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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. It is the fuschia portal upon which mortals gape and draw back, aghast, muttering that this baudy entrance, barred to most except the few visiting quadrapeds, hint of certain pleasures. And some wonder whether the letter box is nothing but a Gnome flap carefully positioned so as not to allow the passage of Nobbits who, by the fact that they are colourblind, will hurtle headlong into the pink oblong of desire and pain. The banging, of course, is often confused with a malfunctioning doorbell. Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock
  2. Two tries for me. Nice scenario! ****** SPOILER ****** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75mm infantry gun shifts anything. Yeknod
  3. Oh, Scunthorpe, Scunthorpe, Where the CB:BB discs shine In that clammy clime Scunthorpe, oh me sunny Scunny! Where no manauls want In silly .pdf font Scunthorpe, Scunthorpe... SCUNTHORPE Yeknod
  4. And here we have the apex of Aussie wit and intellect. Steve</font>
  5. Well, I'm disappointed with the US version. What, no pdf manual supplemented by a 96-page paper booklet? What are these bleedin' lightning strike runes doing here? I expected Waffen Grenadiers, too. Damned inconsiderate. I'm going to thrash a thistle. Disgusted Yeknod
  6. Yes, yes Scunthorpe has received and dressed in the purest un-dyed cotton, oiled, perfumed and shawn of any body hair I've been worthy to load IT ON THE HARD DISC DRIVE. Of course, I've absolutely no idea how anything works but everything looks suitably spunky... THE PADDOCK IS OSTFRONTISED. Big thanks to Karen and Dan for helping me out, big thanks indeed for the wonderful book that came with the game... wonderful! Yeknod [ September 27, 2002, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  7. Piffle, piffle, piffle. Yer little pointy bonnet may perch on yer noggin, it may bounce to a jaunty hop, it may topple forwards astride yer nose but yer cannot deny that me Lady has assembled a menage so grotesque as to border on the sublime. For it conveys both the subtle and fragile beauty of a fragrant bullock with the innocent and yielding softness of a jugged thislte. So, Seanachai Poppins I've always suspected yer Nobbit ways but never declaimed me suspicions on account that yer words make up for a lack of inches. But I have me doubts.... *sniff* OZTRALIAN *sniff* who's the one on the right, eh? Got a cute spasm. Yeknod 'o tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock [ September 26, 2002, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  8. Oh, look... Julie *sigh* Croda Hiram ... and someone evacuating their bowels. *sigh* Yeknod [ September 24, 2002, 10:36 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  9. I don't know why, but I'm thinking of Mary Poppins. I always feel a bit odd when I think of Mary Poppins. She was practically perfect in every way, you know. Excuse me, I'll be back in a little while.</font>
  10. ... but it is here. 5,000 miles away but me snout can smell it... come to Yekkie Yeknod
  11. Dear Seany-babe, Hatred is such a clumsy thing. One cannot maintain dignity with all that needless panting and unnecessary aggravation of the body's muscles. No, one must maintain a disdainful composure and merely glance across (or down) at the offending particle that dares to deflect me ruminations. As one artist to another, I must confess jealousy and envy knocking at the paddock gate. Like Nobbits in the night, they are casual visitors that serve only to annoy before they scamper off to drown in some forgotten pond or tip over carefully placed obstacles. So are these fleeting feelings normally driven from me bosom. But Seany-babe, I find that they return with increasing vigor. And let me tell you they are a nuisance of a magnitude that me hooves can hardly bare. Do I not have enough burdens? Do I not struggle enough? *Sigh* So be it. A postcard so vile will be purchased (at great cost) and forwarded to Minnyiota detailing every aspect of me burning jealousy. Of course, it will be a tour de force in taste and artistry that only a few could begin to comprehend but I will try to make things obvious for me audience. Regards Yeknod [ September 21, 2002, 03:09 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  12. [And with all the commotion and clatter of heightened voices and hasty scurrying around something grey and heavy peers from behind a particularly damp shadow upon an empty spot which could be filled nicely with a brightly coloured box containing certain discs and printed instructions] Bother. I suppose I might be disappointed if it did arrive, and it hasn't, so I won't think about it too much. Carry on, enjoy yourselves. Don't mind me... Bother. Yeknod
  13. So R_Leete, or should we say "Brian"... errr What's yer thing with helmets? Yer playing with me little heart strings, yer little sweetie. Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock [ September 15, 2002, 03:14 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  14. So, does the Scunthorpe add-on pack (including horses and motorcycles) come between CM2 and CMII-1? Where can I pre-order? Yeknod
  15. Blimey! R_Leete in a leather harness and... *snigger* a kinky helmet. Flash!... ahaaaaaaaa Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock [ September 15, 2002, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  16. Dear Iskander Just been informed that you do a wonderful selection in exotic squishy fruit. I too, like a good portion of fruit. Indeed, I find fruit salad very stimulating with those sweet, chunky bits that combine to give a pleasant medley of contrasting textures and flavours. But I digress. See, if yer doing exotic groceries I'm interested in vegetables. Big ones. Any sort, any size. The more knobbly the better. Please forward, the paddock. Thank you. Yeknod
  17. SPOILER ******** - - - - - - - - - - - - The grass is yellow and sometimes green. Yeknod
  18. Bother, didn't read it properly. Yeknod [ September 07, 2002, 03:27 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  19. SPOILER ********* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1x something lots x plinky things reasonable amount of lesser plinky things not a lot of interesting things few big things few things that rattle Having placed everything carefully in the that meagre, withered clump of brittle twigs I waited long and hard and then the ground heaved and from it a giant gopher snatched me few big things and then and flung them across the arid Steppes. My, I was disappointed. No bleedin shockwaves, no gopher camera shake AND WHAT THE HECK IS THAT, EH? ARMOUR PENETRATION BY NIBBLING GOPHER TEETH. I DO NOT THINK SO. PAH! Of course I may say anything about Lars and MrSpkr down here because they won't see it and even if they did just the slightest mention of the reverse-slope deployment of 45.... oooops.... bother.... hahahahaahahahaahahahahahah Anyone for a spot of carrot? Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock [ September 06, 2002, 04:41 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
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