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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. ... and I wouldn't really want to twang the Justicar on account that guitar picks would have to be a certain size so as to pluck and lever lips with vigorous strumming... and one couldn't predict a constant tension... and I should think that consistent tension is very important playing a Justicar... one wouldn't want a flabby Justicar with inconsistently tuned lips otherwise one might lose not only yer guitar pick but half yer arm as well... *sniff*... don't suppose he's wanting a battle donkey? Didn't think so. No harm in asking, we wouldn't get very far. Yeknod
  2. [... and from the depths of the paddock, something grey and heavy is brooding behind a wintry bush... and with each development the faint scribbling of crayon can be heard among "tut-tuts" and "oh, I wouldn't do that" and "ooooh... nice, smack 'im with a carrot, laddie" and "*snigger* *scribble* *scribble*". And when all is written, with great solemnity and much intense heaving and scratching the bush parts to reveal a gloom-laden snout] I just wanted to say that the Justicar being in an elastic position... *sniff* [thinks a bit] ... and I suppose that means grotesque body contortions... [thinks some more] ... will need a good twang. Musical Justicar, pathetic. Don't mind me... life's awful enough as it is without Kings and cabbages and Justicars attempting yoga. And I suppose if there was a King, I'd have to find a present and that's very bothersome. *sniff* I'll write that down, in me thickest crayon, to remember.. NOT that I'm likely to forget *scribble* *scribble* "Meeks... bother... Nobbit body search, check gums and capacity" ... oh, well, don't mind me, no one does, I'll just stand here and stay damp. Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock
  3. Extremely necessary. This truely is the best Tonka Truck Rally game me snout has the privilege to sniff... *sniff*... apart for the lack of Russian tractors. I have to walk 'em; inch by inch, uphill and downhill, round the woods, through each depressing little village, and through the slowest bog. And then, when everything reaches the right place... it all ends. I like to think its a commentary on life... Bother. Yeknod
  4. I just wanted to say that there are 366 days to the next Christmas, not including this one. I'm not very happy about this at all. Yeknod [ December 24, 2002, 01:44 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  5. .... Of course, I have a pristine, original first edition copy... must be a collector's item... open to reasonable offers... Alex
  6. Hear, hear, jd! BFC gets my money every time... I hope they win more customers with this devotion to detail and customer satisfaction. Alex [ December 23, 2002, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  7. These rules are good fun - I want to thank everyone's input. Would be good to be able to edit forces before placing units on map - we could keep same unit names, casualty levels and swap favour for "upgrades" in hq qualities like command, rally, stealth etc... The only way I can see this happening is via third-party scenario setups to ensure there are no sneak peaks at enemy forces. Alex
  8. ...which doth mock the meat it feeds on. *sniff* anyone for sausage? Yeknod
  9. If the plane is spotted from one direction, why is the shadow moving in almost the opposite direction? Yeknod
  10. Wow, it looks like that tree branch just missed the door to Seanachai's guest room!</font>
  11. Ditch or trench? Do we get seats? Bulldozers are fine but do we get Caterpillars, JCBs and the big truck things with very large wheels? Dump and scoot command will be good, for the bulldozers, if not the latrines. Yeknod
  12. [plucks at a fairly large thistle] Get's a turn Doesn't Get's a turn Doesn't Get's a turn Doesn't Get's a turn... oh... bother [thinks a bit] Better be eaten. Oh, well, la-de-da, have to start again. Yeknod
  13. *honk* *honk* *honkety honk* eeeeeyoorrre Scunthorrpppppe, oh me Sunny Scunny. *sniff* Yeknod
  14. It's just this sort of anti-American nonsense and crappy attitude that allowed the British Empire to decline and eventually give up Canada. With that kind of attitude laddy me lad, you never WILL understand the Peng Threads ... we don't understand YOU either so I suppose fair's fair. Joe</font>
  15. I'd get somethink for that runny nose, if I were you. Having lines of snot hanging from your chin is NOT a good look. Noba.</font>
  16. I take note that as in cricket... the only way to beat an AUSSIE , is to cheat ! You sir are a cad. A bounder and an arse-sniffer to boot ! Whom else would foist the following parameters on an unsupsecting, trusting soul ?? Hills - bloody huge ! Trees, LOTS !! I'm attacking - Assaulting - WITHOUT THE CHANCE TO BUY ARMOUR SUPPORT !! No chance to get TRP's either. So tell me Mr. Cheater, you are the FOISTER, I am the FOISTEE...you will know, that I will still win. Noba.</font>
  17. Using "capitals" more correct still. We whine because it's such a great game we spend all our damn time playing it. It just comes with the territory. I think they understand that. I think. Eden</font>
  18. Yes, yes, me dear -E... we must not lower our standards. Unfortunately, yer wrong, wrong, wrong on just about everything. Ahem, nitpicking aint hyphenated. Anyone with the remotestness experience of picking nits KNOWS, yes knows that yer got to catch the little suckers with one continuous sweep of the tail... NO HYPHEN. AND yer got to be read up on yer parasitology 'cause it might not be yer nit... could be yer lice, eh? And picking yer lice may be very, very different from nitpicking. One has to consider bodyweight, jumpingness, rebound effects etc etc sic. et al And its "anything ness" with a "n" not a "l"... we really must tryness harder. Yeknod [edited 'cause lice-picking IS hyphenated 'cause its different from nitpicking mainly because they're probably bloated and more important] [ December 08, 2002, 04:24 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  19. Oh, dear the suffix "ness" has been attached to a perfectly normal verb addingness to "nitpicking" some very gamey uber armament Under such circumstances, I shall have to retreatness because of me slow rate of fire. Yeknod
  20. Exactly. Absolutely bleedin' clueless. *sigh*... W-E D-O-N'T W-A-N-T T-O W-I-N *sniff*... W-E F-E-E-L G-O-O-D L-O-S-I-N-G... B-A-D-L-Y... *sigh* and which country, which fetid, sun-soaked clod fails to begin to comprehend the moving spectacle of heroic failure against overwhelming odds, eh? Australia. Which detestable out-crop, blessed with an over-abundance of riches and athletic prowess fails to grasp the mysteries of the complaint, the impending catastrophe, the queue, the moan, the gray drizzle, the sighing and shaking of heads, the tut-tutting and endless contemplation of national collapse, eh? Australia. So, that fair land feeds the English and defines the worth of gratifying gloom... and in their happy ignorance and feats upon the field of play we wallow in our disgruntled reverie and plan another Royal visit to annoy. [swings a tail], anyone for Rugby? Yeknod
  21. Sorry, but I simply don't know what else you can call a piece of hardwood that's twice as wide and half as hard as Margaret Thatcher, other than a 'paddle'. Never a 'bat', Mace. I mean, as daft a sport as 'baseball' is, they use 'bats', and the cricket 'paddle' is nowhere near as narrow and precise as a 'bat'. You could easily make your way upstream in a canoe using a 'cricket paddle', while you'd probably make no headway at all with a 'baseball bat'. Of course it's not my intention to point out that, as lame as 'Baseball' is, that the average 'Cricket' team could be killed in minutes by their Colonial equivalents. Superiour weaponry, in the form of the 'baseball bat' would help, as well as the fact that 'Cricket' players are attempting to 'defend' a small pile of sticks, while the American baseball players are totally on the offensive. the only thing behind their batters is a member of the opposite team who they'd gladly beat to death with said bat if they thought they could get away with it. And, while 'baseball' is one of America's less 'athletic' sports, the average 'Cricket' player looks like an unhinged barn door, and committed to the slow, unimaginative, stolid play that can go for days at a time, and result in scores that put one more in mind of pinball machines than sports.</font>
  22. [gazes with immense heaviness] Ummm.... the Wino Tourney... errrm.. I should like to play a lawyer, at night, with exit zones. *sniff*... suits me metabolism Yeknod
  23. YOU owe ME a turn in this abortive NIGHTMARE that has been going on since JUNE! There are only one or two turns left. Send a turn or send a surrender, you cad. Steve</font>
  24. Errr... I only do Wednesdays. Did I mention that? No. Good. Is it Wednesday yet? Who owes me a turn... have we started? Bother... Yeknod
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