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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. ... now yer financial types griddled and bar-b-qued over a roaring, gas-fueled open stove, well *sniff* that's altogether different... skewered into financial-type kebabs and marinated with yer best, smokey Texan sauce to reveal yer carrot and yer turnip... no, we don't want flaring, we want the searing, white heat of open grilling... Yeknod
  2. [... and from the mist-clad paddock something grey and heavy can be seen waving pom-poms in a ra-ra skirt] Go, Seany-babe, go! We await the roving Ubergnome's reports of life and its secrets (knee-high) from Miniapplelot with *sniff* the wee fella's customary wit and flair... *sniff* or is that flare?... bother, I shouldn't want to encourage the ignition of inflammable exhaust gases in the financial district... well, not without the attendance of the emergency services and a good dry cleaner... so one MUST [wags a MUST sort of tail] STAY AWAY FROM YER SPROUTS. Wouldn't want yer financial types flared. No. Not good. Yeknod [ May 04, 2003, 02:10 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  3. I just wanted to say that me mange has flared up again. I don't suppose penguins get mange? [swings a tale] ... just Lenoanoraks which... *sniff*... might induce a scratch or two. Yeknod
  4. [looks glumly between its legs] .. squishy fruit... *sniff* ... does odd things to me bowels... [and trots gamely off to find the only entry to the Paddock library of any note, carefully filed under: Select Choice MBT Posts of a Diverse and Interesting Nature Relating to Things and Other Such Oddities Vol. 1, Page 1: Squishy Fruit] Yeknod [ April 26, 2003, 02:16 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  5. As an alternative I allow the following: Elite 8x HQ abilities Crack 8x HQ abilities Veteran 6x HQ abilities Regular 4x HQ abilities Green 2x HQ abulities Conscript 0x HQ abilities ...but you have to choose from the abilities given when you first gain or accept new core force HQs. Not enough to choose? - get a free choice! Alex [ April 22, 2003, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  6. Eif I run it in Windows with a right click and select "open with" javaw (or you can select the file's properties and select javaw as the program to start the file up when you double click it - you'll have to browse around to find javaw if its not in the list). Alex
  7. Hi Alex, in SuperSulo site the Read me file is now included. In previous pages I cut & paste the relevant information anad a short How-To on BiltAid. You better find them (I think page 8) and read them to have a clearer picture of BiltAid. If you have Java installed on your machine then the command is: java -jar BiltAid.jar On OS X it starts also by double clicking BiltAid.jar on the Finder. </font>
  8. Oh, La Esmerhiram *slurp*, me bells, they dong [ April 19, 2003, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  9. Oh, La Esmerhiram *slurp*, me bells, they dong [ April 19, 2003, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  10. Seahawk Thanks for your work. Can you explain a little more about how to install and start the lastest version of BiltAid? I'm only able to start the application by right clicking the file and selecting javaw. Alex [ April 19, 2003, 01:41 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  11. Yes, see, given the close proximity of yer over-large brassica and the total incapacity to structure three words in any meaningful way one just has to come to the conclusion, albeit with careful consideration, that yer storks would struggle to lift the aforementioned's dead weight. See, the wingspan of yer normal stork is not robust enough and lacks the requisite aerodynamic lift to support such a freakin' idjit. No, one must consider that the pillock was brought into this world on the back of the largest condor and dropped from the greatest height to skip and bounce across the oceans like some revolving Barnes Wallis barrel of pilchards breath. [swings a tail for some special thinking] Indeed, one can imagine yer pterodactyl or some such other ancient flying lizard gamely clutching yer writhing Fockap between beak or claw as the young hatchling is dropped into some boiling volcano... *sniff* ... but it freakin' missed... Yeknod [ April 19, 2003, 03:21 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  12. Yes, see, given the close proximity of yer over-large brassica and the total incapacity to structure three words in any meaningful way one just has to come to the conclusion, albeit with careful consideration, that yer storks would struggle to lift the aforementioned's dead weight. See, the wingspan of yer normal stork is not robust enough and lacks the requisite aerodynamic lift to support such a freakin' idjit. No, one must consider that the pillock was brought into this world on the back of the largest condor and dropped from the greatest height to skip and bounce across the oceans like some revolving Barnes Wallis barrel of pilchards breath. [swings a tail for some special thinking] Indeed, one can imagine yer pterodactyl or some such other ancient flying lizard gamely clutching yer writhing Fockap between beak or claw as the young hatchling is dropped into some boiling volcano... *sniff* ... but it freakin' missed... Yeknod [ April 19, 2003, 03:21 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  13. Cesspool Quiz: What moron and frequent visitor to the MBT posted this drivel? No peeking into the General Discussion Forum, please. Prizes to be announced. </font>
  14. Cesspool Quiz: What moron and frequent visitor to the MBT posted this drivel? No peeking into the General Discussion Forum, please. Prizes to be announced. </font>
  15. Dalem doesn't think of himself as a hippy. Probably because he's a right-wing gun-nut who desires the eradication of all species except dalems... </font>
  16. Gaylord Fockap [ April 06, 2003, 03:37 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  17. Driver: *sigh* a Rumanian Olympic gymnast? Bother. [ April 06, 2003, 01:13 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
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