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Everything posted by V

  1. :confused: from dictionary.com: grog ( P ) Pronunciation Key (grg) n. An alcoholic liquor, especially rum diluted with water. grog \Grog\, n. [so named from ``Old Grog'' a nickname given to Admiral Vernon, in allusion to his wearing a grogram cloak in foul weather. He is said to have been the first to dilute the rum of the sailors (about 1745).] A mixture of spirit and water not sweetened; hence, any intoxicating liquor. Grog blossom, a redness on the nose or face of persons who drink ardent spirits to excess. [Collog.] Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc. grog n : rum cut with water Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University
  2. Personally, I haven't noticed much of a problem. Granted, I might not have played as many scenarios with CAS as others. But in the ones I have played and designed and tested, it has not had too many cases of friendly fire.
  3. The airborne were to participate in the D-Day landings in Normandy in June 1944. Normandy is out of the CMAK theater... They remained in western Europe till the end of the war, IIRC.
  4. Infantry does not get an "exposure" report when targeting anything. IIRC, its only guns, MG's and tanks which get the exposure reading when targeting an enemy unit.
  5. You've obviously never had mustard on a spoon with a dash of sugar and a gentle sprinkling of cinnamon on top. Now THAT'S good eatin'! [/QB]</font>
  6. Don't know of any of hand. But you can check the scenario depot. http://ns9.super-hosts.com/~dragonlair.net/combatmission/ And if you don't find any, you should use those books to create us some in the scenario editor.
  7. No doubt. It will give them cheapo's a reason to finally upgrade...
  8. Don't think this will happen. People will continue to buy each theater. I would. Its worth it to keep the company in the dough.
  9. Please review the one in my sig. It should be at the depot.
  10. I played this one once and got my ass kicked by the AI. I used the default setup and moved a little fast, my boys were ripped to shreds.
  11. WTF? Dude, you are taking this entirely the wrong way. Just pretend I didn't mention Birkenau and help me figure out how to transfer real maps to CM... Please? edit: besides, is there that much difference in making a map of Birkenau and making a map of the Warsaw ghetto? They were essentually the same thing. Holding places for prisoners before they were executed by Nazis. Anyways, not trying to do anything ghoulish, as I said before. Just want to look at history in a different way. Sorry if I offended anyone. [ December 30, 2003, 09:17 PM: Message edited by: V- Die Hand die Verletzt ]
  12. I will keep bumping this thread till I get the help needed.
  13. Mass all your Soviet infantry on your left flank. Advance over the hill, then use Human Wave tactic. Keep Company HQ's close so that they can rally routed troops. Don't let your tanks get too far forward. Put all your mortars in the woods on your right, under command of your battalion HQ. Use the mortars to support the infantry when possible and supress AT guns when spotted. Keep up the bloody infantry assault on the enemy right, eventually you should break their position there and be able to roll up their entire line. thats how I did it in a PBEM, anyways.
  14. Hi, I am making a map of Auschwitz II- Birkenau KZ in CMBB. Not for play, really. My plan to is create a CM museum of sorts, giving people a chance inspect the camp grounds. I remember back in CMBO someone created maps of Waterloo, Gettysburg and another battlefield. The idea always stayed with me and last week I watched "The Grey Zone" and wondered if I could remake the Birkenau Camp in the CMBB map making engine. I have got the basic map outlines set, its going to be huge, but I am having trouble with map scale. Should I look for a certain scale of map which will translate to CM best? I have found many generic plans for the Birkenau camp, and those help a lot to get a feel for the layout, but its hard to pin-point distances when carrying that over to CM. Allied ariel recon photos will help a lot in getting some details down as well. Basically, I am looking for links to any threads whcih go in depth on the topic of historic map making. I have used the search function and found some stuff, but need much more. Any tips, links or FAQs would be most appreciated.
  15. The early Arab Israeli wars could be modeled in CMBB, I think. Maybe not as accurate as one would like, but it could be done. I'm actually kind of surprised that the first Arab-Israeli war has not been modeled in CMBB. Maybe it will in CMAK.... The Iraq-Iran war was not very interesting at the tactical level as well, unless you consider defending against the Persian human child-wave attacks to be interesting.
  16. I sentence you to stick your nose in Mad Matt's pits for that piece of heresy.
  17. So it's settled. I look forward to "CM: First Indochina War" coming soon! I can hardly wait!! =D Kitty </font>
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