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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. What about fit people who does not complain? But still have no life of course!
  2. I will play CMBB, NOT like the poster of this topic! [ September 12, 2002, 11:22 AM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
  3. Yeah, thats the trick. There is alway the anti piracy thing, but I dont think it's a big secret that it's damn easy to pirate copy CMBO as it is, and CMBB I suspect. It's not like we have top security now, and any change to this anti piracy method will suddenly make the game accessible to the pirates... There are a number of different implementation one could do. Look at the online games now etc.
  4. First, this is not meant to be some follow up on the bitching about the CDV etc. I have no problem with the distribution today. This is just a suggestion for BFC, and mabye some of you will agree with me. Ok, seeing how BFC is mostly a "order from web site" only company, how about BFC offers also "download from web site purchase" as an alternative? Seeing how more and more people are getting faster internett connection, it would be no problem for Cable users to download ca 600 MB. It would work like it does today, you pay via Credit Card, but then isnated of shipping it to you, you can download it directly, then and there. Of cource, this would come at a reduced price, as the company saves money (manufacturing, distribution, warehouse, printing etc). Also, the customer would be responsible to make backup or whatever for the product he downloads, no use in coming back and saying you lost the game 'cos you HD chrased the other day. So, what do you think? I would certainly buy it like this. I dont need a box or anything, Im quite happy with having all the documentation on a PDF file and would have no problems with the reduced price Of cource, this would just be a alternative to the traditional way of buying the game via Mail etc. So, what do you guys think, and more importently, what do you at BFC think? And yes, I have an Electronic Commerce major
  5. According to this, the 37 mm acounted for 10 % of the T-34 losses before Sept -42. The biggest killer wa the 50 mm L60 with over 50 % of the kills. http://www.battlefield.ru/t34_76_3.html
  6. Before this tread degenerates into a "BTS is ripping us off", "it makes no sense" etc, STOP. It's totally BS, and have been discussused to death! If u want to see what the long and very detailed BTS response to this was, do a search on the CMBO forum.
  7. The way I see it, it's two different things that is brought up here. As far as I know of, the Germans didnt send theor soldiers without weapons assualting enemy lines, the Soviets did. And then, there is the killing of deserters, real ones or otherwise. Both Germans and Soviets did this, and alot. But only the soviets employed unarmed soldiers, which I think is Hortlunds point. Then one can argue about which of the sides "cared" the most/less for their soldiers. Which is a pretty silly discussion if you ask me...
  8. God post Claymore, and I agree. I can (so far) not see any noticeable improvement in the AI. Maybe when I get the full game, but somehow I doubt it.
  9. That story just gets better and better! Seems that everytime I read about it, something even more spetacular has been included. Starting to wonder how the real story was
  10. I like it. You get rid of flag rushes, which is really annoying in human vs human games. Other than that, it keeps you on the toes, both as attacker and defender, cos you really dont know when its all over. But, as I said, the greatest benefit would be when you play humans.
  11. Wow, what can I say, Im impressed!! Yes, please ask Charles to give us all an explenation on what goes on in the calculations, I wouldnt have belived this attentio to detail was modeled!
  12. As many has pointed out before, I think I will reserve my final judgement when I have the full game, but.... When I first played the demo, I was a tad bit dissapoited, I can agree with u there Bruce, I dunno, I think I was so hyped that anything other than a orgasm would have left me disapointed Anyhow, after playing the demo ALOT, I enjoy it more and more, and I suspect the same will happen with the full game. Im REALLY looking forward playing QBs with the new rarity system.. Only some 16 days to go... [ September 03, 2002, 10:12 PM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
  13. Been windering that myself, unfortunally I had no chance of going back and check. All I can say is that I belive I saw them both get knocked out. They both stopped firing on the axis tanks, and the axis tanks stopped firing on them. Thats the strange part u see, why would the russian tank stop firing at the enemy, and the axis stop firing at the russian, had it not been knocked out? It didnt panic or anything, I know that. Oh well, if nobody else have seen anything like this, and BFC can confirm that crews cant "change" their mind about leaving, I guess it must be all in my head.
  14. Thats ok, I know. I just used the russians now as an example as we all have played that scenario, and therefore know what Im talking about when I mention the micro management. Im sure the Axis will "suck" equally much...
  15. SPOILER! Ok, I thought I would try a all out tank battle, KV1 vs the PzIII and PzIV, so I gave the ruskies a 200% increase and hid all the ATG away from the battle. Anyhow, my first 3 KV's spotted the axis tanks at 1050 m range, and happily started to shot at them. They knocked out a couple of panzers, but soon the 75mm strated to penetrate my KVs. Two of them got the "knocked out" message, and the crew started to bail out. Then next turn, I reversed the 3rd KV away, saw the firt crew bail (the axis had stopped shooting at the two knocked out ones, asumed they were dead I guess) and then suddenly the second start to fire again?!? Yep, they were at it again, after a break of 45 sec or so. SO... is this a new feature, or a bug, or am I going crazy here?!? BTW: The "revived" KV got to fire about 4-5 shots before the axis retargeted the tank.
  16. Thanks, it's all I needed to hear! Well, seems I have to start playing ops!
  17. I dont see anyone saying its NOT a good game, or seems to be, since all we have is the demo. Im sure we can agree on that it is a good game, a great game etc, but that mean it doesnt have ANY flaws? No. Does that mean we cant question the game, come with ideas etc, No. After all, it took some "whining" and groaning to get CMBO patched and Im sure CMBB will be patched also, it's just the way it is. First release is never perfect.
  18. Hehe, yeah, sorry. They can riducule me, my country or my mother, but dont say a word about my tactics!!!
  19. AS I said, I had a total vic, so dont come and tell me it's growing pains cos I dont know how to play the game, ok. I know how to get the victory, and yes, I dont use the CMBO tactis, but using the "new" tactics, micromanageing all the units is just not very fun. My point here is this: If the "typical" CMBB game is gonna be larger than CMBO, with *lots* of inf, then it will be more of an art of micromanage the little toddlers, and heaps of then, than actually coming up with a brilliant tactic. Ok, not maybe that bad, but you get my drift. Oh well, I guess I can just stay away from battles like that...
  20. As the subject says, what is the force value for the different sides in the different scenarios, can anybody give us the numbers? It would be interesting to know just what kind of force pts ratio you are playing with.
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