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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. *sigh* Slow clubbing around the 'ead would have been preferable... suppose this one will need another go. Pathetic. Yeknod
  2. That reminds me of the sentence about sentences when I used the word sentence to describe my sentences.</font>
  3. I write left-handed but use my right-hand for the computer mouse. Maybe that's why I'm such a confused person. </font>
  4. ...sand dunes, scenary a la the desert, expansive vistas encorporating a desert, desert panaramas, vast swathes of sand and more sand in a purposeful juxtaposition of features resembling a desert... *sniff* .... wadies, limitless tracts of sand piled to the horizon upon more sand so as to constitute a particularly arid place... Yeknod
  5. Probably explains quite a few other things too... desert scenary, Nobbit behaviour, more desert scenary, scenary in the desert, camels, Bedouin tanks... Yeknod
  6. [stares at a particularly empty void] Its worse than that, not that things could be considered a great deal worser than most thinking days, it prevents me turns. I did think it was rigor mortis. In fact, I thought about it so much me tail set in odd ways. *sniff* Then I noticed that me rigor mortis was rather itchy. One doesn't expect rigor mortis to be itchy and then I remembered me fungal disease. See, it does that at times of deepest anxiety; flare up and rampage across me haunches. [thinks a bit in a very still way] Bother, its all very troublesome. *sniff* Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock [ October 26, 2002, 03:17 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  7. Sometimes, when I think a lot, all me limbs go rigid. I suppose that makes me not left-handed or right-handed. Which is just as well 'cause I don't have hands. Yeknod
  8. [nibbles a US manual and peers down at an important thought and with careful, precise movements, takes a trot around the Paddock...] Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp.... STOMP *sniff* just thought I'd show me enthusiasm. Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock
  9. See, yer Peng is yer lightbulb and yer challenge is yer dimmer switch. Well, yer challenge, by means of electrical things, illuminates yer Peng making it bright or dim according to yer positioning and yer supply which is yer Olde One which is always hooked up into a grid as to.... er....um.... er...... Do yer sing or possess *whisper* a carrot? Yeknod [ October 22, 2002, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  10. Oh... its almost Christmas. Wonderful, I can't wait. I suppose its best to be festive and offer a little Christmas joke to lighten me mood. Ahem... *sniff*... How many Switch_Back's does it take to change a lightbulb? ...errrmm ...errrrmmmm ...bother... can't remember. Pathetic, isn't it? Lightbulbs? Who needs 'em with their watts this and watts that and wattevers when things are this gloomy? Eh? [thinks a bit] I suppose he comes with a dimmer switch. He's the sort to come with dimmer switch so as to turn 'im up and turn 'im down. Don't see the point in dimmer switches. [rotates had in various ways] Dimmer switches: pathetic. Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock [ October 22, 2002, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  11. [Peers out from somewhere damp and secret, and with a bellowing *honk*, places an order] I'll have triple thistle on thistle with carrot mayo. Nettles, gimme nettles sprinkled on the top... not too much, must taste me thistles. *sniff* Did I see a young thing with GIANT THISTLES? Yeknod [ October 20, 2002, 05:57 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  12. Eh? Eh? Didn't I say... bleedin' leotard and Peng inside it. QED. Yeknod
  13. I think Berli is best considered in Spandex. Yeknod
  14. *sniff* Of late me considerations have turned towards leotards. Not yer ordinary leotards but yer lycra ones as worn by certain Turkish weightlifters and wrestlers. Now, Peng is yer filling. See, the leotard is yer cosmic container stretching and supporting yer Peng. And yer Peng is the filling for the leotard, forever moving, convulsing and giving form in yer cosmos. No leotard and everything falls about so you can't underestimate yer leotards because yer need to contain yer Pengs. [thinks a bit] *sniff* Indeed, I have spent many hours engaging with a leotard experiencing the mysteries of life and noticed that things get a bit bothersome and that pink doesn't suit me mood. Things can only stretch so far and causing a rip in yer leotard by placing two legs in one hole is to be avoided. So, the question really is "what's me leotard" and "how I can I fill it? Yeknod
  15. *creak* *creaaaaaaaakk* *crack* *creaaaaackkkk* Oh, me vegemited tail.. *crick* *creaackkkkkkk* Bother.... *crack* Did the Gnome sing? Me whithers tingle when he sings *sniff*. It's the Tom Jones growl... *creaaaaacck* Don't suppose *crack* he does tails? Straight tails, tails that point in odd directions? Vegemite pointy tails? Just wanted to ask, I don't expect an answer. Don't expect Gnomes to swing from me tail and dismount after a flurry of agile loops and gymnastic tumbles... *sniff* one can't be too careful with a pointy tail and a swinging Gnome *craccccccck* Yeknod
  16. [And in a very dark corner, somewhere quite uncomfortable, certain noises can be heard as if liberal quantities of vegemite are being spread across a vast mass of bristly hide and with the occasional mutter and the odd snort, scuffle or fertive rustle various quantities of cheesecake are dragged away for an intimate and exacting examination]. *sniff* *sniff* *sniff* Bother. Its not thistle. I didnt't really expect thistle and cheesecake, though it might have been nice for a slice of thistle cheesecake if it were available and not already eaten... not that I mind much. *sniff* Who could mind much about anything? *sniff* I just thought I might ask. Bother. I suppose vegemite dries into an immovable crust that restricts movement? Bother. Yeknod [ October 16, 2002, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  17. Your post made sense before you edited it...and no, I don't do this in private. I do it at work. When else would I have time to write that much drivel!</font>
  18. Yes, yes... err... yer got a thistle? Bleedin' philosophers... Yeknod [ October 04, 2002, 06:28 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  19. [And as the September chills slowly grip Autumn's jugular vein wherewith something grey and heavy considers a disc and half-chewed manual] ************ SPOILER *********** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *sniff* Don't like the taste of that. Bother. Wherewith me what ifs and whatnots and wheresos and.... *sniff* werewolves... Bother. Is it Wednesday yet? Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock [ October 04, 2002, 03:23 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  20. [gazes forlornly at the two remaining pot noodles, empties one and carefully chews the tasty plastic cup]
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