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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. That must be just a handful of personell, as 98 % of U-boat personell died in the war, in their cold, wet graves.
  2. Yes, but sometimes there is nothing to replace it with. SOME boom is better than NO boom, I would guess?
  3. Hi. I was wondering why the germans and russians dropped the 50 mm mortar while the US and British continued to use small caliber mortars until the end of the war. Was the 50 mm mortar a popular weapon among the soldiers? What, if anything, replaced it?
  4. OMG! Panzermartin, your mods are THE best I have seen for CM ever! They are simply fantastic, I didnt relize CMBB could look this good! Keep it up!!!
  5. Play as Italians or Romaniens. Give ur self -30%, give AI +2 experience lvl.
  6. Oh man, you could wite lots about this subject, but I'll keep it short, Im sure some one else will give som tips also. I, find it easier to play as the russians, why? 1. In QB you can spend more points on armour and art. than as germans. 2. If you use the russians tanks correctly they are excellent. The T-34 series are my faviourite, they will slaughter any inf with cannister rounds and heaps of HE ammo, and still be treath to axis armour. 3. The russian armour and inf are cheaper than germans. When playing russians, remember you dont have a flexible, rapid responding force. You have a delicat Juggernaut. Use your overvelming firepower to good effect. Take your time, as your troops most often than not has a low experience level, keep them in CC at all times. Do not bother with larger caliber than 120 mm mortars (in ME) as the delay time will render them almost useless. You gotta "unlearn" tactics from CMBO, ecpecially inf tactics! Ok, to sum up, leap frog forward while your numerical advantage keeps overwatch. Treat them like small children. Do not try to use German tactics, pit many a russian tank against 1 german tank, engange from close distance, try to flank them. Since the war rages for many years the "edge" will shift many times over the period. Hmmm.. I see I dint do a very good job, not very structured, but hey, Im not getting marks for this! Yay!
  7. It seems actions that lead to an abandonment of a vehicle will not be credited the unit, only knock outs.
  8. Thanks for the response BH. I see you were very active in the fomer tread about this issue, and that you were a beta tester. I also noticed that you had never experienced this issue yourself. I have read your possible explinations, and it doesnt hold true for my account. 1. The FO had ALWAYS LOS to the new targets. 2. I adjusted the fire approx 4 times. 3. I set a completly NEW target (blue line) 1 time. Result was always the same. Conclusion: 1. The LOS tool doesnt work. I doubt that very much. 2. I had an increadible amount of bad luck, 5 times in a row. I doubt that very much also, because of the patteren the fire landed in (always 150-200 m NW of target) 3. Its a bug. I belive this. Problem is of cource to replicate this bug. Next time (if it happens again) I'll make sure to save the game. It's not as much the fact that it scattered, but the way it scattered also. (150-200m NW)
  9. *bump* Any officially response to this?
  10. Pud, thanks for the head up. I read the tread but could not find any responses from BTS. Also I would like to add, that the FO had LOS at all time, I "walked the fire" and retargeted, but nothing helped. It still fell way off. I COULD see that this was intentionally IF the re-plotting improved the accuracy OR the the fire landed somewhere completly random, BUT this is not the case. I find it VERY strange that it ALWAYS landed 150-200 m to the NW of my new targets, this indicates to me that it either was a VERY freaky coincidence, OR it IS a bug, I belive it is a bug. I will try to see if I can repelicate this bug. It would be nice if any from BTS could comment on this
  11. Ok, if this has already happend to someone, and have been discussed, please say so. The setting: 1500 QB ME battle, I am the Soviets. I have a 82mm FO 6 tubes in a heavy building, 2nd floor. I area target where I think the germans might be coming. After 1 min I see that the germans will be coming somewhere else, where I dont have LOS, so I move my FO to a place where I have LOS (but dont move the target). Next round I change the target (no rounds have been fired yet), and since it's a small change, I get a green line. Next rounds fire starts dropping, WAY WAY away. Like 200 m NW of my target, pretty close to my ORIGINAL target. I try to walk the fire, I try to select a NEW target (blue line), but whatever I do, the fire is ALWAYS hopelessly inaccurate, always around 150-200 to the NW of selected target. In the end I had to guess where I had to target by placing my target 150-200 SE of where I wanted the rounds to fall. It seemed that my corrections where made in relative to my original target, and not current target. The FO was rested, always had LOS and was never under fire. Green quality. Needless to say, this was pretty frustrating and the FO had 0 effect on the battle. Has this happend to anyone else? Is this a know bug?
  12. For the germans, the Jagdpanther, femme fatale. For the russians, the SU-85.
  13. Dont be too concerned about capturing the flags, your main objective should be the anhilation of the enemy. Sometimes it's better to lay ambushes for ur enemy when he tries to grab the objectives, and when he hes soundly beaten, move in for the flags. PS, can I play you?
  14. Borg spotting refers to the Star Trek series, where a there was a all knowing "specie" called the Borg. Anyhow, what it means in CMBB terms is that when one of your units see an enemy unit, sudenly everybody else is aware of it, this was not of cource true in RL, but a consequence of the how CMBB is coded. This will supposedly be fixed in the engine rewrite.
  15. Dear Sir. We are currently conducting a study on, erm.. "special" persons, which we feel need our attetion and care. People which, rightly, feel they are not understood and valued in the modern society as they deserve. I think we can safly say the you are such a unique and colourfull person. It is therefore with great joy I can announce that you will be granted a special visit to our modern facility. We will explain in more detail upon your arrival what you can expect here, but it is sufficent for you to know that this is a kind of a hotel. And you'll be having a vacation, sorts of, here with us. You'll also be introduced to other wonderful people like your self, I can mention that we have Napoleon (two of them) and Elvis here. I advise you to let your family and friends (including your imaginary ones, which proberly is all of them) that your will be gone for sometime. You may also want to quit your "job". Be ready with all your bags packed by 5th of December, 5 pm. We will pick you up. I can advise you that you will not have to worry about a long journy because we will administer you some sedative to make the trip more enjoyable, for us. Thanks for now, and see you soon. Yours truly, Dr.
  16. I would just like to add that when attacking with inf, smoke is essential. Buy a on board 81 mm mortar or 2, or use your FO, but whatever you do, make sure you block the enemys LOS to your advance. The smoke will be "deployed" approx 40 sec after the round hits the ground. Remember that if it is raining, smoke will dissapate MUCH faster!
  17. Well, that would mean we were all uber finns anyway, and that wouldnt be so bad!
  18. What, are u trying to start a grog flame war or something?! Short answer, nobody knows for SURE.
  19. And they dont only crawl using this command, it's a combined sneak & crwal command, is it not? I cant see how the sneaking can exhaust troops after 20 m...
  20. I was looking forward to using the planes more, but then I saw that I usually cant aford them (in a typical 1500 pts battle) without sacrifising my arty, and my arty is WAY better than any aircraft, so ...
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