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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. Driver: *sigh* a Rumanian Olympic gymnast? Bother. [ April 06, 2003, 01:13 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  2. Thats 00 +44 1752 250 928 to most. Just trying to be helpful. Yeknod
  3. Promises, promises. Now, be honest: have you ever kissed a real live girl? Steve </font>
  4. In a strange way, I'm putting off upgrading for the reasons I'm reading above. Currently got a 800mhz Athlon with a 32mb GeForce 2 card and CMBB runs okay, just... but I've got to say I won't be upgrading until these problems are sorted... I don't want to waste money when CMxx is the main game I play. Alex
  5. [swings a tail for special thinking] *sniff* suppose its eucalyptus... [swings again] ...'n' wombat Yeknod
  6. [hums the Paddock Starburst Song] There be orange, orange, orange Which Floridiots do grow Strawberry, berry, bury In deepest hole below And lime 'n' lemon, so tasty yet And blaaaaaaackcuraaaaaaaaaant.... [pausing for dramatic effect] That Yankies never get. *sniff" gawd knows what Oztralians get... [... and as the donkey goes its donkey way, this narrator offers rest and peace to Gnomes in discomfort] Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock [ April 03, 2003, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  7. [Deep in the paddock, where the morning dew never dries, something grey and heavy nibbles the edge off a cherry Starburst wrapper... ] Oh, my birthday... *sniff* I almost forgot... [peers down at the wrapper] I'd always wanted a wrapper even if red is a bit bright and doesn't quite match me eyes... and if I *snniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif* very hard I can just smell the scent of cherries and when I swing me tail... [swing] ... I imagine it containing something... sweet... juicy... and just the thing for a birthday... so it doesn't really matter if its empty... or says cherry when carrot would have been more to me appetite... or brussel sprout... or thistle... or twig... no it doesn't matter, much. [gives the wrapper another thorough peering...] Not that I'm complaining, see, 'cause I suppose an empty Starburst wrapper... [tugs gently at the corner...] ... might wrap a Jim Boggs... [studies the surroundings carefully and with some suspicion...] ... and have some to spare for a stray Nobbit. Yeknod [ April 03, 2003, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  8. Bother... did someone say anything? [experiences a spasm down the right flank that slowly ripples through the rump and down the other side] Oh, embedded journalists... well that is very bothersome *sniff*... [thinks about the endless possibilities and gazes again at the stack of cinnabuns] I require the Justicar to lever me into me thick, rubber biological suit... with mask... alone. Yeknod [ March 30, 2003, 02:54 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  9. On the other hand, it would explain why the donkey's been so grumpy lately. Never mind. A quick dose of laxative and we'll have Dan Rather out of there in a jiffy. Dan? Dan? Can you hear me Dan? I said we'd get you out of there IN A JIFFY. </font>
  10. I want to thank everyone for all their effort to produce these rules. They provide an extra level to the game (and I'm hoping that BFC will pick this idea up for future products). Just wondering, will there be further updates to the Biltaid program? Alex
  11. Oh, deep joy, a letter has been delivered to the paddock... one can only take so much excitement in the day: Dear Auntie Yeknod Just wanted to say that I feel extremely guilty for upsetting Jim Boggs and expressing me opinions in such a forthright way. Of course, being of the poetic and entertaining bent, I've always looked up to you as me muse and mentor and considered the paddock to represent a towering beacon of creative talent that glows through the Pool, nay the whole CM Forum, and beyond to the outer reaches of me limited consciousness with a successive torrent of superlative acts: uncompromising, stunning and dare I say, an avant-garde tour de force of exquisite ART that takes me breath away with each offering. My, I can't wait for more. Spiffing, absolutely spiffing stuff. Keep it up, don't mind me, forever in your shadow, always trying to collect the carrot-crumbs from your manger.. Regards Paddock Groupie. [sniff] ... bleedin' panic. Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock [ March 27, 2003, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  12. [leans against a favourite paddock post] I just wanted to say that Anoraks have hoods... *sniff* ...remarkable Yeknod </font>
  13. [leans against a favourite paddock post] I just wanted to say that Anoraks have hoods... *sniff* ...remarkable Yeknod [ March 27, 2003, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  14. [...sits mournfully before an open copy of the Paddock atlas] I suppose one could say that Australasian continent is nothing but a canoe in the drowning expanse of the unspecific Pacific... [peers over to the paddock pond] ... and one can only paddle so far *sniff*. Yeknod
  15. [... and in the dim morning light something grey and heavy is inspecting anything that should crawl or creep on its belly across the paddock] Bugger... an axis of weevils... Nobbit weevils... N. Korean weevils... *sniff* Morman weevils... weevils of slightly diminutive depth and breadth... Yeknod
  16. Oh, that shouldn't be too difficult.txt Yeknod [ March 18, 2003, 01:17 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  17. Yeh but how are you going to count the rings when the tree is stuck up his.... err ... never mind. Mace </font>
  18. That?s what it is!!! If the poor lad would just loosen up a bit the stick would fall out of his arse. </font>
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