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Everything posted by V

  1. Are you the slacker having a snooze on the glacis of what looks to be a Ram APC??!! </font>
  2. SPR was a good flick but you certainly need the "wank filter" turned up a notch for it. BOB was, as you say, better. </font>
  3. You Brits really flipped when you lost your empire, didn't you? Michael </font>
  4. V, Well, everybody likes nice comments, but mostly I do it just to let folks know what's coming down the pike and also because invariably a grog will point out something I missed. Better now than after I've released it. Gordon </font>
  5. poor you, the next scenario i'll play will be yours, where can d/l them? </font>
  6. That is what i said, hehehehe Monty </font>
  7. do you modders give us these previews for feedback reasons, to make us drool, or to get some small ounce of meaning injected into your slutty lives? I've always wondered that. Anyways, it is a beautiful looking King Tiger.
  8. tough question, played so many... I really liked the B&T scenario "Ghetto Uprising" I thought it was an great take on the warsaw ghetto uprising. I'm majoring in holocaust studies, so it impacted me pretty hard. Also, I won as the "Allies" against the Germans in PBEM. That 5th SS scenario at the depot is excellent for solo-play.
  9. Play my scenarios, because no one else seems to... if they are playing them, they sure ain't reviewing them...
  10. they are not snipers, they are sharpshooters. Snipers are not within the CM scope.
  11. I never play any scenarios twice, unless there is like 6 months to a year in between, and then only if it is really good. There are just so many scenarios out there to play and so little time to play them all. If I were you, I would not concentrate too much on any one scenario and just move on, win or lose. Then you could play more scenarios and leave more reviews at the scenario depot.
  12. There should be a "Cannon Fodder" command for the Italians...
  13. PLayed this hotseat as the Germans vs. my brother who was the Allies... SPOILER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I chose to pretty much keep the default placement at the start of this battle. I have faced my brother on every CM battlefield imaginable (always as the Germans) so I know his usual strategies: strike anywhere at any time. When the game started, everything was still, but I noticed vehicles moving towards my advance position down the road on my left. A light tank came blazing down that road and drove right up on a house which contained a tank hunter team. The TH team immobilized and then knocked out the light tank. Infantry continued to move down the road. When they were within 250m or so, a MG42 opened up on them and made their advance difficult. Once again, a light tank, with an infantry squad riding on its rear, came blazing down the road. This tank was knocked out by a panzerschreck team. My enemy continued to work on the right side of my defense. Several tanks advanced to support infantry but were knocked out by infantry and AT guns. The American infantry eventually gained a foothold in some heavy small buildings ont he right sie of my line. These men would eventually be repulsed in later attempts to advance. On my left, the Americans were moving large amounts of infantry into the wooded hill. Artillery failed to do much damage, and with long range tank support, the American infantry tried to assault between the wheatfield and barbwire, where there is a thin gap and no obsticles. The first wave was decimated, with some retreating American troops gunned down as they retreated into the barbed wire defenses. By the time the second assault wave was formed up for attack, the American tank bombardment had done its job on the German defenders holding the most forward line of defense. The Americans sweep through the same gap, while still taking fierce casualties, but were able to clear many buildings and gain its first foothold into the town. More American troops filled the town through this gap and advanced right through the centrer of this town with Sherman tank support. In their rush, they by-passed an intact Germany infantry squad and an MG-42 team, which I redirected to the rear of the church and hid for later use. By this time, my Tiger arrived and took position on the road north of the bridge. He found an excellent hull down position and began to engage whatever targets became available. Several American Shermans were knocked out and many American support teams were also decimated. On the right, enemy tanks had knocked out all AT guns and worn down all infantry. I decided to pull what forces I could out of town before they were trapped behind the tank assault which I knew would be coming any minute. I was able to move an empty sharpshooter team, 15 American prisoners, some beat-up infantry squads and my company HQ across the river safely to set up a new defense on t he north side of the river. The Shermans did come rolling into town as American infantry reached the bridge and got into a huge firefight with what infantry I had left to defend the bridge. The Tiger tank took out the last of the enemy tanks, and the by-passed infantry squad flanked the Americans just as the Tiger turned its full attention onto their infantry. The MG42 in the church rejoined the fight as well and there was mass confusion as many American troops were cut down while fleeing from the Tigers murderous fire. The scenario ended soon after that. The Americans got credit for holding all the main flags south of the river, but the staggering amount of casualties suffered gave the Germans a tactical victory. 60-20 (score not exact, played the game last week and did not take exact notes.) I thought it was a great scenario. My brother thought the Americans should have more infantry. I thought that he had enough to finish me off with, but he did not use his tanks well. He also had some tough breaks, like his airforce just missing a knockout shot on my stug (I did not mention the stug in the aar because it was knocked out without contributing one round to the fight.) and never did fire on the Tiger. The Tiger was the difference.
  14. I don't like the American unit pics in CMAK at all. Please change them.
  15. okay, so far this is the funniest post in a very funny thread...
  16. No, CMBB models June 1941 and on. I believe this refers to the German invasion of Poland in September of 1939. The Soviets also invaded Poland in 1939 as part of one of the secret clauses of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. CMAK covers the African front and the fighting in Italy. But does not cover the Balkan German balkan campaign. I think that this should be covered whenever we get an early war game that covers France '40 and Poland. Hypothetical invasion of Czechoslovakia would be very interesting as well. [ November 02, 2003, 03:55 AM: Message edited by: V ]
  17. You could try my scenario, Iron Crusaders, vs. the Russian AI and let me know what you think by either reviewing it at the proving grounds or the scenario depot. http://www.the-proving-grounds.com/scenario_details.html?command=search&db=scenarios.db&eqskudatarq=111 The latest version is only available at the proving grounds at the link above...
  18. Minefields did not really kill lots of people in WW2, IIRC. I believe their best use was in denying the enemy access to certain patches of land.
  19. My brother and I used to play CMBO in hotseat mode when I was introducing him to the ganme. He has moved to Nevada since then, so we play CMBB TCP-IP at least once a week...
  20. beautiful work. I think it is a little bright, but not too bad. I like duller looking tanks.
  21. the 2 a-bombs dropped on Japan forced Stalins hand. He knew he stood no chance until he had his own super-weapon. But, the Soviets were exhausted. Although they still had a very large standing army, they had defeated their enemy. I don't see the Red Army fighting as hard against its allies, the US and British, who helped them defeat the true enemy, the Germans, who massacred and pillaged their homeland. Moral advantage would be with the western allies for the reason that they would be defending against an unreasonable aggression on the part of the Soviets. I don't think there is any chance that the US/UK would have invaded Soviet controlled eastern Europe unless clearly provoked. Also, where will the Soviets get spare parts for all that American equipment which allowed them to mobilize their infantry, mainly the 21/2 ton trucks and jeeps? I believe Kruschev himself said that there was no way that the Red Army could have driven from the Volga to the Reich Chancellory without American trucks, trains and rail supplies. (paraphrased) Not to mention all the food. Plus, the terrain is totally different in western Europe than it is in most of Russia. Huge Soviet formations would have been bottled up, strategic bombing would have caused many problems to Russian supply and what gas they did have just wasn't enough to fuel all of those T-34's in a push for the Atlantic. The Western allies could have fought a fighting retreat across western Germany and into France if need be while waiting for a new atomic bomb to be developed. IIRC, we only had 2 in our inventory and they were used on Japan. BUt I don't know, it depends on when, how and why. but fun to discuss, none the less. [ October 14, 2003, 02:16 PM: Message edited by: V ]
  22. I have been away for a while and have noticed that CMMODs is no longer online. Is this permanent or just temporary?
  23. I had been meaning to release the maps of all my scenarios seperatly. However, I forgot. I do have one map called holy ground at the depot. I will try to post some of the others by this weekend. I wish we would get more map reviews, BTW.
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