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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Didn't know the demo was out. Can't seem to find it, how bout a link?
  2. I remember those games, they were great fun. I agree, the Atari one was better. But this one was my all-time fav, especially for the inteli. B-17 Bomber [ September 01, 2006, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  3. Haha, that means you looked at my profile and had your head crushed by Mark Mckinney, got you.(beware of my head crushing profile) Seriously though, I never said I was a beta tester or anything like that. But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. (more smilies just for you) Ok, I'm serious for sure this time, I got my intel from someone on the testing team.(no smiley this time)
  4. You got that email too eh. Correcto-Mundo!
  5. Yup, it's beem confirmed, the demo will be released on Labor day, monday. I'm looking forward to it.
  6. This is all fine and dandy, but how much cowbell will there be in the demo?
  7. How funny you ask. Our friends at 1C are already like ten steps ahead of you. Check out this link T-34 vs Tiger They are going to release this tank sim first quater of 07. </font>
  8. Quick question to our beloved modders out there. Can the JagdPanther bmps from CMBO work in CMBB?
  9. It even say's this at ToW's game features list, found here.
  10. For the winter battles infantry can deploy a great anti-tank weapon. The snowball. Just pelt the hell outta the sides and rear of the tanks for best results. Infantry can also construct snowmen to be used for tank obstacles.
  11. Ahh ok, thanks alot RMC. I see another person was hoping for this to be an option as well. But I see Megakill's response and an answer to my question quoted here: Cause it is not that simple. Not sure that we really can afford another 3-4 months development time to properly do it. </font>
  12. It all depends on how much effort/hassle it would be to implement such an option. This could be very easy to include. Would it really hurt the game to see an option like this in the options list? "Enemy Vehicles Crewable - Yes/No" Not that this is a must have option or anything. On that note, anybody know what kind of realism/option settings there are for the game? (have I missed a thread somewhere)
  13. Not trying to be a smartass or anything. But your example of throwing raw recruits into a battle with little to no training is completely different from what we're talking about(ex. 1-5 soldiers from a rifle squad hopping into an enemy tank). In the middle of a battle nonetheless. Which obviously is far fetched. Sure, I bet someone could find some examples of something like this actually happening. But how common was this on the battlefield? I think this definitely needs to be an option. At least certainly for multiplayer since players, even as Moon stated, could exploit it. Or not, we'll all find out alot more once we get our hands on the demo. Which should be within a couple of weeks, supposedly. (fingers crossed)
  14. And on that note, I think they should model the ever present enemy number #1 for both sides of the war, LICE. Surely with the high quality animation seen from their goofy kung-fu promo video. They could make our virtual soldiers stop fighting and start itching.
  15. Which is exactly why it is an issue, at least for mp. Also, judging from Moons post, it does sound like it can be effective even with the negative impacts(long reloads, poor accuracy, etc). I just cringe at the idea that Billy Bob from Missouri who's been through basics and can use the M1 Garand pretty good decides to hop into a tank and save the day.
  16. Why not? Unless of course if it would be a major ordeal to make it an option, then forget it. But odds are, something like this wouldn't. IMO, the more options to customize a battle or game the better. For example, look at IL2's toggle able realism settings or all the different changeable parameters for a CM QB. Grant it, we won't be getting a feature like the QB in ToW. More options = more freedom Less options = more restrictive Not that this is a make or break feature for the game. I'll be buying it anyway.
  17. Hehe, back to the topic. So the player and the enemy can crew the others abandoned vehicles in the current battle, is that correct? I sure hope not, too cheesy and unrealistic IMHO. I understand having the captured vehicle available to you the next battle, but not in the middle of the current battle. That ability is too much like all the other million WWII RTS games out there. But more importantly, not historically accurate. Since it's been said already, I'll quote my hopes: Pretty please!
  18. Thanks for the heads up dude, have fun with her, err, I mean, fun on your vacation. Now how about posting some pics of your girlfriend? We're all dieing to know if she measures up to those other russian hottie pics. Ok, maybe that's getting a little too personal, I apologize, disregard my question. I'll rephrase it, how about some naked pics of her? [ August 18, 2006, 05:12 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  19. You forgot that part where he gropes the couple.
  20. Yeah I forgot about that game and I also remember hearing the same thing. I'm thinking maybe there are 2 separate teams or a split. Since the company probably grew a little bit with the success of IL2. I could be wrong though.
  21. Ouch, last time I heard that it ended up being a disaster. No need to mention the game since most know exactly what I'm talking about. Although I have helluva lot more confidence in this game, as it's being developed by the IL2 gods 1C and being published by my beloved BFC. So no worries here, that statement just caught my eye. :cool:
  22. MeatEtr


    Yeah, definitely need one. Started to see alot of repeat questions/threads just days after the big announcement and it's gotten worse since. Of course I'm way too lazy to attempt something like this. Are there any takers?
  23. How much cowbell will be in ToW? I gotta have that cowbell.
  24. Since I noticed you found one of my fav mods(KT mod) of all time from the cmbo days. I figured you might want to check out Gordon Moleks KT. Check it out! Btw, it's safe to say you should pretty much pick up anything that Gordon has made. Great stuff.
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