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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Jack Carr

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Everything posted by Jack Carr

  1. When I use Moon's link the webpage says that the product will start shipping on 10/7, today. I took the cheapest shipping they offered which is 5-10 days for $1.99. Time will tell if they have the product to ship or not. Yesteday I called all of the EB stores in my area and none of them had it in stock or saw the product on their system. Hhmmmm...strange. We'll see. I'll try to remember to post to this thread when I receive it.
  2. Better yet, I could occasionally jump into the middle of a thread and post something like this: (Quote from one of the Super Forum members) He's right you know... Kinda like a sneaky Nazi party member in among the disillusioned crowd at a party rally. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!
  3. You understand of course that this will ultimately lead to all of the super-forum members downfall. As the masses of regular-guy like forum members become disenchanted with the posts and ideas being expressed or not expressed. (Shaking head) Oh the humanity!
  4. I ordered this from EB yesterday. Got the e-mail this morning that it shipped. Looking forward to the mods and scenarios.
  5. The Super members of the forum could branch off into different schools of thought and attract their own following of CM Forum members. I think the four or five "Super-Forum Members" should now be known as the "Super Friends". Each one of you should post what you stand for and the minor pee-on members could vote for you or against you on any given thread. In this way, no other member except the Super Friends would post anything other than "I vote for Michael Dorosh or I vote for Andreas". You would end up as the voice of the forum. Uuuhhhhhh.....uuuuhhhhhh....just kidding.
  6. Yes. I think I said this two posts ago. Just read back a bit. Using your point you could easily take my last post and say that depending upon a given time within the conflict a specific unit/division may or may not get a fanatacism bonus. Again, if the scenario designer felt strongly enough about it. In your example at that period in the 1st SS history, they would not get a bonus but before they gave their veterans to the 12th they would have. AGain, I'm agreeing with Andreas' initial solution to the situation. The best way to handle it is with a bonus if the scenario designer feels strongly enough about it. If they are as knowledgeable as yourself regarding a units history and its fighting capability at a given period, then the designer will know, based upon where the scenario lands in the timeline, to give or not to give a unit a bonus. In any case, I agree with you and originally with Andreas on this one.
  7. There were many more SS divisions in the end whose ability to inflict casualties on any enemy was pathetic. In reference to fanatical SS divisions I would assume that Pud would be talking about, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th, 12th Waffen SS Panzer. I may have missed one or two that gave a good accounting of themselves in combat. Using Andreas' suggestion to back up your post would seem to be the best solution. If there is a scenario that you are creating that involves elements of 3rd SS panzer then give them a fanatacism bonus. If the scenario involves the Handschar division then they would be Green experience with an easy breaking point. Not sure what number division Handschar was right off the top of my head just using them as an example.
  8. I know what you mean. There are a whole lot of books about the Waffen SS but not many about, I use the term loosely, generic Heer formations which did the majority of the fighting, dying, occupying foxholes in the cold, etc. There are some excellent first hand accounts, I'm sure you've already read them, Blood Red Snow, Forgotten Soldier (Sajer was in GD I think), In Deadly Combat. I like to read about that as well. The average soldiers experience. What they ate, how they slept, etc. This type of thing is just as interesting to me as the war from a tactical overview perspective, perhaps even more so. Michael: Thanks for the info. I re-enact in a big GD unit on the east coast. I've met some of the GD and Waffen SS veterans. To me it's fascinating to listen to the stories and things these guys lived/survived through. I know an American vet who fought in North Africa, Italy, France and Germany. He has some interesting stories. Haven't met any British or Russian veterans yet though. I enjoy re-enacting because you see so much that you normally would never have the opportunity to see, equipment weapons, uniforms, vehicles. I'm really not into the battle aspect of it though. You do get somewhat of an appreciation for how hard it was to lug all the stuff around, and live with it. Not easy for two or three days. I couldn't imagine several years in the field with an occasional one or two week pass.
  9. With the unexpected demise of CMMODS.COM, I have decided to purchase the special retail edition of CMBB in the hopes that the second chocked-full-of mods CD will contain a good number of winter mods. I was able to get some good mods from the Combat Mission Headquarters site but now that I know the game is fully capable of switching to winter mods when there is snow on the ground, I'm anxious to get as many as I can. I feel like half a man knowing that my CMBB world is somehow not complete.
  10. I would have to agree with the ordinary German infantry units fighting well part. Back to Pud's point, I have seen lines in various books which stated that the Soviets generally killed outright anyone wearing the double lightning bolts or deaths head on their collars. To what extent this was perpetrated I do not know nor have I read any statistics on it. I'm sure every German soldier regardless of branch of service did their best to avoid capture by the Red Army but it has been written that the Soviets treated Waffen SS soldiers far more harshly than their Heer counterparts. I'm just upset I'm not near my library o' WWII East front books on the Waffen SS. Books by Bruce Quarrie keep coming to mind. As far as the Waffen SS getting the latest toys, I have also read that Waffen SS units did receive preferential treatment when it came to getting equipment. I know there have been some Bruce Quarrie books that have made mention of this. The Waffen SS were "the apple of the Fuhrers eye" so to speak. I have also read this about the GrossDeutschland division, which, although it was a regular Heer division, was considered an elite fighting unit within the German armed forces. Perhaps some of you can put Quarrie to shame in reference to this. As far as Combat Mission goes, I'd have to agree with Andreas on this one. Fanaticism modifiers would be a good solution if you felt strongly enough about it.
  11. LOL. Thanks for the laugh. Human wave the anniversary party!
  12. Good luck with your hard drive situation. I was really looking forward to downloading some winter mods because I just found out that you don't have to manually swap them out for the spring/summer/fall mods. The game does that automatically. I will say a prayer for you.
  13. On one hand it's downright embarrassing but on the other hand it's a fantastic find. I downloaded about 8 winter mods last night and will be working on some more this evening if CMMODS is up. I've had both games for quite a while now and never even knew. I thought that was what CMMOS was for. Thanks again guys!
  14. WOW! It's like Christmas time! I can't believe it! I didn't know. Thanks for the information guys. This makes CM even better than I thought it was!
  15. I did not know that. Do you mean to say that I can download winter mods and place them in the BMP folder and when I play scenarios with snow the game will use the winterized version of tanks and uniforms? The vanilla version of the game did not come with the winter BMP's?
  16. I don't use any of the winter mods that have been created by some of the talented modders out there. The reason is because it is a pain in the butt to switch the bitmaps over for one or two scenarios just to see the proper uniforms, camo schemes, etc. I realize that there is a program that has been created by fanatical CM'ers but really feel that perhaps this should be handled "in game". I hope that in CMX2, Battlefront builds in winter/non-winter uniform and camo scheme bitmaps and has the game automatically apply them. Or at the very least builds something into the game to let the player apply them quickly and easily.
  17. When I heard that the new cards sacrificed image quality for speed I couldn't believe it. I can't imagine paying $400-$500 for a video card and having the picture actually be slightly worse than it was with your older Ti series card. What an absolute ripoff.
  18. LOL! Can you imagine the grenadiers at the front being given a tin of chocolate and then trading Knights Cross winner cards with their kamerades...It would have given the Third Reich a whole new twist. No pun intended.
  19. This product can still be purchased today. I believe they sell it at Germandeli.com. The tins it comes in even look similar to the ones it was issued in back during the war.
  20. What the hell do you think we are doing here! Playing birthday games right in the middle of all of that sh*t! You shut up when I'm talking! There's a bullet for you too...there's a bullet for all of you a**holes! Happy birthday Lieutenant... Happy birthday CMBB.
  21. In my opinion, CMBB is better because the game engine is better. It responds more realistically than in CMBO. I am very much looking forward to CMAK because the game engine will be similar to CMBB and because of the Italian theater, West Front battles can be recreated using the same equipment with similar terrain. Again, in my opinion, both infantry and armor seem to react so much more realistically in CMBB than in CMBO. CMBO is still a great game but because of the differences CMBB is just that much better. If you are still debating a purchase, I would recommend getting CMBB. I understand what some of the posters said about there interest in the Brit's or Americans and how they like to play them. Obviously, you can't do that in CMBB. CMAK will make it possible.
  22. Tracer, Try 1944militaria.com or Atthefront.com for that rifle sling. On occasion these guys come across original equipment. I don't know if you would be interested in a reproduction sling but there are plenty of them out there. Good luck!
  23. Once again, fantastic! Please would you would you switch over to CMBB! Your talents are needed there. I am actually starting to play CMBO again just to see your Panthers move across the already heavily modded West Front battlefield. Thanks!
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