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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. Dear Auntie Seany-pops I've got me a Hyperdrox but it doesn't come with any feckin instructions. Where do I place me batteries? Yeknod
  2. Francko's True Combat Rules Previously known as the Iron Man Rule set. It means ONLY look at the battle from the view that your units can actualy see! You must (voluntarily) hop from unit it to unit and look around only using View level ONE! If you have a guy in the second floor of a building you can use view level 2. Something also about view level 3 if you are in the highest level of a church??? the rules are laid out somewhere on a web page in the forum. the idea is GREAT if you have the self discpline to ONLY move around the battlefield by using + and - to hop from unit to unit and only use view level one..... Do that and try and tell us the AI is easy to beat! he he -tom w</font>
  3. No, no that's irony on a tripod... partial penetration. Yeknod [ November 10, 2002, 02:06 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  4. Here is me Hyperdrox. I pissed it off on purpose, so that it would growl and show its teeth. Turnips don't have teeth, so it was rather pointless trying to piss it off. Yeknod [ November 10, 2002, 01:55 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  5. [sounds of very loud shuffling, scraping and general *honking* as a large Hyperdrox is installed in the paddock]
  6. Errr, did someone say they had a turnip? I shouldn't call it Hyperdrox unless it was a Byzantine turnip... *sniff*... and I don't think they had 'em. ... I suppose it's an injoke... bother. I don't usually laugh on account that it hurts... so I shall just *honk* instead. Yeknod [ November 09, 2002, 06:40 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  7. [stares in the swirling forms and visions contained in the secret tea cup of destiny] *sniff* wooooaaaa, oooooohhh... I see a bald one... striding forth... swinging a key.... *sniff* doom, dooooom, we're all doooooomed Yeknod
  8. Send me a setup you miserable coward and I shall personally make sure that the last thing on your mind will be the urge to drink that disgusting boiled water with pieces of dried fruit added. That is what tea is if you didnt know it. Small pieces of dried leaves, dried grass and rotten fruit that are mixed together with water. Oh...must not forget whatever fluid we can squeeze out of a cow, lets add that too. Ptuii I spit in the general direction of any tea drinker. Send me a setup I say. Pick whatever kind of sad sorry bunch of retarded imbecilles you might want to call your men. Click on whatever button you want with your tea infested twinky, yes buy thee whatever hellish equipment you may see fit. It matters not For I will make it my mission to PERSONALLY turn your perverted horde of pond scum sucking pixel-warrior wannabees into a rotting bunch of ex-pixels. SO.. you globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip oil (tea). SEND ME A SETUP so I can give you one well deserved in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles that is, you eunich jellyfish crybaby. [i edited the post twice, just because I can]</font>
  9. If that is the one thing that bugs you then you are remarkably bug-free for someone whom has been here since July. Pay no attention to the other slack-ass posterboys and cheeseeating surrender refresh monkies, They have it ALL WRONG. I am not an actual person or thing even. Nor am I a concept, an event or idea. I am not a way of life or a thread or a sum of any parts nor am I a hole (nor am I an a-hole though there are some who may dispute this) I am in fact a not fact pod. I do what I do not please because there is nothing that pleases me except for drinking and at this juncture there are some who say that I should stop. I will not of course because then I would no longer be Peng but a thing other than Peng and how could I then be what I am not? Peng is as Peng does and Once a Peng always a Peng and The Peng is always meaner on the other side of the Fent (singular for fents). I Peng you Peng he she it Pengs We Peng You Peng They Peng. I Peng I have Penged I have been Penged I will Peng. We are the Keepers of the Sacred Words "Ni Peng!" and "Ni Wum!" Have you had your Peng today? All your Peng are belong to us! Someone Peng us up the Bomb. I can Peng it you can Peng it she can Peng it, can you Peng it baby? Peng to the Music! If I were a Pengman, pengypengypengy pengy pum! All day long I'd Pengypengypum If I were a Pengy Man! There are some who call me Peng, and they are correct in bestowing upong me this appellation For I am indeed Peng. However, there is nothing quite so special aboot being Me. I am not the most clever lad on the board. No, I would suspect that the clever award goes to one of those hidieous bastards like Slapdragon - that fecking swine can out-clever a goddam weasle with both neurons tied behind his ears. Nor am I the meanest. That would have to go to our fine freind Sir Echo. Please DO NOT try to take his guns away from him or there is likely to be another blood bath. I am not also the hardest working on the board, nor the most prodigious poster nor the handsomest (although I suspect I come in ranked at aboot number 5 for that particular honor). No I am not the "est" in any particular category. However, there are some who find that I am worthy of a game and able to hold my own in a battle of wits. Now you know far more than anyone needs or cares to know aboot me. So, to paraphrase an earlier poster, Just what the freak is a goddam "MrRobMurry?"</font>
  10. Inside in me? I wouldn't like that at all... [bangs heavy flanks against the paddock fence] Peng, Peng, come out... [bang, bang] Yeknod [ November 08, 2002, 01:37 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  11. You spell the same word incoreectly twice in one sentence - and different each time!</font>
  12. You spell the same word incoreectly twice in one sentence - and different each time! WoW, that is quite a feat there, lass. </font>
  13. Hmmmm, that would seem to indicate then, that the map chosen by Berli was indeed "CHOSEN" by Berli if you get my drift. And what of the enviornment? Not a word from the bearded one! It could be heavy fog, dark of night, blazing noon on the steeps or raging blizzard in the cratered ruins of Stalingrad. AND HE EXPECTS ME TO CHOOSE MY FORCE BASED UPON THAT? I tell you friends he has NO honor. Joe</font>
  14. No, i won't. Btw, thanks for pointing out that he was quaffing my BEER</font>
  15. I do see someone who is "financially inclined" quaffing the ruby nectre, carefully poured at the right temperature and giving the distinct aroma of finely brewed hops in a silky liquid that calms the fertive soul... pouring it down the throat as if it was... well lemonade... *sigh* did he notice that the pint glass, brim full of delicious bitter is clearly marked "Berli"?... I don't think so. Oh... there seems to be a smile, a smirk... as if this wanton act of gulping was planned... oh, dear. Yeknod
  16. Dear Aunty Seanachai Please forward veterinary qualifications: I have a small matter to discuss concerning hormones and inflatable plastic. Yeknod [ November 02, 2002, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  17. I was fairly useless at CM:BO but enjoyed it immensely. I'm nearly as useless at CM:BB and enjoy it immensely. I wouldn't really know if it's more or less realistic so I will take everyone's word and agree its more realistic. Damn fine simulation and the game which will stay on my HDD for a long time as I crawl, exhausted, towards the foxhole of competency. Yeknod
  18. <BIG><BIG>*WHUMPP!*</BIG></BIG> {sound of Yeknod's jaw hitting the floor....} <BIG><BIG>*WHUMMMMMMMPP!* *FLOP* WHUUUUUUMMMMMMP!* </BIG></BIG> {sound of prime donkey hitting the floor....} Yeknod [ November 01, 2002, 12:15 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
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