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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Yeah that's my guess as well. Wow, I really need to get a new monitor. Can't see **** with this thing. They also doubled and sometimes tripled the vodka rations to the tank crews.
  2. I see the M37 Boys AT rifle is in the US small arms list. I thought this weapon was mostly used by the Brits, which gave some to the Finns. I was not aware the US used these.
  3. I have, clicked on the SP guns list and only got the first page. Now there's six pages. Also could be why Arkel didn't spot the 88. Or the pages aren't displaying correctly or something.
  4. I guess we should wait until the list is completely uploaded before pointing out omissions.
  5. OK, this isn't the complete and definitive unit list for the game, answered my own question. Since there are screenies showing the JagdTiger behemoth here which is not in the tank or SP guns list. Edit: Disregard that, I see more are being added now.
  6. Kool, thanks for posting the stuff. The 88mm Pak 43/41 is there on page 4. Don't see the Flak 18 or 36 version. Is this the complete list of what's in the game? Or just what's been posted so far.
  7. IIRC, MikeyD answers your question in the readme file provided in his Wirblewind mod. You can download it from Zims site. Not sure though. Direct download link here.
  8. No, no , no, he's doing the very-much-in-need-of a-facelift-HE-chucker Bear next for both CMBB and CMAK. Didn't you get the memo? Just look at this beast D-man, you know you wanna bust out some badass Brumms. Nice netting on this one. Well, it is a MikeyD W.I.P thread afterall. It wouldn't be complete without at least one annoying mod request post accompanied with pics. I'm looking forward to the HT mod, it is much needed, thats for sure. I like where you got your inspiration from for your HT mod, Uncle Tgt. His CMBB mods are great, some nicely made dirty WW mods for winterized vehicles. Also, his HT and truck mods are simply amazing. I definitely recommend his work for CMBB.
  9. On a bit of a side note, what the heck is that sticking out of this T-34 pictured here. The pic is from the link given earlier in the thread. I'm guessing it's from another vehicle parked on the other side. Even still, what vehicle would it be with two guns, weird. :confused:
  10. Simple, just use the crouch key when close to them. They look much bigger that way. Seriously though, I agree, the scale of the tanks does seem a little small in relation to infantry, not by much though. But it certainly doesn't detract from the overall game experience. Afterall, it's not really a true tank sim, just sim-like.
  11. Yeah, PE was a great WWII tank sim, one of my favs. It was very disappointing to see the brand name used for such a piss poor action arcade tank shoot-up known as PE: Action. Although the market is ripe for another WWII tank sim. Been watching that T-34 vs Tiger game for awhile. Let's hope it delivers. The older Steel Beasts is great though. Haven't bought the $150 Pro yet, but I've heard it's damn good. Not sure if it's worth that much though. There was a lengthy discussion over in the GF awhile back. Try a search. RO is great, been using the tank maps for my tanking fix, awesome infantry game as well. A buddy and me use skype for coordination which can also be used if your on a teamspeak server for comms with everybody else on your team. It can be quite a sight on the tank maps like BlackDayJuly(Kursk map) or on Orel when both sides bring most of their tanks towards a cap point for a head on clash. It's like 2 full tank companies exchanging blows, great fun.
  12. So the lack of info and the delayed demo is all Megakills fault correct? :mad: :mad: I knew it, who the hell does he think he is going on vacation with his girlfriend. Now we got somebody to blame. Let's ambush him when he gets back. I just hope she was worth it. So then maybe I was half-right? :eek:
  13. Didn't fool me for a second. You know nothing. Upload glitch?!? Nice try though. </font>
  14. Hell yeah, quick turn rate is my middle name. I'm definitely interested.
  15. how could one ever forget Kettlers flipover-mythbusters and Moons Sturmpanzer-IV-Brummbär-turned-StuH - thread </font>
  16. Nope, first time ever. Otherwise, you gotta prove it, it's the law! Besides, why would you want to ruin my day? :mad:
  17. The pic just a little over half way down the list is labeled with: "The following image shows a tank crew entering a StuH." When it clearly is a Brummbar. What fun that was pointing out an error. Now this day has purpose.
  18. I second that! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Edit: YES, awesome, screwed up the thread so now everybody has to scroll to the right.
  19. Lol, I feel left out, afterall, I was the one to start the BS about the demo coming out on Labor day.
  20. **BUMP** Hell, while we're at it, let's discuss the release date too.
  21. Last time I checked their aren't many games that feature the cowbell. So if BFC/1C want more time for cowbell, then we should probably give them more time for cowbell.
  22. Your only allowed to play the demo in a Holiday Inn Express hotel, sorry rules are rules.
  23. You guys wanna play a demo eh? The quiet release of the demo is so the servers don't break due to the demand. But I found a link to it, so enjoy and keep a tight lip about it.
  24. Thanks man, downloading now.
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