp - settings_dialog.bmp Hubert
  22. Joel, just for some more background info... unfortunately this seems to be a rare error on some systems so to correct it (with the first patch) I have not used the DirectX call that caused this error (although the call should be universally supported on all Video cards) and opted for a more general solution that seems to now work universally as originally intended. FYI, as far as I know the patch should be out later on today so hang in there! Hubert
  23. Previously you could only set scripted plan events to steal from 'Offensive' plans, now you can also steal from 'Defensive' plans should you desire. Remember that 'Offensive/Defensive' plans are automatically set by the AI for any units that are not currently assigned to another plan type.
  24. Great stuff Ben Edwin, yes the additional tech is Amphibious Tech with a +1 movement range for each level. Bill, thanks for the reminder... here is the template info for research script (full text as well): ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; RESEARCH SCRIPT (Handle AI Research) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; USAGE: ; ; Basic structure of an AI research event: ; { ; #NAME= Event name (this will be shown as a selectable event under an options menu within the game) ; #POPUP= Event popup text (this will be displayed when the event occurs) ; #FLAG= Will this be a default event for the campaign? (values range [0, 1]; True= 1; False= 0) ; #TYPE= With all other factors satisfied will this be a (values range [0, 2]): ; A) Single check regardless if trigger is satisfied= 0 ; Multiple check until trigger is satisfied= 1 ; C) Reoccuring check until end of game= 2 ; #COUNTRY_ID= Country ID associated with this event ; #TRIGGER= Trigger percentage that the event will occur (values range [0, 100]) ; #LEVEL= What minimum skill level with this event apply to? ; Values: [0, 4]; 0= Green; 1= Novice; 2= Beginner; 3= Intermediate; 4= Advanced ; ; #INFANTRY= ; #HEAVY_TANKS= ; #JETS= ; #HEAVY_BOMBERS= ; #GUN_LAYING_RADAR= ; #LONG_RANGE_AIRCRAFT= ; #ADVANCED_SUBS= ; #ROCKETS= ; #ANTI_TANK= ; #MOTORIZATION= ; #ANTI_SUBMARINE= ; #ANTI_AIRCRAFT_RADAR= ; #AMPHIBIOUS_WARFARE= ; #INTELLIGENCE= ; #INFRASTRUCTURE= ; #PRODUCTION= ; #INDUSTRIAL= ; ; Will these research types be purchased by the AI ; Format: % chance assigned to this purchase [max_chits] ; ; #DATE= Date that must be satisfied (in game) for event to occur (format yyyy/mm/dd) ; #FRIENDLY_POSITION= Positions that must be under friendly control in order for event to occur ; #VARIABLE_CONDITION= Under what variable conditions will this event occur ; Format: country_id [political_alignment] [min_activation%] [surrendered_flag] ; #TACTICAL_CONDITION= Tactical map position (resource) that currently MUST NOT be threatened for event to ; occur, i.e. plan owner should have tactical advantage over this position ; Format: x,y [tactical_flag] ; #ACTIVATE_POSITION= Condition positions that will serve to ACTIVATE the event. ; Looks at distance as well as a selected number of Axis/Allied units as specified by 'alignment' flag ; Format: x,y [min_range, max_range] [min_units, max_units] [alignment] ; #CANCEL_POSITION= Condition positions that will serve to CANCEL the event. ; Looks at distance as well as a selected number of Axis/Allied units as specified by 'alignment' flag ; Format: x,y [min_range, max_range] [min_units, max_units] [alignment] ; } ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; Sample event for German research purchases in 1939: ; { ; #NAME= German Research (1939) ; #POPUP= ; #FLAG= 1 ; #TYPE= 2 ; #COUNTRY_ID= 5 ; #TRIGGER= 100 ; #LEVEL= 0 ; #INFANTRY= 10 [1] ; #HEAVY_TANKS= 10 [1] ; #JETS= 10 [1] ; #HEAVY_BOMBERS= 0 [0] ; #GUN_LAYING_RADAR= 0 [0] ; #LONG_RANGE_AIRCRAFT= 0 [0] ; #ADVANCED_SUBS= 10 [1] ; #ROCKETS= 0 [0] ; #ANTI_TANK= 10 [1] ; #MOTORIZATION= 10 [1] ; #ANTI_SUBMARINE= 0 [0] ; #ANTI_AIRCRAFT_RADAR= 0 [0] ; #AMPHIBIOUS_WARFARE= 0 [0] ; #INTELLIGENCE= 10 [1] ; #INFRASTRUCTURE= 10 [1] ; #PRODUCTION= 10 [1] ; #INDUSTRIAL= 10 [1] ; #DATE= 1939/09/03 ; Set friendly positions: ; 1st Line - Berlin ; #FRIENDLY_POSITION= 84,16 ; ; Set variable conditions: ; 1st Line - Germany politically aligned with Axis and not surrendered ; #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 5 [1] [100] [0] ; Set tactical conditions: ; 1st Line - Berlin not tactically threatened ; #TACTICAL_CONDITION= 84,16 [0] ; ; Set dummy activate position (no units at position 0,0) ; #ACTIVATE_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] ; ; Set dummy cancel position (single neutral unit at position 0,0). This is not possible as no ; unit can occupy tile 0,0 so event will not be cancelled due to #CONDITION_POSITION ; #CANCEL_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [1,1] [0] ; } ; ; ; NOTES: ; ; Each event must be preceded by a '{' and end with a '}' ; ; Research Plan identity is determined by #COUNTRY_ID. A country can only have a single plan based on this ; criteria and will be assigned the first valid plan regardless of duplicate script entries (even if the ; remaining control '#' values are different). ; Note: This will also allow you to set up a variety of plans with the same identity but different ; control '#' parameters where the first 'event' satisfied will be the fist plan assigned (for added variability). ; ; Research type purchase lines are read one line at a time so there is no need to set a total sum of research ; purchase percentages equal to 100%, i.e. each line is read and the % chance of purchasing the research type ; is based on the % chance assigned to the particular research type. ; Note: Even if the % chance is successful the #COUNTRY_ID in question needs sufficient funds to make the ; final purchase. If no research type is successfully determined to be purchased then the AI will make no ; research purchases for that particular event. ; ; More than one #VARIABLE_CONDITION can be set. Under #VARIABLE_CONDITION you can also list countries ; that have not yet fully entered the war. For example by listing an activation % less than 100% you ; are providing a check where the #VARIABLE_CONDITION country must meet a minimum activation % (but is ; not yet at 100%) in order for the event to occur. To check for a fully activated country simply ; list the activation % at 100%. Each #VARIABLE_CONDITION line will be read using AND logic. ; ; More than one #FRIENDLY_POSITION can be set. #FRIENDLY_POSITION refers to the current side associated with ; this plan. Each #TACTICAL_CONDITION will be read using AND logic. ; ; More than one #TACTICAL_CONDITION can be set. #TACTICAL_CONDITION refers to the current side, i.e. ; country associated with this plan having tactical superiority over the specified map position. ; Tactical superiority can be fine tuned via the TACTICAL_ID flag. Each #TACTICAL_CONDITION line will ; be read using AND logic. ; ; More than one #ACTIVATE_POSITION can be set. Distance or range checks will be based on the ; specified x,y position. For example if the x,y position is a coastal tile then range checks will ; be made on sea tiles, otherwise if it is a land tile range checks will be made on land tiles only. ; Each #ACTIVATE_POSITION line will be read using OR logic. ; Note: Once a plan has been properly activated then all references to #ACTIAVATE_POSITION are removed ; from the plan as these conditions have been satisfied. Use #CANCEL_POSITION to set the CANCEL conditions ; based on unit positions for the event. ; ; More than one #CANCEL_POSITION can be set. Distance or range checks will be based on the ; specified x,y position. For example if the x,y position is a coastal tile then range checks will ; be made on sea tiles, otherwise if it is a land tile range checks will be made on land tiles only. ; Each #CANCEL_POSITION line will be read using OR logic. ; ; Use the reference values provided for #COUNTRY_ID and not the country names ; Use the reference values provided for #LEVEL and not the level names ; Use the reference values provided for TACTICAL_ID and not tactical names ; Use the reference values provided for POLITICAL ALIGNMENT and not names ; Use the reference values provided for SURRENDER flags and not names ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; COUNTRY ID REFERENCE VALUES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; UK= 1 ; FRANCE= 2 ; USA= 3 ; USSR= 4 ; GERMANY= 5 ; ITALY= 6 ; ; ALBANIA= 8 ; ALGERIA= 9 ; AUSTRIA= 10 ; BALTIC_STATES= 11 ; BENELUX= 12 ; BULGARIA= 13 ; CANADA= 14 ; CZECHOSLOVAKIA= 15 ; DENMARK= 16 ; EGYPT= 17 ; ESTONIA= 18 ; FINLAND= 19 ; GREECE= 20 ; HUNGARY= 21 ; ICELAND= 22 ; IRAN= 23 ; IRAQ= 24 ; IRELAND= 25 ; JORDAN= 26 ; LIBYA= 27 ; LITHUANIA= 28 ; LUXEMBOURG= 29 ; MOROCCO= 30 ; NETHERLANDS= 31 ; NORWAY= 32 ; POLAND= 33 ; PORTUGAL= 34 ; REPUBLICAN_SPAIN= 35 ; ROMANIA= 36 ; SAUDI_ARABIA= 37 ; SPAIN= 38 ; SWEDEN= 39 ; SWITZERLAND= 40 ; SYRIA= 41 ; TUNISIA= 42 ; TURKEY= 43 ; VICHY_FRANCE= 44 ; YUGOSLAVIA= 45 ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; LEVEL REFERENCE VALUES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Green= 0 ; Novice= 1 ; Beginner= 2 ; Intermediate= 3 ; Advanced= 4 ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; TACTICAL ID REFERENCE VALUES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ANY= 0 ; LAND= 1 ; AIR= 2 ; NAVAL= 3 ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; POLITICAL ALIGNMENT REFERENCE VALUES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; NEUTRAL= 0 ; AXIS= 1 ; ALLIED= 2 ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; SURRENDERED FLAG REFERENCE VALUES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; NOT_SURRENDERED= 0 ; SURRENDERED= 1 ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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