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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Hi Bayfire, welcome aboard! There are a few locations such as Panzerliga that I believe still have active mulitplayer leagues for SC2 but in general I would say to post a few requests right here for opponents as there are many players that frequent these forums looking for games.
  2. Nupremal, Supply Centers are as you guessed similar to an industrial center in terms of providing maximum supply but you cannot build there. This has allowed us as can be seen in the Pacific Theater map to give locations such as Pearl Harbour maximum supply, i.e. create a major naval base there for maximum refit and repair, but at the same time not allow for builds to arrive there etc. For convoys, no changes at the moment with respect to these just yet. Hubert
  3. Stitch, I believe the note on page 34 is a typo or at least I should say misleading. For some background this manual has seen many revisions as it is at its core based on the original SC1 manual and having been built up over the years to reflect all the accumulated changes there are unfortunately bound to be a few inconsistencies. I'm trying to remember what this may have reflected as there have been a lot of changes, but it does not in any way mean that the AI does not play with FoW in mind. Generally the AI plays under the same rules of FoW as a human player does, i.e. it does not know of any unit positions in advance of its movements and will of course be surprised if it encounters a hidden movement etc. But that being said, it does, for example via the AI scripts, know a few things whether there is FoW or not simply to help it along. For example, the AI scripts can be coded to let the AI know if an OFFENSIVE is a good idea depending on how many enemy units are near a particular resource etc. or whether it should be canceled but when it comes time to move or attack it plays under the same FoW rules as I described above. Hopefully this makes sense Hubert
  4. That is what I thought as the Quad Core's seem to be very fast, thanks!
  5. Alanb, Unfortunately not at the moment. Just out of curiosity, what are your system specs because I am wondering if perhaps the game is not taking into account very fast systems as well as we'd like it to. Hubert
  6. Big Al, most mods from previous versions of SC will not be compatible with the PAC editor as there are not as many overall country slots available... will be a different situation though when the Global game is released
  7. dgold07, Essentially correct and the only other major differences I can suggest are the Combat Target Values as well as the number of units available for purchase. While these additional points of consideration may seem minor and initially insignificant it does as the course of the game is played out directly influence how these units are used and where considering the extra abilities that 'Special Forces' posses etc. Hope this helps, Hubert
  8. Great post Timskorn and I almost forgot to mention that the brand new Carriers we see in this game are largely PowerGmbH's fault... not sure if everyone remembers but his suggestion for the new Carrier model was originally posted in the Strategic Command Design Challenge a few months back So, when you are cursing your Admirals for putting their Carriers in the wrong attack mode during an epic Pacific Theater naval battle, now you know who to blame
  9. Silent Kipper, Not that it will necessarily change your mind at this point but I thought I would clarify one important point of apparent contention. The easiest way to de-activate the elicense requirements, i.e. should the very unlikely situation ever be required, is to simply provide a non protected executable of the game. Even, and we are talking a very worst case scenario here, if all entities related to the development and publication of this game go out of business, there are many ways to make this file readily and easily available considering the multitude of download sites on the web. FYI, one of the reasons I mentioned that I can provide assurances of this is that since I am the Developer, this is quite easy to do since I am the one that actually makes the game executable. Hope this helps, Hubert
  10. Happycat, Great to hear and the name dgold rings a bell too... enjoy the Multiplayer experience as the Beta testers have had some fantastic battles as the published AARs attest to
  11. Great and those are the kinds of problems I like to hear about
  12. xwormwood, very glad to hear you are enjoying the game and a lot of credit should really go to Bill Runacre for his design vision on this one for the main campaign Operation Z as well as many of the additional mini-campaigns included. Don't be shy about spreading the word either! Hubert
  13. MrWombat, I think you mean to say 'played a bunch of turns *without* trouble', correct? Either way glad you like the game and from a development point of view, we were quite happy with the end product as well Hubert
  14. Hey LampCord! Long time no see You can try going to Settings in game and selecting 'Video Acceleration' to see if that helps, additionally if you run the game in Windowed mode, i.e. not Full Screen this usually speeds up the Alt-Tab issue as it doesn't require the game to refresh its bitmaps in memory as much as it does when running in Full Screen as it is a more exclusive mode video memory wise. Running the game as an Administrator the first time out does resolve some issues on Vista but not likely to change anything with the issues you pointed out above.
  15. Happycat, glad to see your issue was resolved as quickly as I had predicted... hope you are enjoying the game so far as well
  16. Good question and no worries Silent Kipper, this question came up years ago when Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg was the first Battlefront game to employ the eLicense system and the short answer is that if Battlefront were to ever go out of business they would simply de-activate eLicense requirement for each of their games sold... i.e. right before they clear the office and turn out the lights sort of thing. As the Developer of the SC franchise I can also personally back this assurance up as well. Hubert
  17. No definite plans just yet but if there is strong enough desire for some additional or alternate campaigns we just might look into it... so don't be shy about any further suggestions! Hubert
  18. MrWombat, Sorry to hear about the troubles. I've tried to repeat the 2D to 3D error you reported but was unable to in one of my quick tests. Can you tell which campaign you were playing so I can try and re-create it more successfully? For the Alt-Tab issue, I've seen this rarely happen and while the window should immediately pop back up, i.e. you were doing everything right, for some reason it happens where it does not. In this case if you use Ctrl-Alt-Delete you should be able to launch the Task Manager. Once in the Task Manager and if you select the SC Pacific Theater application and then select 'Switch To' it should pop the game window back up as desired. Hope this helps, Hubert
  19. I just wanted to quickly add that I'm pleased to announce that Bill Runacre has officially joined the Fury Software Development team so watch out for more addictive gaming collaborations in the future
  20. Goodwood, have you tried some of the other download links? There are now several available on this page and one of them should definitely work for you: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=220&Itemid=335 Hubert P.S. I can at least confirm that the Atomic Gamer link with the USA Mirror #1 worked on my end as I just tested it right now.
  21. Just an update that there is a new Demo uploaded at all the Mirrors that corrects the issue noted above.
  22. Just an update that there is a new Demo uploaded at all the Mirrors that corrects the issue noted above.
  23. Happycat, sorry to hear about the trouble. If you are still up can you send me an email at support@furysoftware.com. I can at least confirm if your license key is valid. Otherwise Battlefront will likely get back to you very early tomorrow morning.
  24. Thanks SeaMonkey and definitely provide us with some feedback in due course
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