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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. Have you guys been playing CM THIS long and still havent noticed what is better/worse angle! Sheesh...
  2. Actually it downgrades most of them: * T-34, SU-85, SU-122 have an angle of 53 degrees for lower front hull Before: 60 degrees * Tanks of the KV-I series (exception KV-IS) have a 30 degree angle for lower front hull. Before: 25 degrees * SU-85, SU-100, SU-122 have an angle of 20 degrees for upper side hull Before: SU-85:40 degrees, SU-122 & SU-100:30 degrees. So the only AFV that is improved is the KV, which really is a though beast already. [ February 12, 2003, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
  3. It's ur game, do whatever u like Personally, I almsot never buy anything with a rarity factor above 30 %. I can't be bothered buying those excotic vehicles, cos I want the battle to have a semblance to reality.
  4. that is good news! did you test it already ? They did say they fixed that issue -tom w </font>
  5. Im happy to say that "Seek hull Down" works, and the AFVs no longer shoot in the ground in front of them!
  6. With this engine. As BTS are gonna make a new engine, hopefully this feature will be implemented then, but not before.
  7. In a recent battle Ive lost several Ba-10's to machine gun fire from HT's, which counts as LMG I belive.
  8. From CMHQ: "CMBB and the Windows version Bundle packs are now back in stock!! Also, as an added bonus, all new orders of CMBB for Windows are now shipping with the 1.02 version pre-installed ON THE DISK!!! "
  9. I atleast have noticed that inf under fire from multiple directions breaks much more easily. Could be that your one sqd is fanatics, u know! That said, send me my turn Matt!
  10. Steve has already explained why. Have you actually read what he wrote, or do you just insist on rambling about this because you have nothing else to do? No, question is not considered whining. You have asked the question, and you got an answer, the fact that you cannot come to terms with this reality, and still keep on with this ungodly crusade of yours, makes you a whiner. And a pretty big one might I add.
  11. Are you trying to play stupid or... The choices for BTS (according to your logic) would be: 1. Do NOT include the vehicles they dont have time to make a accurate gfx for. 2. Include it and use a substitues model. So, according to you, if BTS for example only included 50 vehicles, with correct gfx models, the game would be FINISHED. I'm sorry, Im happy that BTS included those vehicles, even though it looks different from the real thing. And, I find it strange, to say the least, that you would prefer LESS vehicles. Which is the only realistic alternative. And it seems that your pretty much alone in you view on this. As BTS also have explained to you, there are other financial etc reasons for this. If you cannot accapt this, too bad for you. But please do us all a favour and come to terms with this and stop whining over things that will not happen.
  12. Lt Hotlund, jesus christ! Would you prefer that we didnt have those vehicles AT ALL in the game? And if you insist that the game is not finished before we get all models in, then we would be in for a very long wait, why? Well, where is the Grant-Lee tank? Oh, multi turreted afv arent in, because the engine cant handle it, well, BTS should just do a complete engine write over before they release CMBB, right? And, how about the improved, but much left to be desired arty model? They should fix that also before they released CMBB. Yes, lets all follow Hotlunds opinion, and wait 5 yrs for the FINISHED (according to Hortlund) CMBB. Well, thanks HEAVEN that you have NO influence on BTS. Instead of your idiotic rambling, maybe you could return the unfinished product to BTS and go back to whatever super product you consider finished! Maybe a bit harsh, but, some ppl are just plain whiners. PS! No, Hotlund, Im no fanboy.
  13. Thanks for the effort hardcampa, using it now, and it's great!
  14. I would make a guess that it will take atleast another week, so play some CMBB instead
  15. Not that anyone draws the wrong conclusions from that - the 10cm K18 could probably defeat the T34 from any angle. </font>
  16. I was browsing through the book shop today, and found a book about the T34. In the combat section it had several examples of where the PzIII (didnt specify type, but mentioned they used PzGr 40) first met the T34. It stated that they just *turret* richocets, and the T34 drove straight through their line and on the way litterly over ran a 37 mm Pak. It was only stopped by shoting at the rear by a 100 mm field piece.
  17. We all know CM needs a "follow tha vehicle" commando, but as the big guy said, it cannot be done with this engine. So, we juat have to wait... and wait... and wait... oh, did I say that the new engine wont be ready for at least 2 yrs?
  18. The Excel file is a good basis for the DB, but there will be alot of work anyway. U gotta normalize the thing etc
  19. Database? Do you mean like an SQL DB or Access DB? If so, not that Im aware off. There is however a Excel chart with all the info. I asked for it a month or so ago, search for a thread I started, called "unit info chart" or something like that. Im toying with the idea of creating a application where you get the info about the vehicle in quetion displayed, just have to get off my lazy ass.
  20. [ February 04, 2003, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
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