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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. [And as night throttles the last sigh of daylight something grey and heavy is huddled over a brand-spanking-new 19in 0.24mm AG pitch Trinitron monitor with a slight but nonetheless extremely annoying flicker in the top right corner while listening to the crisp boom and crack from another brand-spanking-new 5.1 sound system with sub-woofer. The stable is shaking. And as the camera swoops across the vast, featureless stretch of parched Steppe grassland there is a dreadful silence. The camera sweeps one way, then another and back again and then zooms in to the desolate, spindly and wholely inadequate clump of scattered trees offering a gnat's hindlegs potential for sneaking, crawling, hiding or skulking. There is more dreadful silence. And with a slow and mournful movements: 1x something lots x plinky things reasonable amount of lesser plinky things not a lot of interesting things few big things few things that rattle ... are carefully crammed into the shrivelled grove]. Bother Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock [ September 04, 2002, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  2. *******SPOILER******** - - - - - - - - - - - Take out the German guns with tanks at long-range, rush the little beggers through the lines and create havoc from the rear (lose a few) and then... "hurrah, hurraaaaaah, hurrrrahhhh" human wave a flank. I gotta try that with tank-mounted infantry "hurrrraahhhh" Yeknod [ September 02, 2002, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  3. We had our private moments. It was a wild fling of unbridled yearning that was fanned into a mad, lusty rush around the paddock. Of course it was all doomed from the start. He gripped me knee too tightly, I didn't *honk* properly. *sniff* one has forget those base, corporeal pleasures to attain the higher virtues of song and word. I, meself, am very partial to a bit of Mahler with a crisp, succulent carrot. And if the Bard were to behave himself and not resort to some depraved act of wanton pleasure-seeking embrace would gladly share a Lieder or Julie Andrews song. Not that Mahler did Julie Andrews. Well, not in public. Yes, yes, BFC should allow the little fella to order first. The paddock demands it. Yeknod [ September 02, 2002, 02:53 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  4. They wait and plan and plan some more and when the waiting is done the feint thump and creaking of shifting masses, rope and tackle can be heard as enormous objects are moved... and some are spotted and some are ignored and some sink back and some rush to the surface to gasp and draw breath. Some roar, some whipser and some smear terrible markings upon their bodies while others drape trinkets and flowers through finely combed hair. Some eat flowers. And some just wait and suffer because for some it is a constant GMT+8 wait for anything of particular note, which isn't an awful lot, not that they would complain because complaining for GMT+8 would be an awful lot of complaining and not a lot would change. Which just makes it all the more pointless. Of course a GMT+7 might be different. I haven't tried at GMT+7 wait. Just wanted to make that clear. Yeknod [ August 31, 2002, 04:35 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  5. I'm looking to forward to discover how the new new command abilities / disabilities will affect tactics on the battlefield. Just a brief question: will fatigue be modelled (eg reduction in fire rate, command delays, low morale) or is this outside the scope of CB:BB? Alex
  6. Eh? Now if the The Great Baldy Coot can change the account details to: Troxybust36in ... tournaments take on a whole new meaning. Yeknod
  7. Happy New Year 2015!! My, I'm so excited looking forward to the latest BFC update to CM:Invasion Zargon V. Just wanted to add that the plasma-neutronic matter inverters are definitely under-modelled. Even though they are wheeled into combat on pneumatic tyres I must protest about the missing tripods. Pls fix or sumfink Yeknod
  8. The Long, the Short and the Tall - film based on a play by Willis Hall. Not much tactical action but there's drama aplenty. As a side note, reading Blackburn's Guns of War. Gripping and disquietning too. Alex
  9. Treeburst155, I wanted to say I enjoyed Roxy's jaunt through the pool. All the best and thanks! Alex
  10. [And as the morning stutters forward on crutches something dark and heavy is peering into the receding gloom] *sigh* she wore carrots... *sigh*... I can smell her perfume (Skunk by Jean Smear et Plastere)... her little sayings... her credit card swipe... *sigh*... her little woop of delight when she came across me air pump... *sigh* *sniff* and now she's a Treeburst155... me dryad, me little bush nymph *sigh* quire, I SAID QUIRE... bring her back. Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock
  11. Well now, it is official then. You will also be required to help me keep the castles clean. This means you will have to muck Yeknod's paddock. It's certainly not a job for a Lady In Waiting. </font>
  12. I require an explanation from a physicist or Mace to explain the quantum mechanics for this Proton. It isn't natural. Yeknod [ August 18, 2002, 04:08 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  13. *honk* heeeeeyooooore, eeeeeeeyyyyyyoooooooore It's just a jump to the left. And then a step to the right. With your hands on your hips. You bring your knees in tight. But it's the pelvic thrust That really drives you insane. Let's do the time-warp again. Let's do the time-warp again. QUIRE. I SAID QUIRE - *boot* get yer *boot* photo off to Persephone. *boot* *boot* *boot* Yeknod
  14. Just spotted Roxy withdrawing from a department store looking rather dapper before several plains-clothes people and uniformed security personnel tumbled out into street looking for something. I will tell you. The Cadillac she sat in, like a burnish'd throne, Burn'd on the tarmac. The dash was beaten gold; Purple the seats, and so perfumed that The winds were love-sick with them; the wheels were silver, Which to the tune of Pearl Jam screeched fast, and made The tarmac which they beat to follow faster, As amorous of their grip. For her own person, It beggar'd all description. She did lie In her open-top, roof-of-gold, of tissue, O'erpicturing that Venus where we see The fancy out-work nature. On each side her Stood pretty dimpled Quires, like smiling Cupids, With divers-colour'd fans, whose wind did seem To glow the delicate cheeks which they did cool, And what they undid did. Yeknod (with a little help from Enobarbus)
  15. This Pillock does though!!! Hey Yeknod does it taste as cheap as it sells for? I'm all for effective but it has to taste good.</font>
  16. Mohammed needs to start a bleedin' jihad. *hic* [edited because the bubbles have got to me brain] Yeknod [ August 16, 2002, 04:18 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  17. Spanish champagne is very cheap... and very effective. Pity that most of yer pillocks don't have a local Sainsburys doing a 3x for 2x offer. *hic* Yeknod
  18. Yes, yes, heartfelt, sensitive yet slightly gritty... like yer Enobarbus describing the delights of Cleopatra Oh, well done, Gramps... *sniff*... a Quire that sings, yer make me proud... and yer entranced Roxy with yer crooning... Little pointy dance from the Beelzebub boogie-woogie Berli? Makes me want to pick up me Rogered and Hummerstunned song book... do yer do Julie Andrews? What other Quire shows such promise, eh? Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock [ August 16, 2002, 04:09 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  19. That's all very fine, but can I actually enquire as to the merchandise you're selling, ol' donkey pal. Mace</font>
  20. Of course the oceans throw up such creatures of majesty and beauty to share their gifts. Was not Venus herself born this way? Did not Honey emerge from the depths for Sean Connery to inspect her molluscs and firm limpets? So I wade ashore among yer and suffer. Before me time, dalem: derided, shoved aside and forgotten. Well *sniff* I note yer attentions and I would feel better if it wasn't for the buzzing in me 'ead and constant pangs of hunger and torrent of insufferable Nobbits and unworthy miscreants at me gate. Hermits, vagrants and wandering folk... *sniff* endearing in a shambling way... yer can book in for a dust bath any day. Please spread the words that Yeknod's Emporium has received new stock and will commence trade... NO CREDIT. Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock
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